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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Love a Roundabout . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tdu4uKSZ3M
  2. From RM's article the word "Daesh" can be taken as a play on words to mean something along the lines of "a bigot who imposes his view on others" The word Daesh is now forbidden within the territory controlled by the Islamic State: If you say it, you run the risk of having your tongue cut. http://mic.com/articles/128599/if-you-hear-president-obama-and-john-kerry-call-isis-daesh-here-s-why#.w9NB710lI
  3. Yea I know a well regulated militia, an amendment has been bastardized by the Right . mi·li·tia məˈliSHə/ noun a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army. all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service. Which Militia do you serve in ?
  4. From you article " “The gun industry understands the balance of the court is up for grabs and they’re not taking any chances of confirming a justice who may side with constitutional, sensible gun laws,” said Dan Gross, president of the group. God forbid right !
  5. Apples and Oranges. Senators have fought against the confirmation of a Justice since time began. Their is a big difference between fighting against the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice and flat out denying one a hearing and an up and down vote. Chuck Schumer In 2007: 'We Should Not Confirm Any Bush Nominee To The Supreme Court' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnpjs45D7OY * One question; is there something in the genetic make up a conservative that prohibits you from conducting a conversation in a civilized manner ?
  6. If the Republicans refuse to even give him a hearing much less an up or down vote then as far as the next President is concerned it never happened.
  7. As Republicans like to say 'Never do today what you can take credit for in the next election'. Senators say they might confirm Obama's high court pick after electionhttp://news.yahoo.com/key-republicans-open-handling-garland-nomination-u-election-144222541.html
  8. The do nothing party of NO has a reputation to uphold.
  9. Tender little sausages slow cooked with white beans in a flavorful tomato sauce.
  10. It's an old marketing strategy, forcing people familiar with the store layout to have to search for the items they came for increases the odds they will be tempted to buy a few extra impulse items.
  11. http://paulding.com/forum/topic/312584-falling-gas-pricesjust-in-time-for-the-elections/?hl=%2Bobama+%2Bgas+%2Bprices&do=findComment&comment=3945424
  12. Well actually Stradial as I recall Pubby accepted your challenge, under certain conditions, for a lie detector test and you declined ?
  13. I remember not long ago several post that said the reduction in gas prices were because the Democrats were trying to rig the election and sway voter opinion. So this sudden rise in price is obviously the work of our Republican ran Congress. #GoodfortheGoosegoodfortheGander
  14. Is having a "mouthpiece" present at county meetings a common practice in other counties like Dekalb and Fulton or is it just a Paulding thang ?
  15. Not much of an interview "I did nothing wrong". I have a question if anyone happens to know; is it common place for a county board of commissioners to always hold their meetings with a paid attorney always at the ready ? Just curious. From left, Commissioner Todd Pownall, County Attorney Lani Skipper, Chairman David Austin and Commissioner Vernon Collett await the start of a recent meeting. Read more: Neighbor Newspapers
  16. You are right I would go further to say if you want anything done by the Marshall's office you contact Ms. LeHolm directly her email address is on the county website.
  17. I don't care if they are armed or not. But here's the deal, aside from our usual mass killings by crazy people with guns most if not all college crimes happen off campus. If the newly armed students are going to have their weapons make any difference whatsoever they had better have their finger on the trigger from the time they leave until they arrive because most happen on dark streets and are taken completely by surprise. Now unless they are ready to pull a gun out of their pocket with a 9mm already pointed at their heads the robber is going to get their wallets, get their cell phones and as
  18. If I was a student at Tech or Ga.State with all the crime I can't say I would blame a kid for having a gun but most of those happen off campus and you don't need a special law to carry there. But now every college professor is going to wonder what's going to happen the next time he flunks some Ritalin pumped kid and the kid now thinks his dreams have been crushed and his life ruined. But it's really not my problem I couldn't care less. The thing is if more guns in more places were the answer we, the most heavily armed society in the world, should have become the most peaceful nation on the pla
  19. Thinking of interesting new forum for pcom complete with pictures, lots of pictures.
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