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Everything posted by WhatsthePoint

  1. 7 is da bomb and 8 is even better. Both are great memory managers and if you have 4 or more GBs of ram you can be rid of the pagefile.sys file. Put 7 or 8 on an SSD with a decent motherboard and you will marvel how quick they are. <br /><br /><br />
  2. I have gone back to the thread 2 or 3 times just for the laugh.
  3. I laughed till I cried at the below post by Stradial (I think), if you were following the now closed conversation about someone reaching DFACS for renewal For those who like The Postman's charts, I have drawn a diagram showing the flow of the posts in this thread.
  4. Is the internet speed any faster with business class account?
  5. Exactly, very well said. The ones doing the complaining are usually the drunks, the ones without insurance and or drivers license who have been caught before. Mind you I did not say everyone so don't get your panties in a wad.
  6. Did you get answers to all the shenanigans that has been going on with the airport or did you just say you piece then move on about your business?
  7. Well how did the big bruh-ha-ha turn out? Was anyone arrested, thrown out of the meeting or given grammar lessons? Inquiring minds want to know!!
  8. When you learn the proper use of their and there I will be happy!!!!
  9. I have used EMC security for years. They are affiliated with Greystone and you can pay through your power bill. $16.95 monthly, with nary a price increase.
  10. I had the same problem. The heating element, which looks and works just like the element in an electric hot water heater had corroded and burned out.
  11. Find a job, save your money and wait until you have enough to "go back to school"!
  12. Mein Mitchell runs between Ridge Rd and Austin Bridge Rd.
  13. I've never had any problem with Comcast over a 10 year period. They are expensive, but customer service and reliability have been great.
  14. The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!
  15. They need to rename the show the Micki Minajiy show, or whatever the hell her name is because she talked 90% of the time as well as the camera being on her most of the time.
  16. The one legged kid could sing and the judges wouldn't accept him.
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