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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Deleted..Free Country.I will SHOP PAulding and our tax isnt 8%.

    One thing is that Cobb has buisness galore. That is what generates school revenue. We have stores and thousands of starter homes approved by the "wonderful" BoC. That is the difference.

  2. One of my favorite times every year as a teacher is spring. I love teaching the 20th century and especially the day I have the World War II vets come out to Hiram to speak to the kids. Today was that day and we had two great speakers come speak to over 200 kids a period in the new auditorium.

    Carl Beck is one of the vets who has came out now for the last 6 years. Serving in the 101st he gives the students a first hand account of D-Day, A Bridge too Far, Bastogne, and other engagements in Europe. What a guy! He not only jumped in on the 50th anniversary in 1994, but was one of 6 who jumped again in June 2004 (60 years later!). He has away of speaking to kids to bring history alive.

    Due to illness among my regulars we had a new speaker this year. Jim Wooters served aboard the USS Arkansas and served at Normandy, and then moved to the Pacific and served at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. He was a great guy who did an awesome job.

    As a veteran I am humbled to see this, the greatest generation of Americans share there experiences. If you know a WW II vet say thanks. Latest reports show 1200 die EVERY DAY!!! We owe these men and women a debt we can never repay. I think to what Jim said today. He said “I am not the hero. The 9000 men buried at Normandy who never saw their 19th birthday, or got married and raised a family-those are the heroes. We are just their voice".

    Thanks :)

  3. I believe PRD has been upfront about being a builder and although I disagree with the growth I respect that. I do hate that the builders are becoming more involved-that will only hurt the yes cause. It could be however you are correct they didnt hear her.

    PAL good point. Sometimes good people disagree. It is a shame they are people on both sides with hidden agendas. I hope that when the vote is over we can unite either way to fix the growth disaster the BoC is still creating!

  4. Hey I am not arguing. If you READ my post I am simply saying no one should boycott a local buisness for an owners opinion!


    BTW not that I am supporting any builder (NOT), but that wasnt the original question. Someone claimed they ask the question and obviously they didnt!

  5. Hey CeeJay I will agree with one thing. Builders supporting a yes vote are not good. As a matter of fact I believe their big support of the bond the first time by placing the VOTE YES signs in front of every stipped piece of land about to be built on killed the first bond. I am glad that isnt happening again and although I too will vote yes, I see the BoC idiotic growth plan has the real evil. I am NOT bashing builders but I do think they bare a role in the school problem!

  6. Some of you people blow my mind. Boycott a great locally owned establishment because they see the bond as a positive for our kids??? How stupid! I cant believe logic like that. IF Rodney supports the bond it is probably because he does have kids in our schools and believes a yes vote is the way to go. If I see a no vote in front of a buisness of someone I will not boycott the place if it contributes to this county. People have a right to believe what they want to. How does a yes vote change the way someone does buisness or deals with people??? I know many who will vote no, and although I disagree with them we will still be friends and get along well. It seems some (NOT ALL) in the no camp have become very ugly in their approach and thats sad ( that goes for both sides). Dont boycott locally owned buisnesses. You will only hurt good people!

  7. Of course she didnt. Just another smear everyone who wants to vote yes.

    Care to tell everyone in advance which part of your post is the mistruth? Never mind I'll tell everyone...you didn't ask the men anything.



    Ouch...Very Nice. Truth wins out and hopefully so will the bond.

    Yes I was. Nobody said a word to us. Btw, I was told the property does not belong to Rodney's but owned by someone else.
  8. Steve Veal passed away this weekend. Many might know Mr. Veal from teaching at Paulding Jr High. That is where I had Mr. Veal for math. Over the last year I have had the opportunity to teach with Steve at Hiram High and become a friend. He will be sorley missed. He was a good friend and teacher.

  9. Junk sums it up great. Ever talk to the guy? Every time I talked to him he had the house sold and got millions for it and was moving!

    We went to one they had back in the summer and what a bunch of junk. I think someone said that they buy the contents of storage places that people have defaulted on or something to that effect, and the house is not only odd but in pretty crappy shape.



    Once it was listed on ebay for $1 million

  10. No that is not what I am saying. I am saying it is very different here with small cities for the most part. It works in Marietta which is large. However, imagine a small city like Dallas and Hiram trying to make it work. That is what I am saying. It also goes for Georgia's 159 (might be off a few) counties. Way too much duplication. If we cut counties in half by mergers it would save millions! Georgia leads the nation in counties and look at our size. WASTE!!!!

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