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Everything posted by CeilingFan

  1. Sporting group: German wirehair Working group: Portugese water dog (like the one in the WH) Next up: Terriers, then Best in Show
  2. Westminster, that is. I missed it last night, so I missed the hounds, my favorite group. Working group is on now.
  3. We do both. We make a menu, but for some of the meals our menu says "meat" plus whatever sides. Then, when we get to the store, we find a good deal on meat, and that becomes part of the menu. As for boneless skinless chicken, if you cook it with the skin you will get all that fat and extra calories, even if you pull off the skin after cooking. If you aren't on a diet, obviously it doesn't matter. But if you are closely watching your calories and fat content, you wouldn't want to cook it with the skin.
  4. Have you talked to his parents? They may have no idea this is going on. You can impress upon them the seriousness of the matter by starting the conversation with something like, "Rather than go straight to the police, I wanted to talk about this with you first."
  5. Your title says "you have a limited time to catch banking errors". You don't think TWO YEARS was enough time for her? As for using names instead of numbers, how much more are you willing to pay for the huge number of employees it would require to manually do this sort of thing? Welcome to the efficiency of the electronic age. This is user error and carelessness, pure and simple.
  6. LOL at "a hot walker". I was actually being a bit hyperbolic with my walker comment. I read where if there are a lot of walkers in a particular day of shooting, that they have to eat in a separate area during the meals breaks because the other actors don't want to be around them with their makeup. But if there are only one or two they can eat with everyone else, and apparently it's rather unpleasant.
  7. Right. People who are adaptable and never lose the love of learning will always be successful no matter what is going on in the world. Unfortunately, neither of these skills is encouraged in today's public schools. Hence, the proliferation of sheep in our society.
  8. I agree there are too many sheep in this world, way too many. But there is no need to stand out from the crowd merely for the sake of standing out. Think for yourself no matter what others may think of you. After your own personal research or thought about a certain matter, if you happen to agree with the crowd, great! But taking the opposite view just for the sake of standing out, is no better than following the crowd because you are too lazy to make up your own mind.
  9. I used to like Andrea, but she's gone too far this year. Her decision making skills are very dysfunctional. Of all the guys from all three seasons to sleep with, she picks the Governor?!? I would pick Merle over the Governor. Heck, I would pick a walker over him.
  10. ^ This exactly. Tarot is a great self-discovery tool.
  11. Wow, I forgot about divining! My family used to do that when I was a kid. Very interesting! Yesterday's magic is today's science.
  12. I agree, I don't get to P&D all that often anymore. But what I meant was places like that often have groups from all over the Metro area that advertise with them in various ways. Just need to keep on the lookout.
  13. I have found that the best place to find such groups, or to network with others of like mind, are metaphysical bookstores. Two good ones in the Atlanta area are Phoenix and Dragon in Sandy Springs, and Forever and a Day in Woodstock. Check their calendars and bulletin boards.
  14. Another doomsday prophecy? *sigh* My basement is getting a little too full, what with all the canned vegetables, bottled water, and ammunition. Well, off to do some more last-minute shopping...
  15. Watched TWD instead, could give a flying flip about self-gratifying awards shows. But I had to comment about Taylor Swift. She always looks so stupid in photos, I mean seriously intellectually challenged. I think it's because she almost never closes her mouth all the way, so it gives her that "catching flies" look that I always associate with truly dumb people. Yuck, I can't stand her. I should add her to the "creepy" thread if I dare go back in there.
  16. I have never heard of it until now, but I looked at their website and it's rather confusing. Not sure if it's a class you go to, or something you do at home, or what. I do Jillian Michaels' workout, the 30 Day Shred. It's very tough, and from all the reviews I've read, it appears to be quite effective. I just started it last week, so I can't say I've gotten any noticeable results yet.
  17. I have a Kindle Fire HD, the 8.9" version. I really love it. But if money were no object, I would rather have an iPad because the whole app store thing is a lot simpler. I have always loved Apple products, and it's nice when things work together seamlessly. But my Kindle is the next best thing, in my opinion, especially considering the price.
  18. I guess you would consider me creepy then. My 4 year old's hair never looks brushed even 30 seconds after I do it.
  19. I've never agreed with the argument that this is just a reinstatement of an old tax, therefore it's not a tax increase. That's just playing fast and loose with definitions. The tax was lowered a few years ago, so that tax rate became x-percent; i.e., tax was lowered. A few years later the tax was raised and became y-percent; i.e., the tax was raised. Calling it a reinstatement of an old rate doesn't negate the fact that the tax got raised. Just semantics, really, but it bugs me when politicians can't call things what they are because they are trying to fool people. Both sides do this cr
  20. See, there you go, bragging and using offensive smilies. Then you had to go and throw religion into it! This thread could use some cute puppies or something.
  21. He's in Dallas but I'm not sure exactly where. I haven't seen him around but I'm not really good with faces. Perhaps if he were carrying a crossbow when I see him, that might help.
  22. I can't see the link so I have no idea what it's about, but I'll go ahead and take one for the team by choosing to be offended. How dare you post that here, and say those things, and imply whatever it is you're implying! Why, even your good spelling is offensive! Carry on.
  23. I guess if you mean burning the bigots. But no, I really cannot condone that sort of thing for anyone, even jokingly.
  24. I can't wait!!!! I have been looking forward to it all winter. Darryl is my favorite character. The guy who played T-Dog lives in Paulding County.
  25. Exactly. Unfortunately, close-minded bigots exist here as well. Fortunately, burning at the stake is no longer allowed.
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