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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Other than both being settled out of court I fail to see the similarity.
  2. From the sound of things firing the intire Ferguson police force would cut crime and save the town a bundle. Lawsuit Settled Involving Ferguson Officer Who Allegedly Choked, Hog-Tied A 12-Year-OldWASHINGTON -- A lawsuit against a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who allegedly choked and hog-tied a 12-year-old boy in 2010 has been settled on undisclosed terms, court filings show. The 2012 lawsuit alleged that Ferguson Police Officer Justin Cosma, who was then serving as a police officer in Jefferson County, Missouri, and his then-colleague Richard Carter approached the shirtless 12-ye
  3. Wrong. In the letter, which was verified by a spokesperson at the CIA, Panetta says: "We first learned about the facilitator/courier's nom de guerre from a detainee not in CIA custody in 2002." He said that some detainees who had been subject to enhanced interrogation techniques attempted to provide false information about the courier. "In the end, no detainee in CIA custody revealed the facilitator/courier's full true name or specific whereabouts," Panetta said. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/waterboarding-provide-tip-led-bin-laden/story?id=13616668
  4. I think a good start would be to stop sugar coating torture by calling it "enhanced interrogation techniques."
  5. One thing seems certain, we won't be hearing any grandiose speeches coming from America condemning other countries for abusing Human Rights any time soon.
  6. Sounds to me like you just described the new Republican party.
  7. How do you know what they are guilty of, ninety percent of them have spent decades in prison without ever being charged with a crime .
  8. That's pretty much what the German citizens of Auschwitz said about what had been happening in the camps they lived around. That is until they were forced by the American army to tour the ovens and bury the dead.
  9. For the U.S. Calling the terrorist barbaric just got a little harder, and the moral high ground has just became a little less crowded.
  10. The worst parking job in North America caught by police, YouTube According to the CBC, the woman behind the wheel was later found by Calgary police and given a $115 ticket for "unsafe backing." It's not clear whether the owner of the Mazda 3 who gets his fender dented — after unwittingly helping the driver complete her escape from the scene — will also get some compensation for his troubles, although the woman was apparently unaware she had hit his vehicle, or that her exploits had garnered more than three million viewers. https://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/the-worst-parkin
  11. Cody Townsend was honored Saturday at the 2014 Powder Awards for skiing what was deemed the most challenging line of the past year: a ridiculously steep and narrow tunnel-like chute in the Alaskan wilderness. http://www.grindtv.com/action-sports/snow/post/cody-townsends-ski-line-insane-ever/
  12. I fall back on the rule of "Do Unto others as you expect others to do unto you". Do we think we are a more civilized society than those that attack us, or are we just as repulsive and barbaric as they are. As John McCain a former POW said today " Our enemies act without conscience, we must not".
  13. So everyone has an "AGENDA" now, well just those insidious Liberals I suppose. I'm wondering if that's anything like that "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Hillary Clinton warned about back in 98 ? You really have to stay on your toes these days; what with all the Agendas and the Conspiracies and the Brainwashing. It's really getting to be a struggle just keeping up with it all. I really need to reconsider getting cable TV just so I could have Fox News to keep me abreast of it all ! Waaait,..... is Glenn Beck still on the radio ?
  14. Perhaps, the problem is in your world everyone that doesn't wear a badge is automatically deemed a "scumbag thug".
  15. So you side with the two wrongs make a right philosophy ?
  16. You see that's the difference between you and me. I don't think any human being should be treated like an animal. I also believe once you deny one persons human rights you leave us all at risk. Or as one person put it during another troubled time ... First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
  17. Bullies NJ are people that take your lunch money or give you a wedgie, this goes way beyond that. This is about criminal activity, and not only is no one trying to prove anything it's being out and out ignored and for the most part approved of. Here is an example of a man in East Point Ga, just last summer who was tasered to death by a Black Officer why ? Because he wouldn't get up and walk to the patrol car. Here's a handcuffed man being treated like cattle being prodded to market. "The source said officers acknowledged administering the Taser stuns six times, maybe more. The source
  18. I have always said December 7th 1941 is a day that will live in infamy.
  19. Cato Institute and the NYT thinks there is and it goes beyond race and cigarettes. The report cataloged numerous incidents of wanton violence, with officers beating, pepper-spraying and Tasering people who were unarmed or had already been restrained. Officers escalated encounters with citizens instead of defusing them, making force all but inevitable. officers, for example, seem to take a casual view of the use of deadly force, shooting at people who pose no threat of harm to the police or others. http://www.policemisconduct.net/
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