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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Roughly 45, 000 Americans in 3 days! There is a price for freedom. Libs would have had a stroke with those kinds of numbers. However, this pivitol battle saved America.

    Two of those casualties were my relatives. One killed, and another wounded as the 4th Alabama tried to push the great Gen Chamberlain and his Maine boys off of the Little Round Top.

  2. No I am not. Just seen the zoning notice from someone going a round. At-risk it what it says. I know they wanted to house 12-18 yr old boys. I would love to know more and see if these people have any qualifications and what these kids are there for.

    So New Hope you seem to be the fill in person. What do you know of the house, other than they are putting one over there? What level of temperament is this going to be for the boys going into it. IS it for past criminal behavior or social impairment?


    When you say be ready to speak your mind, is there a meeting on this somewhere


    Everything stands alone when making judgement calls. Irregardless of any of our personal experiences, the best and the worst, we know nothing of these particular boys nor of the people running it yet. My initial reaction was a knee jerk one due to former stresses, but where ever you got the information from, more details are needed as the Impartial have suggested. so for those of us who it directly affects. who do we contact to find out this information

  3. Difference any opposing views and personal insults. As I explained I do not oppose anything in my back yard. Staff= what? What qualifications, etc. That is what I want/need to find out. Maybe I should have said undecided until further evidence. So know what you are talking about before running your mouth with personal insults!


    Thanks for the info. I appreciate logical responses.

    It might help to know that there are very strict rules about a home such as this in the state. You have to have a certain number of staff per child, and, in most placements, the staff has to be awake and alert 24 hours a day. When you get to those numbers, it is a business more than a home. One foster family could not legally take in that many troubled youth due to the risks involved. If you have 3 unrelated teens sharing a room and they are not monitored closely, you could be liable for anything they may do to one another. We have cameras in every room (except the bathroom), only one child at a time is allowed in a bathroom, physical checks on children at least 4 times per hour (even at night), alarms on all windows and doors, locked doors 24/7, etc. Not something mom and dad can do alone.And, as much as I hate to admit it, the boys are easier to work with than the girls at that age. If we have a house full of girls, we have a house full of drama! Imagine 6 troubled girls with PMS. YIKES! LOL!!!
  4. First of all Jabez you dont know who or what you are talking about! I love kids and my complaint is not the NIMBY! As you can see in know way did I go on any kind of attack! My concern is that someone who has been a foster parent and then wants to tackle a group home of 10 or so kids who are troubled youths might not be the best idea. For instance, what qualifications does he have, who is going to be the staff, etc. I will listen to all of the facts, and might change my mind. It just seems like a big jump and maybe someone who has a bigger dream than resources to accomplish it.

    If you knew me you would realize my life is dedicated to helping and teaching all kids. So dont just assume you know why I think the way I do.

  5. I just wanted to make you aware that there is a person wanting to start a teen home on Due West Rd. near Silvergrass Subdivision. It is for troubled boys age 12-18 who will live there full time! If you support, are concerned, or like myself am opposed to such a center here then please be ready to speak your mind! Now, I am not trying to persuade anyone, just letting ALL sides know that this issue will be settled soon and your opinion needs to be heard.

  6. We will see. I hope it brings tons of revenue and buisness to PC, lord knows we need it to pay for the BoC careless growth in housing.

    HOWEVER, I will believe it when I see it. I am afraid it will only benefit those plane owners in the county who pushed to have it built so they could get in the air quicker. I PRAY I am wrong. I hope it brings $$$$$$$! I would love to eat crow on this one.

    The City of Atlanta agreed a long time ago to sell this land for the airport, it is just house keeping measure they are doing. The City is also planning to sell to the County another 2500 acres for 3 industrial parks around the airport. With The City of Atlanta owning over 10,000 acres in Paulding County for over 20 years that I know of, they can afford to sell it at these prices.


    And somebody made the comment about the County paying 2% of the bill, which is completely wrong. The County is not paying anything for the airport it's self, their share was paid by private investors who saw the need for such a project.


    And if the project was so mismanaged, how did they just win a national award for Economic Development from the US Department of Commerce on their master plan of the airport? I've seen the plan, and it's going to change the West side of the County to a thriving economic center!

  7. This morning we pulled into wal-mart to pick up a few things. Beside us was a truck with a young man on the phone. He went in and so did we. We came out and he had hit our bumper backing out. Well I dont remember the truck color, but if you ( the teen braniac), or if your son was at the 120 Wal-Mart this am , please check to see if and why he decided to leave!!! All I can is I hope Karma has something nice in store from ya, and I am looking at ways to find out who you are..

  8. Topps sets from 98 on won't carry much value. Too many printed and little or no increase since you bought them. MOST card value comes in cards pre 89 (pre 81 for topps). Starting then they went crazy over producing. (esp. after 83).


  9. The GREAT tv show Jericho, which deals with America after the bomb was a super show cancelled by CBS. However, due to popular support it will return this summer to Tuesday nights. Give it a chance. It blows Lost away!

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