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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. No doubt something sinister is at work . While never proven there are stories that during the Indian wars in America the tribes were offered blankets infected with Smallpox as a token of peace and goodwill. We do know that Indians died by the thousands from smallpox having no natural immunity to the disease. You don't think, could it be, is it possible ! ........
  2. I got a nixle alert that Buchanan @ Westside cir is still closed. and has been since 2:30 today.
  3. Were all going to die sometime living in fear of that day only screws up the little time you have on Earth.
  4. Most international flights stop over in France or Italy and any number of other countries. Are you ready to shut down international travel worldwide ? How about the Cruise ships and commercial shipping are they not also a threat ?
  5. Their is a better chance of this virus coming into America on a Delta international flight than this man in an isolation ward at Emory hospital.
  6. People are always trying to make sense of an insane act, fact is that's not always possible. Ted Bundy raped and murdered 35 women what was his motive ? John Gacy murdered 29 boys and buried them under his house. Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 put them in his refrigerator and ate their livers. * Maybe he was just trying to start a family like the guy in Cleveland who kept 3 women locked up in his basement for 10 years.
  7. You know everyone that has a TV camera stuck in their face doesn't go into one of those tearless jags of contrived emotions you see so much of these days. Whether or not he had anything to do with it to speculate his guilt based on a 10 second interview is just childish.
  8. I can't believe another woman would be so jealous of another woman's looks that on that alone would hire or somehow manipulate some man to disfigure her. Is this another version of "she was asking for it" ?
  9. They are separated from the patient behind glass.... " Family members will be kept outside for now. The unit "has a plate glass window and communication system, so they'll be as close as 1-2 inches from each other," Ribner said." https://news.yahoo.com/us-doctor-ebola-atlanta-treatment-175504863.html
  10. And a conservative is just as easy, they see the bogeyman around every corner .
  11. If given a choice between your speculation and the professionals at Emory I will go with the doctors at Emory.
  12. As shown on the news he was in a biohazard suit as were the ones that assisted him into the building. This is not an airborne disease but one spread by contact I don't see what else they could have done. This man has worked all his life to help people we owe him no less than to return the favor. I have full confidence in Emory to handle this responsibly.
  13. The man obviously has deep pockets and is looking for away to shift the tax burden onto those that can least afford it. The clown analogy was just my opinion.
  14. You have a point, In fact if this clown Snelling wants to do something useful how about some tax relief on property taxes instead of jacking me up everytime I go to the gas station or buy a loaf of bread.
  15. I wouldn't concern myself too much with this as it has a snowballs chance in Hell of ever being passed.
  16. cmorg you take the West Side and NewsJunky you take the East !
  17. Truth is for decades the CDC in Atlanta has stockpiled viruses that are far more contagious and deadly than Ebola kept there for research. From the looks of things we haven't come very far from the days of the Black Plague were frightened villagers roamed the streets with torches and pitch forks looking for the evil witch that was causing all their misery.
  18. I think what' telling here is people who call Obama a dictator and a communist seem to idolize Putin who is in fact a real dictator and a real card carrying communist. Maybe we should we start calling you Comrade El Zorro ?
  19. I think Tea Party Republicans are exempt from paying child support. #Do as I say not as I do.
  20. I'm pretty sure I saw a bus load of those illegal kids headed towards Emory. Oh my God Michelle Bachmann was right.... were all going to die !
  21. Oh this is class warfare all right and it's being waged against those that are less likely and less able to defend themselves against it.
  22. So retired people now living on fixed incomes, who paid taxes all their lives, paid the tax when they cashed in their 401k's and are now just trying to get by are suppose to get excited at paying 28% sales tax ? Maybe a great idea if you're rich and putting away most of your salary in the bank, not so great if all you can afford is your over priced prescriptions and a loaf of bread.
  23. I have a niece that use to say that when she was a child. She's almost thirty now, has an Masters degree and still lives at home. Careful what you wish for.
  24. Given that this criminal is most likely one of our neighbors.... Should the coward that committed this crime against a defenceless woman read the comments on this site if you have one ounce of humanity left in your sorry life give yourself up, if for nothing else then for your own safety should one of your neighbors find you out before the cops can take you into custody.
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