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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. Well I can only say that there are a lot of great youth in Paulding today. In 6 years of teaching high school in the county I have seen a few bad apples. However, the vast majority of these kids are awesome!! I love teaching them and I think we should remember the good ones!

  2. I had the pleasure to teach both of your kids. They were both awesome and I hope Whitney/Kailin does great in Germany!

    Hello baby girl!!!! You know my schedule....


    Wake up, stumble up the stairs to the kitchen, let the pup out and back in, give her a treat and watch her zip down the stairs to snuggle back in bed for her second shift of laziness, start the coffee brewing and log on to P.Com in anticipation of that first cup. Much to my suprise this morning is a thread with a new post from you!!! Well, it's afternoon for you and you're halfway thru your day. As my day begins, I think about what you must have been doing while I was asleep. Ahhhh, but this morning I get to see the words you type and know, once again that you are fairing well. That makes me smile :)


  3. ANdy Dorsey isnt applying.

    He is a fantastic person and a great coach. However, his time has come. He will continue to be the Athletic Director. The search for a replacement is a national undertaking. McEachern has a lot of money and the best facilities around. There are already several candidates applying - One is Shane Queen from North Cobb and another is Andy Dorsey. There wll be 5 open head football coach positions in Cobb County this coming year so it shoud be interesting.


  4. Three battles were fought here in Paulding County. Each of these battles were important in checking Sherman's advancing toward Atlanta. Pickett's Mill was one of the rare night engagement, and could have led to a major Confederate counter attack if time and luck would have been on the south's side. This county is very historic and its battlefields are an important link to preserving American History. If they were not important they would not be on the "most endangered list" of American Civil War Battlefields.

    Yes, I understand the civil war passed thru here, but it passed thru most of the entire south, and parts of the north as well, definitely any towns of any size at the time, where supplies for soldiers could be had. Practically any place on the east coast with a hill or valley was a battlefield. Battles were everywhere. My brother in law is a high school teacher, and for his sabbatical, we toured all of the historic civil war sites all the way up and down the coast. Dallas and Hiram were decidedly not on the list.


    I understand local people wanting to preserve their family history if it was here also. Buuuuuttttttttttt..... Other than that civil war thing, what makes paulding historic. I know that I have never read about it in a history book, and yes, I do read quite a bit of them! American History is a fabulous thing and very close to my heart.


    OLD does not mean HISTORIC!!!! Most of my life I have grown up with stories about what happened on the courthouse square that were definitely not nice things, and most of the history of this county is sketchy and sordid to say the least. When did it all become Historic and something to preserve?


    All through my 2 acres and all of the land around it are terraces from the original cotton fields that covered almost all of this county back in the time of the civil war. They get plowed over all day long to make way for the living. And they should. I just would like to know how this county suddenly has become Historic. It will make me feel better about how my tax dollars have been spent here lately.

  5. In high school I dated her daughter Angie for 2 years. In all of the time I was around her she was always a kind and sweet lady. Even though she is at rest now in a far better place I know her family will miss her. Prayers and thoughts are with Angie, Jason, Howard and her extended family. She lived a good life and has left a legacy that will last a long time. God Bless you all as you grieve.

  6. EP will be the only 5a. Kinda sad that we all cant be together. SP, PC, and Hiram will be 4a and North probably non region schedule 2a. East might go into a region where Hiram has been (Newnan, E. Coweta, etc.) which would be good for them. However, I believe they will be part of a Cobb region . For those of you thinking East cant match up with East or Newnan you are sadly mistaken. I have seen them all and East could win the region. However, in a Cobb region it wouldnt be so pretty I am afraid.

  7. Best in class(6 bands) and 3rd overall out of 22 bands. North Cobb finished 2nd and were VERY GOOD!. However, Central Carr. won and that was a disgrace! Their show was an absolute joke and it was a shame they won(yes the turtle and the haire'give me a break!). I am not knocking the kids or their hard work, just stating the factsm of the show itself. It was not a competition show, more of a giant busy who knows what.

    East did great and there were a lot of VERY good bands there.

  8. Congrats to the East Paulding Raider Brigade. 1st in Class, and 2nd Place overall! Great Showing by the band, and also a kudos to South who also did well winning their class. It was a good day in Calhoun for these two schools competing against 12 other good bands including a good Pickens County, Rome, Woodstock, and others, -Great job Raiders!!

  9. Details are what matters. It is called due process, not a bunch of clueless people speculating!

    I'm sure he wouldn't have been suspended if he didn't do anything inappropriate. Now the details of what happened are obviously in dispute and only those who were there know what did or did not happen. However, what is not in question is the fact that something did happen and it warranted an official reprimand.
  10. Well dont blame the AJC about reporting the solution to the incident. The real problem comes from people on Paulding.com who twist and lie about the facts. Dont assume I agree with what he did, but the talk about stiches, and other total nonsense I read on here is one reason I havent been on here or posted in weeks. People love to spread lies, bash teachers, and run down our schools. I am done with it-and p.com. If you want to ask questions, give opinions, or report truths-Great do it. Just avoid the crap that usually gets going on here!

  11. First half DC led at halftime 21-13. They moved the ball very well by air, and East just couldnt get the offense clicking.

    The second half was much different and East outscored DC 17-0. The defense got really stingy, and the offense was clicking well. They also kept DC's defense on the field 90% of the 3rd quarter which really seemed to take its toll. If I was grading I would say the offense got a solid B+, the defense a B+(A for both of them in the 2nd half), and an A++ for special teams. No one can return against us, and the kicker was 3/3 for field goals and 3/3 in the extra point catagory. Great well rounded win!

  12. Reminds me of a guest speaker I have come out every year to speak to my classes. Carl Beck was with the 501st and he too was seperated from his unit at D-Day and spent a week in a French Barn. His stories of D-Day, Bastogne, and a Bridge too Far makes my kids excited every time. What a GREAT generation of Americans. Maybe you would like to come out in April to hear his story.

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