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Everything posted by NITR0

  1. Typically, I would trust a gauge over a light, BUT in modern vehicles, the gauge isn't driven off pressure at the gauge, like they used to be. They have a sending unit on the block somewhere and it's nothing more than a variable resistor. You can find the resistance values in a shop manual and you can test the switch with an ohm meter. The light is a pressure contact ON/OFF switch, but it's not variable, like the gauge unit is. Personally, without knowing, I wouldn't trust either. Find the sending unit for the gauge and get a manual test gauge and screw in to where the pressu
  2. The truth is that most any major name brand oil is going to be fine. The only difference in oils, except the obvious difference in synthetic and conventional, are the additives. Personally, there are two brands that I will not use, simply because of their past. Pennzoil and Quaker State both have had SERIOUS problems in the past and both have caused major engine damage on a large scale. That was many years ago and I'm sure both are fine now, but I still steer clear of them. When oil sludges up, it's RARELY the fault of the oil. Some things that cause engine oil to become
  3. Yeah, it's a great law to consider, especially since it has absolutely NOTHING to do with traffic law or "right of way" on a roadway. LOL! Did you even bother to read the code you posted? Did you bother looking to see what section 51 is? It's about Torts... no traffic code. It has to do with real estate and rights of an owner of the real estate. It applies to the uniform traffic code in no way shape or form. Do you have a pie chart to show us how much of the real estate of public land (IE: the roadway) you think you own? LOL! Let me point you in a better direction. U
  4. No, there is actually very little blood. Blood is removed during the slaughter process. The red liquid you see in the packaging is nothing more than water that mixed with the myoglobin. This is the reason you don't see "red" in chicken, pork, or other white meats. Like beef, the blood is drained off at slaughter and the 'white' meats contain little if any myoglobin, therefore they don't have the red color nor the red liquid in the packaging.
  5. Beef is not red because of the blood. Beef is red because of the myoglobin (a protein) in the muscle tissue. As beef ages the meat turns brown. Butchers and supermarkets use carbon monoxide packaging techniques to control the bacteria which breaks down the proteins and this keeps the meat more fresh for longer periods of time and gives it that artificial looking color.
  6. It was signed by the Florida Governor at the end of April 2014... I don't know when it actually took effect, but I would guess July 1st of that same year.
  7. No, actually, it's not. Back in 2011 a Florida citizen took a 'flashing headlight" ticket to court and a judge ruled it was a 1st Amendment right as it was considered "free speech." January 1, 2013 Florida law was changed, based on the case law, and repealed the law that made it illegal.
  8. No, it's not a law... it's just old school driving. Just like a lot of things that you are supposed to do, even though not a law, things like this have gone by the wayside due to irresponsible drivers who are more concerned about themselves and not their driving. Flashing to tell a trucker that they are far enough ahead of you to merge in to your lane is fine. They will generally respond with a double OFF/ON /OFF/ON of their lights as a "thank you." Not something that is a law to do... just un-written rule and driver courtesy. Heck, most people can't even use their turn signals..
  9. Doesn't matter if it's divided or not. If there is more than one lane of travel, it is legal to pass in the right most lane, as long as it's an actual lane designated for throughway travel. 92 going in to Douglasville is 3 lanes in some places. One lane one direction and two lanes in another direction. While common sense and typical rules of the road dictate the left lane is for passing, it is not illegal to pull to the right lane and pass someone who is in the left lane. And it doesn't matter about a tractor or another driver turning, it's your responsibility to make a safe pass. Rul
  10. Passing on the right is illegal when there is no roadway designed for through traffic. On a multi-lane road, where multiple lanes are traveling in the same direction, it is not illegal to pass on the right and never has been. It's illegal to pass on the right if you are passing in a turn lane (like the asshats do on 61 at Hart Rd), passing on a shoulder, emergency lane, or area not designed for vehicle traffic.
  11. When you want to install Flash, Shockwave, Adobe Reader, or various other types of freeware software like that, go to www.ninite.com You can choose what software you want to install / update. It will package them in to one install and it installs them without the toolbars and bloatware. It does Silverlight and many other popular pieces of software such as PDF Creator, etc... If you already have the software installed, it will verify which version and update if necessary. If no update is needed, it simply skips the installation. Once you create the download package, you can
  12. There is nothing morally or legally that says another person has to be armed for you to confront them with a firearm. Since there were 2 of them, he is out numbered. Second, did you not see in the video where they drove off dragging the person on the car? At that point, it's also warranted to draw a firearm as the vehicle is being used as a deadly weapon. And no, we don't chastise police for this kind of interaction. Police shoot people who drag them down the street in vehicles too... as well they should.
  13. It was not tossed out. The new law in Georgia does provide for school officials to be armed, *IF* they go through the trailing courses and the school board allows it. There are several provisions that have to be met before it's allowed, but the school system most definitely can do this in Georgia under the new law.
  14. It's not a private organization, but it is an independent organization within the federal government. It's considered independent bank because its policies and actions do not have to be approved by anyone in the legislative or executive branches of government. They also do not receive any funding that is appropriated by Congress. They are considered a not for profit organization, which is why they are a corporation. They are governed by a Board of Governors that is appointed by a president and approved by the Senate. They serve a 14 year term and from then on out do not answer to e
  15. +1 on what The Sound Guy said. In addition, a 9 year old system, especially a 'contractor installed' system is probably not very efficient, compared to a newer unit. You could probably get a new system with a much better SEER rating and while you will pay more up front, it could easily lower your monthly power bill. Also, there was a tax break going on for getting a more efficient unit installed. I don't know if it's still going on, but check with the mechanical contractors that you use as ask them about that.
  16. The reason they replaced the throttle pedal assembly on your vehicle is because it uses a drive by wire system. You don't have a throttle cable that connects the pedal to the throttle body. You have a pedal position sensor (variable resistor) on your pedal that tells the ECM where your pedal is at and in turn, the ECM tells the servo on the throttle body how much to open or close. The 1995 is a mechanical setup and doesn't have the drive by wire system. Most all drive by wire systems are ODB2 systems, which the 1995 should be a ODBI system.
  17. Replacing the ECM is not the first thing you want to do. Regardless of what some people think, they ECM is really not that easy to knock out. Yes, you can damage one, but they are pretty resilient and they don't go bad as much as people think they do. First thing to take a look at is the Auto Shutdown Relay. This relay controls current to the coil as well as the fuel pump. If this relay is bad, you won't get spark or fuel. If the relay checks good, next, check the wiring harness where it comes out of the fuse box and down a little ways. The Dakota's had some problems with the wir
  18. So, you are telling everyone that if a female wrestler sees you on the street and walks up and starts wailing on you, that you will just stand there and let her do it? You're a damned fool if you do. End of story. Only bullies and cowards hit females with no just cause or to show dominance over them... To hit a woman who is attacking you does not make you anything but justified. Period.
  19. What attitude is that? The kinda that doesn't accept being verbally attacked without firing back? Sorry, just because you are a woman doesn't exclude you from facing consequences of your actions. Women have fought hard to have equal rights, the same as men... as well they should have. However, with that comes ALL the rights... you attack, I defend. I don't care if you are man or woman, you attack me, you better be prepared to deal with my defenses. You hit me, I will hit you back. You act like a lady with me and you get treated like a lady. You act like trailer park trash, you g
  20. Too bad there's no such thing as extended stay hotels and such, huh?
  21. This is the unit they will use in the station. The portable units they use in the patrol car are only used to help the officer to determine probable cause for an arrest, along with regular physical field sobriety tests. Once you take the field tests, if the officer has reasonable suspicion that you are intoxicated, they take you to the station and run you on this machine.... This machine is court admissible evidence of BAC.
  22. I was REALLY impressed with your proper use of punctuation in that first sentence and had hopes that you were actually starting to look educated... Then you just blew it right out of the water with that second sentence. And yes, a woman can be a bitch. I suggest you look up the definition(s) of a bitch. There are several and a couple apply. And no, when I called her a bitch, it became two sided. It was one sided when she started in on me.
  23. First off, your opinion is meaningless to me. And as I told the Postman, she got called what she deserved. The fact that she is a woman makes no matter to me. She starts the insults, she better be ready to take them. And her comments to me were so classy too, right? When a woman acts like a classy woman, I treat her accordingly. When she acts like trailer park trash, she gets treated accordingly.
  24. I address people with the same respect that is given to me. And if you start discussing things and calling someone "ball sheeze crazy" then you'll get the same treatment in return. I don't give a damn if your a man or a woman, you will get the same respect that you give. And again, I suggest you go study some history. The founding fathers did have slaves, however, with the exception of slave ownership in and of itself being wrong, they treated their slaves quite well. Were there people who beat women and children? Sure, but they were actually in the minority. The large portion of s
  25. As I said, your reading and comprehension is lacking... As for the smell, you may leave anytime.
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