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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. WOW no building on the lake....I guess you can call yourself an anti growth guy :lol: ...Give me a break!! What a joke you would even include this!! :angry2:


    The reservoir is right on track as of now. The timeline provided by the consultant (we hired to permit the lake) has been adhered to very closely. We are entering a critical phase of this right now. And this is where things can be slowed down by the Feds. Also, the water wars appear to be getting close to a settlement. If we can get Florida and Alabama to agree with the latest proposals, then that will significantly improve the odds of getting an elusive permit.

    No one in the vicinity of the reservoir has expressed any reservations whatsoever. The only disappointed people appear to be some in the Development Community who wanted to build houses adjacent to the lake. We have informed them that we will not allow that.

    Jerry S

  2. Gee he brings in 60 million + a year from book sells, and the church brings in 30 miilion a year for cd's and book sells, and he lives in a home valued between 1.5-2.5 million. The church is ran by the Osteen family and the church members are not allowed to see where the budgeted money is spent. Someone tell me people still dont think he needs to charge??? By the way the average Osteen ticket at the Chicago meeting scalped for around 180 bucks. Not his doing, true I will give you that. But what kind of message does that send.

  3. Gee, it is funny Billy Graham has preached to over 30 million people over his MANY years of spreading the gospel and has never charged a penny. He(joel Osteen) makes plenty without charging. Look at his home, and fortune... He cant pay the light bill??? A lot of those who would show to find a cool place to sit are the exact ones who need to know the gospel. I guess they would be out of place with those who paid to have a feel good message.. :(



    The things you say about the gospel are basically true and I have never heard Joel saying anything to contradict the basics. I disagree with the rest of your comments.


    I don't believe we should be passing judgment on what he feels led to do with his ministry methodology, to include charging to go to his conferences. There are bills to pay and logistics to consider that often translate to costs. No one is being conned into going and paying. If everything Christian is supposed to be free then perhaps Bibless, Christian books, Christian music CDs and sermon CD's should be free as well. I am comfortable with his decision to charge a nominal fee. I wish it could be free and everyone could show up at the last minute and find a comfortable air conditioned seat. It has apparently worked well.


    I don't know what the "feel good" comments really mean, other than it reflects a pre-conceived notion about what a preacher should say and do. Different ministers are led in different ways, as long as they don't lie. What does a preacher have to do to avoid failing the "feel good" test? Should he throw in threats about needing to turn or burn, hell fire and damnation kinds of talk. I believe he serves an excellent service doing his part in the family of God. By the way, I like John Hagee, too. I wouldn't put him in the "feel good" category. I wouldn't expect Joel, however, to spend part of the 20 minutes of his messages that end up on TV being like John Hagee.


    I know people that despised everything they thought they knew about church and Christianity who got invited to listen to him and experience the praise and worship and now they are in church, saved and serving God. I hear similar stories about people who discovered him on TV.

  4. Doesnt matter why, he shouldnt charge to hear the "gospel". However, I dont believe sinners will come to the gospel anyway. Never have I heard him preach on sin or salvation. He doent even seem to believe that Christ is the only way to salvation. Look, if you like to feel good Joel Osteen does a good job. However, the Christian life isnt always an up one. There is sin, trials, death, and more. That is what Christians should learn to deal with.



    one of the reasons he started charging was that people were standing in line for hours to get in and many did not get in after waiting for so long


    when I went to see him in Atlanta for free, we left 3 hours early, got stuck in a horrendous traffic jam in the vicinity of the arena and then felt very lucky to get a couple of the last seats in the rafters behind the stage where you couldn't see the stage very well

  5. Bravo bluebonnet. Let's not throw blanket accusations without a trial. Name calling and accusations from people without evidence is wrong.

    Hmmm, cherokee woman is on the warpath, huh? First of all, let's address the original issue, that of Lani Skipper being listed as agent of a corporation. That is the only issue that I addressed to you. It has been brought up on this board a couple of times like this is some sinister evidence of corruption. In real life, many times an attorney who files the Articles of Incorporation with the state is listed as the agent. Ideally, the Board of Directors will change that agent after they get up and operating. In reality, it doesn't happen with smaller companies much of the time. Therefore you have an attorney who is not involved at all with the operations of the company still listed as the agent with the state. I see it ALL THE TIME. A client will come to me to get their tax return prepared. I see the Articles of Incorporation with the filing attorney listed as agent. When I ask the client about the agent, I am told "They filed all the papers when we incorporated. We haven't seen or spoken to them since." An attorney listed as agent is not proof of any corruption--simple as that.


    Now to your other "observations". Yes, you struck a nerve with me because of the gossipy nature of your post. I have nothing to hide, nothing to lose and nothing invested that would cause me to be concerned about this lawsuit. Just like your comment above, "She is married to Ben Skipper...this is a direct conflict of interest and collusion." , your previous post was full of insinuation without much fact. Lani being married to Ben is NOT collusion. It is not evidence of collusion. I have come to know Lani over the past nine months since my daughter was killed. My daughter worked at the same law firm and Lani has been nothing but caring and compassionate with our family. I am fully aware that the fact that she is caring and compassionate does not mean she is not capable of wrongdoing. To that I say back to you, "Bring it on." but do it in a court of law, not here with your petty gossip. I do think Paulding County needs to look at changing some of their laws to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. This county has grown from a little rural county to what it is today in a very short time. The Board of Commissioners does need to get control of the growth. If there is corruption then I hope it is found and cleaned up.


    Oh and one more thing, I work for myself and I am quite well known for NOT playing well with the "good ole boy" network. If somebody has something to hide, they don't bring their accounting and taxes to me. Now what do you do other than tear people down?

  6. I agree taxes are way out of hand. My point was that a lot of buisnesses chose Hiram because of the inability to build and grow in Dallas. This caused a lot of tax $ to go with it. If the county continues to grow Dallas must compete with Hiram or eventually become part of it.

    Newhope have you see the type of developement that Boyd Austin has brought to the City Of Dallas,The City of Dallas has much denser zoning law.s than the County Has The City of Dallas is very rapidly running out of Land to rezone for these dense housing and has been one of the Main reasons for the overcrowding of the schools in my school district?


    The City of Dallas recently annexed a piece of property on Windale rd. Because of the sewer service,The County recently proposed building the Bridge Back on old Harris Road on the SOUTH side of 278 to access this property.

    Do not forget Boyd Austin is the Chairman of the Planing Committe,and was appointed to this position By the current Tax and spend Board of Commissioners.And has approved every Major Developement that was forwarded to the BoC :angry:


    Yes Boyd has brought new life to Dallas But not in the form that will pay the Taxes needed to sustain the services that need to be provided.

  7. As another year of celebrating our freedoms comes about let us not forget the sacrifices of the generations before. Every year as I have my WW II speakers come for the day at school I am reminded of the sacrifices made by those men and women who have given their time, their youth , and many their lives for freedom. Here is my thank you:


    Revolutionary War- Thanks to those who risk life and fortune to break away from the greatest superpower of the era. Against all odds these patriots forged a nation.


    War of 1812- Thanks to the next generation who preserved that freedom in another war with England.


    Civil War-Thanks to the almost 675,00 on both sides who died for their cause in the War Between the States. For the south, it was the value of states rights and living free from what they saw as a government who had abused their rights. For the north it was about preservation of our Union and later for the freedom of a race of people from bondage. Thanks also to the women who for the first time paid a toll near the battlefield to care for the wounded and dying of both sides.


    Other 19th Century vets- Thanks for defending the flag as we expanded and grew. We might not looking back have agreed with how and why we expanded but we must be thankful for those young men who sacriced to make it happen.


    World War I- "The War to End All Wars". Sad it didnt. Thanks to the veterens who went to Europe to stop German aggression. Although Americans fought for only a year, the sacrifes of of thousands helped stop the Hun in the trenches of France.


    World War II- A special thanks to "THe Greatest Generation". These men and women who survived America's darkest days during the great depression, went off to give their lives to stop fascism across the globe. From D-Day to Iwo Jima and points in between many young boys would forever remain young as they fell in distant lands. For them the call to action began on a Sunday afternnon in a place called Pearl Harbor. For the next 4 years men and women would go to far away lands to stop Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo. Never had the World faced evil in this large scale, and hundreds of thousands of men and women were wounded are killed to stop them. Thank You Carl, ANN, and Bill. :D


    Korea, Vietnam, War on Terror- A special thanks also to my dad, father-in law, and others who served this country since 1950. As a navy vet myself I realize the world has continued to change. The wars in Korea, Vietnam, and todays global war and terror, are not always popular back home. Many people believe America has stepped into places she doesnt belong. Other, like myself see America as an arsenal of democracy who has met the challange of both communism, and these terrorist. However you feel about the conflict, let us never forget the servicemen who have answered the call, went, and for many never returned home.


    Please pray for our tropps today and every day. It is their sacrifices that have allowed us to get on places like p.com to laugh, cry, and often "share" our political views. We will often disagree, but it is bercause of the troops at Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, Verdun, and Iwo Jima that we can do so and hopefully when the day is done remain friends.


    God Bless America.

  8. Well it is known I am not an incumbant man and want change. However, Jeff Miller left Dallas in horrible shape after serving as Mayor. Boyd Austin has brought new life into Dallas and brought buisnerss back. He had to reach out after buisness after buisness chose Hiram over Dallas. I think Don Powell is a good man, I just cant support growth at will. If I lived in District 2 might just have to write-in someone else. If not I would vote with Powell. At least he does stand up to our chairman with a lot of his careless build build ideas.lol

    However, as far as the other election I support Hart 100%. Elchols votes almost down the line with Mr. Chairman and we dont need a clone build and build guy.

  9. Gee it is funny that in Tampa that builders are not only paying impact fees but building schools. My brothers development in Fish Hawk Rach (over 3500 homes) had to not only give land but build 2 elementry schools, a middle school, and a high school for the county. Dont tell me we shouldnt expect more from our BoC. The biggest problem are MarkDavid's favorite PRD's. What a disgrace. Cookie Cutter houses built one on top of the other. Glad someone loves them! Remember people VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It is called our wonderful BoC and their daily escapdes. It is horrible. They will approve anything. To them any growth is good growth. Remember in July we can take care of three of the five and send a message to the other two and future ones. Start putting our schools, roads, and future first!

  11. Dont blame the school board. The BoC have tied there hands and made over crowded schools the norm. Go to any high school and see the 25 + trailers. It is horrible. However, school must go on, and this makes the school board in desperate need of funds to do it. If you are tired of the BoC that is doing their best to ruin our roads, infastructure, and schools go vote in July. I WILL!

  12. I wish. HHS has only lost 10 or 11.

    EPHS has had 8 moved in so far, and they are behind the freshman academy! no telling how more they will move in,


    PCHS and HHS should get some relief from SPHS being open, EPHS is getting no relief, HHS has lost 25 trailors I think so far!

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