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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. When I was a kid someone gave my Mother a chihuahua. The little beast would hide under the couch and nip at my ankles when I would sit down to watch TV. You remind me a lot of that dog . MERRY CHRISTMAS !
  2. US economy grew at fast 5 pct. annual rate in Q3, best in 11 years, boosted by consumersWASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. economy grew at a sizzling 5 percent annual rate in the July-September period, the fastest in more than a decade, fueled by higher consumer spending and business investment. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-economy-grew-fast-5-133648403.html
  3. Apparently this happens a lot. Croatian teenager wakes from coma speaking fluent GermanA 13-year-old Croatian girl who fell into a coma woke up speaking fluent German. Since waking up from her 24 hour coma however, she has been unable to speak Croatian, but is able to communicate perfectly in German. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/croatia/7583971/Croatian-teenager-wakes-from-coma-speaking-fluent-German.html
  4. Barber woke from coma speaking fluent French and thinking he was Matthew McConaugheyA barber has told how he woke up from a coma following a car crash speaking fluent French and thinking he was Matthew McConaughey. When he finally came round Mr Curtis started speaking to nurses in fluent French - despite not studying the language since school. "Because I don't remember the crash, it doesn't feel like I've had a brain injury. Apart from obviously being able to now speak French. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/howaboutthat/11307568/Barber-woke-from-coma-speaking-fluent-
  5. Congratulations yathink you seem to have become this site own version of Al Sharpton. Keep up the good work.
  6. I will always defend your right to make stupid comments .
  7. Some (Stradial) would like to condemn our "hippy" generation but we had hopes, maybe they were unrealistic but it never hurts to dream of a better society and we undoubtedly produced the best music of 3 generations.
  8. At least my sniffer hasn't been damaged by years of lead poisoning. * I'm sorry picking on the mentally handicapped was uncalled for please accept my apology.
  9. People that live in glass houses.....
  10. That was a pretty low blow, even for a nastyassed Republican.
  11. In olden times the King often left his enemies hanging on the gallows as a warning to anyone that dared question his authority .
  12. Funny I have always found my comments to be wise, insightful and pertinent (?)
  13. Your right Lead Head I did not know he was restricted to the city of Hiram. My mistake.
  14. In other good news Dalton recently recieved the honor of being the 2nd least educated city in America. Yea ! https://homes.yahoo.com/news/america-s-least-educated-cities--2014-221910831.html
  15. So why did we hire this guy ? Hiram Hires Code Enforcement Officer to Address Blight and Code Compliance The City of Hiram welcomes a new addition to the Hiram team, Cliff McGrady, who will be assuming the lead role in our Code Enforcement initiatives.
  16. This is the kind of absurd remark meant for no other reason than to inflame the discussion that is so irritating, no one here is trying to defend the guy and you know it.
  17. You could give it to charity and take the tax break,
  18. And people that bring up Al Sharpton as a way to dismiss the facts are just blowing smoke.
  19. If anyone can spot an agenda it would be you.
  20. Because sweeping everything under the rug is so much easier.
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