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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Maybe you're right or maybe just maybe he had dropped to his knees, slumped over from the first four rounds to his arms, chest and face. Maybe just maybe the bullet through the top of his head puncturing his brain was the one unnecessary shot fired. But you have all the facts so I am sure you're right.
  2. The one thing I have learned about this incident and how most pcom'ers view it is; if what we know so far supports the story that the officer killed the boy without just cause then it's a pack of lies and should be disregarded immediately. That as reasonable people we should wait until all the evidence is in before we rush to judgement. If on the other hand evidence comes in that cast a shadow on his character or puts into question how these events unfolded then we all sing hallelujah this young punk got just what he deserved. Now I suspect some of your own children have have had th
  3. Should we all meet you there with pitch forks and torches ?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Wd-UxBUqI&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dn7Wd-UxBUqI&has_verified=1
  5. Looks like Deal's "Guns Everywhere" Law is going to do for tourism what his immigration law did farming. "That's horrible," Kerry White said. "We come here every summer. And it's such a family friendly place, it just really makes me sad. And it makes me feel unsafe." http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/story/26301726/accidental-shooting-kills-woman-in-helen
  6. Does it really F'n matter cp30 or do you just want to play a silly game of semantics ?
  7. You might call pulling the trigger on a cocked loaded pistol without the safety on in bar full of people an accident but I'm going with stupid. Which BTW proves you don't have to be very smart to get a concealed carry permit.
  8. Maybe we should hold officers of the law to a higher standard than your average murdering thug ?
  9. You may have seen this recently on 60 minutes if you haven't and invest in the Market it's worth taking a look. Is the U.S. stock market rigged? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/is-the-us-stock-market-rigged/
  10. Well batten down the hatches MD because with this new "Guns Everywhere" law we are bound to be seeing a whole lot more of these "horrible accidents" in the days and years to come.
  11. I suppose it all depends on which drunken fool pulls his gun first.
  12. A victim of Georgia's " Guns Everywhere" Law. 68 year old woman shot to death in Helen, Georgia Yes, the open carry of loaded weapons is a legal right. The Guns Everywhere law was signed by our Goobernator Nathan 'I am stupid' Deal and went into effect on July 1st. Last night, about 10:40 pm, a tourist from Texas was walking down Main Street in our German themed town of Helen, Georgia. Some open carry dude on the other side of the street shoots himself in the hand. The bullet passes through his hand, goes across the street, and wounds the 68 year old woman. She dies on the sidewalk.
  13. The "solution" whatever that means is not going to be found in grenade launchers, sniper rifles and armored vehicles. Neither are these midnight raids and no knock warrants or using SWAT teams for everything from serving a warrant for a missed traffic court appearance to busting up a back room poker game.
  14. Excellent piece in The NYTimes mei lan . "But the military hardware issue, the BearCats and grenade launchers and what we’ve seen unfold in Ferguson — that does seem easy, uncomplicated, clear. Crime rates rise and fall, but crime-fighting is a constant for police; dealing with terrorism and insurrection, however, decidedly is not. Yet for decades we’ve been equipping our cops as though the Symbionese Liberation Army were about to come out of retirement, as if every burst of opportunistic lawlessness could become another Watts, as though the Qaeda sleeper cells we feared after 9/11 were as
  15. You will have to excuse me for not sharing your enthusiasm for vigilante justice.
  16. Isn't our privileged suburban lifestyle grand !
  17. Riots may not be justified but if the system refuses to change it might be the only recourse. If nothing else it certainly gets peoples attention. Ferguson is a good example, would the nation even be having this debate about this incident without the riots or would it just be yesterdays news ? America has a history of violent protest sometimes it's about taxation without representation, sometimes it's about police taking the Law into their own hands, sometimes it's just because your team lost the game.
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