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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Southern Pine Beetle may be the cause. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/trees/southern_pine_beetle.htm
  2. Well here is news we haven't heard before. Contrary to the notion that Illegals are being let in to bolster the Democratic voting base apparently their is a more sinister plan a foot ! Bachmann: Obama wants to use child immigrants for medical experiments WASHINGTON, July 31 (UPI) -- Michele Bachmann has spotted nefarious purposes in the government's care of migrant children coming from Central America. Rep. Bachmann, R-Minn., accused the Obama administration of placing those children, who are often fleeing extreme violence and poverty in their home countries, in foster care in order
  3. The statement "Unbelievable. This woman has 15 kids and thinks someone else needs to pay for them and be held accountable." was a quote from the OP.
  4. I don't think my post was a attack on the number of kids a women has. How you came up with that is a mystery to me .
  5. I don't form my opinions by taking a poll of what others are thinking you should know that by now. In your OP your statement was "Unbelievable. This woman has 15 kids and thinks someone else needs to pay for them and be held accountable." Followed by the video, the kind of video that you like best, like the one where a woman thinks Obama is going to help her with her mortgage. You offered no other facts no solutions no statement other than "Unbelievable". I know and you know your original purpose in posting that video and it has nothing to do welfare or the plight of the poor. As the evid
  6. I think this goes far beyond a women just working the system and living off the state and the generosity of others. Although obviously she does and she is. Like LPPT says she mostly likely grew up like this and this how she believes life is suppose to work. She has no morals no ambitions in life and probably little education. She has allowed men to manipulate her maybe for some need of love she didn't receive growing up. But the fact that she blames others for her predicament and sees no wrong doing of her own tells me she has some deep seated mental problems. Short of locking her up in a me
  7. How did you get that from my comment ? Of course the answer is you didn't. I was asking about you the guy that says if you have your clothes on you're carrying a gun. So I see a guy getting up every morning putting on his pants, shirt, socks shoes and then strapping on his trusty ole 45. Before sitting down to have his coffee and a bowl of cornflakes. Since this isn't Dodge City and you are not Wyatt Earp this just struck me as strange. Unless in your life you have made so many enemies you feel something dreadful might happen at any moment then it might make more sense. But I do take your poi
  8. Forced sterilization. Well they did that in communist China I suppose it's good enough for the good ole U.S.of A.
  9. Which are you in favor of forced aboortzions or letting the children starve to prove a point ?
  10. It sounds like Florida is taking the sensible approach that is not however the norm, in fact filling out a short form and paying your fee is all that is required in most states. And if the NRA has their way it will only get worse. In fact the NRA is actively lobbying to have convicted felons be given the right to a buy and carry a firearm. http://www.vpc.org/studies/felons.htm
  11. Then what part of my statement did you have issue with ?
  12. I take it you are against background checks and any requirements that a permit holder be trained how to use a firearm. People with mental issues, arrest records (other than felony convictions) and a history of violence should be granted a carry permit ? Because that seems to be the point you're making.
  13. Of course you first have to assume everyone with a gun permit is a sane, responsible, well intentioned, trained in the use of firearms individual which is far from reality.
  14. US GDP growth rebounds to 4.0% in 2nd quarterWashington (AFP) - The US economy rebounded vigorously in the second quarter, growing at a peppy 4.0 percent pace that erased the impact of the sharp winter contraction, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. https://news.yahoo.com/us-gdp-growth-rebounds-4-second-quarter-004332401.html
  15. Pretty sure you would vote to starve her children just to teach her a lesson. Or take your buddy Jack Kingston's lead and have her children clean school toilets to get a meal. All you have proven is a few people take advantage of government programs when the vast majority are people that have come to the end of their rope and have nowhere else to turn.
  16. Is this how you spend your days El Zorro searching youtube for uneducated poor Black people making stupid remarks ? While the video is troubling the way you spend your leisure time is just as sad. BTW In your search to find these videos how many ignorant Red Necks do you pass over to bring these informative tidbits to pcom ?
  17. Let's be honest some of the things you "suspect" would put some the Ufologist to shame.
  18. If you think every company that calls themselves Christians or quotes scripture in their advertising should get a free pass and be immune to criticism thats fine by me I just chose not to. I've seen too much evil in this world made in the name of (fill in your favorite denomination).
  19. So if anyone wanted to know when their was no one at your home they should just keep an eye on your Facebook page.
  20. Pauling family with disabled daughter gets a new van from New York dealership, proving the whole world is not as evil as you might think. Man donates van after viral video of father, daughter pageant dance PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. — A Paulding County girl dealing with a debilitating disease now has some help to make her life a little more comfortable. Millions of people saw Mackenzie Carey’s heartwarming story online.Twelve-year-old Mackenzie suffers from mitochondrial disease. She’s confined to a wheelchair so he father uses his legs to help her dance. After seeing the video, the owne
  21. I had to watch it twice to figure out what caused it, just barely clipped the guard rail. I could never drive one of those rigs if my life depended on it.
  22. I have heard that about memory foam. I have also heard having sex on memory foam is a challenge not that I would have anyway of knowing.
  23. Then trust me you do not want satin. I slept one night under satin sheets, woke up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. Satin does not breath.
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