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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. So heres my question, is the airport issue over with now or are going to see years of long drawn out -and horrendously expensive- litigation ahead ?
  2. Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the 1% (1) The Rich Pay Almost All the Taxes That's simply not true. The percentage of total taxes paid by the very rich (the top 1%) is approximately the same as the percentage paid by middle class Americans (the 4th quintile, average income $68,700). (2) Tax Rates Are Too High In 2009, the United States ranked 26th out of 28 OECD countries in total federal, state, and local taxes as a percent of GDP. Only Chile and Mexico had lower tax rates. (3) Tax Cuts Boost the Economy In the 1970s, University of Chicago economist Arthur Laffer convi
  3. The cheap prices seem nice until you realize that if you were lucky enough to even have a job in 1938 the average salary ( note the word average ) was only 33 dollars a week .
  4. Well were pretty sure we know who's paying for the expense of defending the project. In fact considering all the money five elected commissioners have managed to throw at lawyers the last few years I surprised we haven't seen more new law offices sprout up in Paulding.
  5. Sounds like a veiled attempt at censorship (?) Considering that's pretty much what all those people just died for in France, I would have to say no.
  6. DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — A DeKalb County jury has awarded the family of a girl attacked by two pit bulls $72 million. jury awarded the $72 million in punitive and compensatory damages for the 2010 pit bull attack that tore off Erin’s left arm below the elbow and mangled her right arm. He says the dogs' owner has little or no money and says it’s doubtful they will ever get a penny from the judgment. Tommie Ingram told Channel 2’s Diana Davis that the owner has never said she's sorry or expressed remorse over the attack. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/jury-awards-72-million-d
  7. It's too hot to cut grass in the summer.
  8. I wonder if he had been a senator's son or the son of a CEO at Bank of America if the verdict would have been the same ?
  9. When I first saw that picture I thought of people like you, and your insane notion that an armed society is a safer society. I think about you and those that take some sort of distorted comfort when you see people like him shopping for groceries at Kroger and assume because he has a permit to carry that Glock holstered to his belt he is automatically a well adjusted, stable pillar of society that will leap to action and protect you from harm. I thought about people like George Zimmerman roaming streets playing Cops and Robbers with peoples lives at stake. I think of the politicians that cater
  10. You might find people more to your liking [on other sites.]
  11. A "good shoot" is that some of the lingo you learned from years of watching Cops ? That's almost as cool as of "Perp" and "Roger That". Ten Four ?
  12. Their really isn't a subject on this board that you don't manage in one way or another to slip Al Sharpton into the conversation is their ?
  13. The picture tells me Putin could use a little support, like a manzere or bro.
  14. In any case we got the opportunity to see just how messed up some of these gun nuts really are.
  15. Considering none of these women are seeking financial gain, he is either guilty or the most hated man in Hollywood.
  16. Nothing says romance like the feel of a warm gun. Reminds me of a poem I learned in the Army. This is for fighting, this is for fun. This is my rifle, This is my gun.
  17. What does Congress and Herpes have in common ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKyiVqF3HV0
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