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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Been there done that. After coming back from Vietnam it was assumed that I was a baby killer and a heroin addict. Just be grateful the guy showed you what a turd he is before you went to work for him.
  2. I didn't click on the link even though I have no small children having a record of searching for "hot car child deaths" on my hard drive made me a bit nervous for some reason.
  3. People in prison are filing false income tax returns and getting illegal tax refunds, people are buying homes, cars, flat screen Tvs and getting credit cards with stolen identities. Identity theft is a big problem for everyone.
  4. Guess where the power industry gets all their transformers from now . Hint: With two you get eggroll.
  5. Space aliens walk among us? Indeed, claims retired Temple prof THE WAY David M. Jacobs sees it, aliens from outer space have been kidnapping humans for aeons and sexually molesting them to create human-alien hybrids that walk among us today undetected and will soon take over Earth. http://articles.philly.com/2014-07-16/entertainment/51549419_1_jacobs-aliens-abductees
  6. This is probably old news to most, I just think it's funny . Woman Caught When She Posts Stolen Dress Selfie on Instagram A 27-year-old Illinois woman who was accused of stealing several items from a clothing store was busted after she posted pictures of herself in a shoplifted dress on Facebook. https://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/clothing-store-thief-caught-when-she-posts-stolen-dress-selfie-on-instagram-183827802.html
  7. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat worrying about these old polls on pcom. For the love of god when will this madness end !!!
  8. What are you the prosecuting attorney ? Where were you on the night in question !
  9. It's a small fair one where you don't have to walk around much to see it all. When I was a kid once a year we would hop in the car to go see the "Great Southern Fair" it was a Laissez Faire, maybe 15 rides, tops.
  10. Not having heard all the evidence in this case I can't say without any reasonable doubt that the guy is guilty. So I'm just curious how it is you are so certain he is.
  11. Following the thread it appeared you asked TP. But my answer would be no not everyone, not necessarily. Just as I don't assume that everyone that has Old Glory stuck on their front porch is necessarily a good American or that everyone that has a fish glued to the trunk of their car is a real Christian.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWgprZu4Hk4 Better ?
  13. It was the first thing that came up after I searched "KKK gives out candy" you'll just have to take it or leave it.
  14. I don't know what is funnier TP baiting the hook or you 2 swallowing it hook line and sinker.
  15. Actually the part about the KKK putting candy in their bag of bigoted literature is true, the person on the street interviews were meant as a joke if you were too dense to figure that out after I put a link to The Onion that's your problem or maybe your embarrassment. Here's the real story for the chronically naive. Ku Klux Klan candy: Parents can’t sugarcoat intolerance for kidsMembers of the Ku Klux Klan have handed out candy to neighbors in South Carolina asking for support. Parents teach kids to be wary of strangers, but what if the gift comes from a neighbor? http://www.csmonitor
  16. He had another great series called Maverick. Once he was asked why he chose acting he said."What was I qualified to do to make a living? Nothing," he said. "You don't need qualifications as an actor or a politician. And I didn't want to be a politician." http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/20/showbiz/james-garner-death/index.html
  17. Insert funny video of Black women here ^
  18. Texans win five year court case for the right to buy Confederate Flag vanity car tags. Hell maybe thars hope for the old Georgia state Flag to make a comeback ? Appeals court says Texas DMV violated First AmendmentThe U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held this week that the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Board violated the free speech provision of the First Amendment when it refused to approve specialty license plates bearing the Confederate battle flag. Submitted in August 2009, the Texas Board initially voted to approve the specialty plate, but after fears circul
  19. KKK Recruiting Kids By Handing Out Candy According to residents of a South Carolina town, the Ku Klux Klan has been attempting to recruit children into its ranks by going to neighborhoods and leaving out bags of candy containing slips of paper with the words “Save Our Land, Join The Klan” and a phone number leading to automated anti-immigrant messages. What do you think? ...... “Their methods may be questionable, but their message is beyond reproach.” John Sewell – Molder Operator “Oh, no! I hope these aren’t getting mixed up with the candy-filled welcome bags I’ve been leaving around
  20. You don't Troll stradial, fish maybe but never Troll. And BTW nothing wrong with your weight you're just Big Boned.
  21. A new University study has uncovered some disturbing traits of people that spend their time engaged in something called Internet Trolling. New Study: Internet Trolls Are Often Machiavellian Sadists In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet "trolls" (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics. That's bad, but it's no
  22. Yes but the problem with you and your ilk (sorry glassdog made me say that) is you believe that being a corporation gives you more rights than the individual. The right to pollute at will, the right not to contribute the tax base that pays for the infrastructure that they use, at least not at the same rate as the rest of us. You want them to have the right to abuse people and property rights all in the name of profit and what you deem as progress. You believe in the days of feudalism where the corporation is king and the rest of us should be grateful to live in Serfdom. As much as you might b
  23. Feral Hogs in Your Backyard.... http://www.extension.org/pages/63619/feral-hogs-in-your-backyard#.U8lzcPlHaQk
  24. "THROWBACK THURSDAY...........DISTANT LOVER" I'm expecting a pcom Penthouse Forum and I get Marvin Gaye.
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