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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Before you criticize others you should first pull your head out of your own ass. Awh look at the purty glass Maw ain't it all purty and shiney !
  2. As someone that suffers from respiratory issues I can hardly see the comparison between a ruined fur coat and someone intentionally polluting the air that affects innocent bystanders, but then again that is the mindset of your average redneck conservative .
  3. You are truly a man for all seasons, cmorg.
  4. I can alway depend on you for a mature insightful response to every issue. Thanks GD how's bout a nice chaw of Red Man for ol times sake ? Hey look some purty colored glass !
  5. I apologize I just don't think you'll learn any dance in these parts that doesn't involve a doe-c-doe . Keep us posted though.
  6. Better yet " Conservatives and their willingness to destroy the Nation to prove a point ". or how about "Conservatives and their scorched Earth policies". or maybe "Rednecks and Republicans, is their a difference " ? ..... I could go on but I would have to leave the county
  7. Asthma sufferers beware ! Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists Pickup trucks customized to spew black smoke into the air are quickly becoming the newest weapon in the culture wars. https://autos.yahoo.com/news/conservatives-purposely-making-cars-spew-black-smoke-protest-190500408.html
  8. It's starting to get really nasty in the world of politics maybe more than ever. Republicans attacking Democrats Democrats attacking Republicans, Republicans attacking .... "Teabaggers" ? CLEVER! Leading New Hampshire GOP Governor Candidate Called Tea Party ‘Teabaggers’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3XYURXMzwA http://news.yahoo.com/clever-leading-hampshire-gop-governor-candidate-called-tea-133605974.html
  9. Where does it say in the Constitution that the government has to supply you with food,water and electricity ?
  10. I got your PM, Thank you. I looked at her website. She seems very well qualified but the property I'm interested in is down in Villa Rica and I wonder if she would want to work on something so far from her location. At any rate I need to stop procrastinating before the opportunity is lost !
  11. Maybe I should have put a smiley face on my comment.
  12. When you went to church this morning I hope you prayed for forgiveness for your lack of compassion for those less fortunate than you and your worship of the false god Bank of America.
  13. Maybe if you hadn't had to hobble around on a fractured foot for 16 years you wouldn't have needed knee surgery in the first place ?
  14. Your need of a boat and the lives and suffering of American citizens are not quite the same.
  15. I would say that beats walking around on a fractured foot for 16 years.
  16. Well if everyone was up to their eyeballs in cash like you I would agree. I also agree about your point on union exemptions.
  17. I am envious that you have so much money laying around the house that a million dollar bill for critical care is no issue. Good for you.
  18. That has nothing to do with this discussion. This is about how people get into that doctors office in the first place and how the bill is going to get paid when they leave.
  19. The broader issue here has nothing to do about choice but about whether or not a person has a reasonable expectation to expect comprehensive health care. What conservatives that are really just against the ACA in any form refuse to admit or chose to ignore is just where does this pick and choose end ? Does it end with contraceptives or will it go on to stem cell therapy or drugs that address depression or whatever someone or some industry deems anti religion or against their moral beliefs. I have seen parents that on the grounds of religious belief refuse their children any medical care whats
  20. Anecdotal, pot is no more a gateway drug than Big Macs are a gateway to Domino's pizza or beer is a gateway to Jim Beam. You may have had both but one did not necessarily lead to the other.
  21. If you did the slightest bit of research you know the old gateway drug thing was struck down years ago. *For the record, havent touched the stuff for 40 years.
  22. Who was your agent, I might throw them some business.
  23. Maybe the meth led to pot. In China during the Cultural Revolution children were encouraged to turn their parent, neighbors and teachers in for crimes against the State. Millions were sent to reeducation camps never to be seen again. Today America has the biggest "reeducation" system on the planet.
  24. I would say he has been about as transparent as any other president I have known in my life.
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