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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. If only I had one I could while away the hours .....
  2. You have become quite the philosopher here lately stradial. Must be that new smart phone.
  3. Here is the one you want, it cost as much as a computer but it looks really cool. This is the most insane wireless router in the history of mankind http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/4/7491241/ces-2015-insane-wireless-router-d-link
  4. Yea, but can it cut a decorative edge on a piece of 3/4 pine ? Mine can.
  5. Something else to think about, Parents' house seized after son's drug busthttp://www.cnn.com/2014/09/03/us/philadelphia-drug-bust-house-seizure/index.html
  6. Never cook turnip greens without adding a diced turnip root .
  7. It's only trash how hard can it be ?
  8. If your kid is over 15 while they might never admit to it he/she has probably already smoked pot and most likely already had sex. Statistically speaking of course.
  9. Maybe this has something to do with it. With 2.3 Million People Incarcerated in the US, Prisons Are Big BusinessMeet the corporations who are profiting off our prison system. http://www.thenation.com/prison-profiteers
  10. I'm jealous. I just signed up with Republic wireless https://republicwireless.com/ 10 bucks a month but it does switch from wifi to cell automaticlly when your out of network range and it's unlimited everything .
  11. Cool or should I say Neat-o. Funny how much the meaning of "Knocker-ups" has changed over the ages.
  12. Just an FYI, If you have seen all the Freedompop commercials on TV you may have seen their ads for Free voip cell phone service. They want you to buy one of their phones but you really don't need to. I dug up an old unused android cell phone ( 2.3.3 and up ) downloaded the app at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freedompop.ott and it works. 200 free voice minutes and 500 free text. It only works on wifi but if you want a free emergency backup phone it's certainly worth the 5 minutes it takes to set it up.
  13. I believe their is some truth in that a certain conditioning happens in young peoples minds playing video games, During WW 2 American generals were having problems with marksmen who were reluctant to taking a killshot. They studied how they were training these basicly kids and decided to try changing the old :"Bullshot" target to ones with the silhouette of a man we are use to seeing today. That one small change, getting these boys accustomed to shooting at a human form drastically improved the snipers kill ratio. The problem of non- or mis-firing soldiers. SLA Marshall did a stud
  14. When I was about 10 I was spending the night at my cousins house. His Father had fireworks and he gave me and my cousin a couple of Roman Candles. We lit them and my cousins began to fire while I stood there mine just making this sizzling noise, I was just about to hand it back to my cousins father when the whole thing exploded in my hand sending brightly colored sparks in all directions. No one was harmed but I was rendered deaf for about half an hour and had a ringing in my ears all night. Good Times.
  15. Just a couple of poor misguided young men who made a terrible mistake ? Maybe, but I can't help remember other recent threads where in similar circumstances you might have have labeled them a couple of Thug Wannabes. You may have even described the victim as a drug pusher that got what he deserved, and what of the relative of the two shooters that they got the murder weapon from wheres the outrage shown the mother who's kid had a BB gun ? I do believe this sad and tragic situation made by some young men whose lives and the lives of the people that cared for them will be forever changed a
  16. In 2000 US Intelligence predicted what the world would look like in 2015. They came amazingly close. What U.S. Intelligence Predicted the World Would Look Like in 2015 The future depicted in the National Intelligence Council's "Global Trends 2015" report, published in December 2000, contains numerous contemporary echoes, as my colleagues at Defense One have pointed out. There's financial volatility; anonymous cyberattacks; widening economic divisions; an increasingly assertive China; a WMD-wielding North Korea; growing illegal migration to the U.S. from Central America; a mercurial, a
  17. Maybe but do you think you can go without sex ?
  18. It's like I told a conservative friend once ; It's not that I disagree with everything conservatives believe in, it's just that most of you are such insufferable Jerks.
  19. I do believe their are people on this board that would defend the Devil himself if he was registered Republican.
  20. A couple of years ago I had to put out a fire in my yard started by my neighbor's fireworks, thankfully the rockets did not land on my roof.
  21. Save your ammunition, NO Celebratory Gunfire !
  22. Your next PTA meeting should be an interesting one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ivUOnnstpg
  23. Very sad and tragic accident, still I wonder why some people give this woman the benefit of the doubt and yet the mother of the 12 year old killed in a park by police for having a BB gun was automatically jumped on as a despicably bad parent.
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