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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Yeah BB is correct. In Alabama for instance many small counties (population not physical size) have 5 and 6 school districts. Only 2 districts in Alabama in 2006 were not in debt. Many are beginning to consolidate into the county, but now the few counties who are doing well are taking on millions of the cities debts, and they are forced by law to accept these kids and the cities debt.

  2. Yes chindog. Palms not only live here, but with size they THRIVE! Home Depot at 120 and Barret Pkwy has some HUGE needle palms for $45. That is an awesome price. I usually have some close to spring in the $20 range, but not sure what or whne I will have any. I have at least 9 species growing now, with banana(die back in winter), and 3 orange trees!


    Needle Palms, sabal minor, and windmills are the safest bets. Mine have made it through ice and also about 9 degrees a couple of years ago. Needle Palm and Sabal Minor are native to the south east.


    The windmill palm is like my avatar. They get 15-20 feet or so. They are from China.

  3. I hope all of your palm trees are doing well! It is almost spring and I look forward to banana and so forth shooting up. My palms have wintered awesome as usual and we are getting ready for a top secret planting soon (more details and pics when done). Also, the SouthEastern Palm Society has been searching for native palms in NW Georgia. So far it is a no go, but with them on Lake Weiss East of Centre, Alabama we are hoping Floyd County may have some. Well if anyone has any questions let me know, and let me know how the palms you have got from me are doing. I may have some available late spring-not sure yet. :D

  4. Hey Whitey guess what-Not a builder, developer, or even a fan of them! I am a life long PC who is tired of growth but realize Voting no is not the answer. I have no mission-Other than the kids of Paulding deserver better than your obsession to vote agianst anything that goes on in this county. It is a personal thing for you, and that is ok, however I hope people see that for what igt is-You sum yourself up better than anyone. Always thinking big brother is out to sabatoge you. Not the case, just parents who realize the BoC has screwed this county up and will not take that out on our kids!


    No need to apologize, I am getting use to being hijacked,It seems that those in the Developement/Building Industry Have a mission to keep the facts from the voters, I will keep hammering on the facts that the past $90 million has not added the first new classroom to the School District, and they can keep hammering on how difficult in would be to impose a impact fee, in the meantime, The BOE is sitting on the Money that Fully funded the North Paulding Complex, and the kids are being placed in trailers.


    I do not Know why all of a sudden some Builders,are now stating that they support a Impact fee? Is this a smoke screen.


    If they are sincere, and I hope they are, Why do they not go ahead and donate to the school system NOW what they consider a reasonable impact fee.


    Another way, At the next Paulding County Builders Association Meeting, pass a resolution to float a bond issued by the PCBA, for half of this Bond Issue to be repaid by a fee levied on themselves for each home built, To go towards Building CLASS ROOMS, Then work on a reasonable Impact fee law?

  5. BRAVO!

    Have I always agreed 100% with the BoE-No. Do I believe they have worked to do whats right for our kids and they have tried to be good stewards of the tax $$-YES!!!! All 90% of the no crowd is are people mad and wanting to blame someone for the growth mess. Well they are barking up the wrong tree, and this tactic is only going to hurt our schools and kids. The problem is growth and the irresponsible BoC who at every turn allow growth! Look at the houses being thrown up on Bill Carruth Parkway. No payments for 6 months and no closing cost! This kind of prd nonsense is killing our county. Schools withing 50 yrds of schools being built-IT IS A SHAME AND DISGRACE!!!

    However, like I said dont destroy your legitimate complaints by attacking everything. Schools and kids need this money. Lets get this passed and put the pressure on the tax and spenders at the BoC to stop this rampant careless growth. Whitey I can get behind you on that point.

    You know I have kinda been feeling this way for several weeks now but just couldn't post this so I stayed away for a while. About two weeks ago I posted a nine step process that I feel without a doubt solved the problem. It included legalizing school impact fees, approving the upcoming bond, future splosts, BOC waiving fee for collecting BOE taxes, lobbying for increased state aid and others and got ZERO responses. In fact I had to beg Whitey for a response. I agree that this is all smoke and mirrors. They hide behind the supposed mismanagment of BOE funds, the growth issues they claim the BOC caused and other reasons but the FACT is that the real goal is to get the builders and developers and stop or slow growth. Kinda makes it hard to discuss the facts when they won't come out and discuss their true goals. This ain't everyone on here by any means but it is alot.
  6. I"M NOT A BOARD member. Howver, what I am is a parent who realizes ANY new plan is going to cost millions. Get use to it and thank a BoC member when you see one. These tax and spend liberals in Conserv. clothes have ruined this county with out of control growth.

    THE ANSWER IS NO! It is the job of the BOE to come up with a plan. They already know this plan didn't fly in September and it's not going to fly in March. I think it's time for a NEW plan.


    The only authority the taxpayers have is the ability to say no. We are tired of getting nothing for something.


    BTW, I'm guessing you are a BOE member, it is rhetoric.

  7. As a Disney Passholder-YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been to disney 20 or so times in the last 8 years and I want to say Disney Resorts are well worth it. The value resorts are CLEAN, safe, fun, affordable, and the transportation is worth it all. DONT stay off property!


    Oh Yeah do Pop Century if its not booked. It is new and very nice..

  8. Bravo. By the way I dont agree with everything the SBC says. Season ticket holder to Disney and proud I have children in PC schools. However, as a whole I believe a lot of people have negative experiences at SBC because we preach on sin and God's hate of sin (not the sinner). A lot of people would rather go to some of these feel good mega churches that dont have alter calls or preach on the need for salvation. This is just my opinion. However, it gets old seeing TBAR bash the SBC.

    what about them? i have been in sbc church for many yrs, new canaan

    baptist church, no one from the conv. has come in and told us how to worship.

    as, far, as contemporay worship style, it is not for me, i have ben in some

    it would have been hard to tell from rock concert, but, if that is the way you

    want to worship that's fine with with me. don't know anything about a

    memphis declaration, have to research.


    don't know who mary branson is, there again, research


    what do you read in God's word on submission? you need to take

    that up with God if you disagreed with it.



    as. far, as page patterson, if he didn't allow someone to speak in his

    church of not agreeing with the topic, i don't know of any pastor

    that is going to allow someone in the pulpit that he don't agree with, do


    as, far, as people not attending church because it is a baptist

    church, how many southern baptists are they? on, the alcohol, i agreed!


    to continue, i am not arguing with you over this, you are my brother in christ and i respect you, we will just have to agreed to disagree on some things!

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