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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. How many people died because of Jimmy Carter ? How many regions of the World were destabilized or mass migrations caused because of Cater, Banks bailed out, stock market crashes, global economies ruined ? Compared to Bush Carter was a F'n genius.
  2. Keep telling yourself that and maybe someday you will convince the world to forget about George Duba Bush.
  3. Unfortunately here in Paulding county the Sheriff's dept does not consider speeding and reckless driving a high priority. Perhaps something as basic as highway safety is considered beneath them. (?)
  4. A man found an Aladdin's lamp on the beach, after several quick rubs a Genie appeared telling him he would grant him a wish. I have everything I need said the man but I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. Problem is I'm afraid to fly and boats make me sea sick. Could you build a bridge to Hawaii so I could drive there ? That's impossible said the Genie the logistics alone would be a nightmare and then there's hurricanes and storms to deal with. Pick something else. Well said the man I can never understand my wife, she says no when she really means yes, she says she doesn't want anything
  5. I'm giving up on hummingbirds this year, too many little bones and not enough meat.
  6. Everything is fine there is nothing to worry about, however to keep this the safe and secure site you have all come to expect we will need a little information to verify your identify. Please send the following . 1.Social Security number 2. Banking institution and account numbers. 3. Two credit card numbers with security code.
  7. Here’s what police misconduct cases are costing taxpayers in big cities across the nation: Boston $36 million between 2005 and 2015. That’s enough money for Boston to cover the cost of large-scale renovations to a local high school athletic complex two times over. Chicago $521 million between 2004 and 2014. That’s enough money for Chicago to cover nearly the entire cost of a new, state-of-the-art research hospital being built downtown. Cleveland $8.2 million between 2004 and 2014. That’s enough money for Cleveland to pay almost its entire share of the cost to bu
  8. These kinds of decisions by the courts are what you inevitably wind up with when the Justices lean to the right.
  9. " We have crossed a very dangerous line as a nation. We have now gotten to the point where sexual humiliation is a standard law enforcement technique." Some will argue that if you don’t want to be strip searched that you should just avoid committing a crime. Well, in 2012 almost everything is a crime in America. http://www.infowars.com/america-2012-the-supreme-court-has-made-it-legal-for-the-police-to-strip-search-you-any-time-they-want/
  10. So I guess having a finger stuck up your anus on the side of a road is no longer considered unreasonable. And a warrant to do so is no longer required. While we sit and worry that our 2nd amendment Constitutional rights might be threatened we seem to have missed or don't care that the rest of our rights are already being trampled upon. U.S. Constitution - Amendment 4 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath
  11. Welcome to Americas new police state where illegal search and seizures are the norm and your rights as a citizen do not mean a damned thing. AIKEN, S.C. (AP) — Two South Carolina residents are suing the City of Aiken and its department of public safety over what they say was an illegal cavity search in broad daylight. According to the lawsuit, Pontoon and Hicks say they were illegally stopped by officers for a paper car tag and searched without consent. In addition to the cavity search, the complaint says a female officer exposed Hicks' breasts on the side of the road, with a search perf
  12. I might but only if you promise to leave your guitar at home.
  13. 20,000 drunken Teapublicans all in one convention center with guns, I can't wait ! BYO handgun? GOP convention could be the next gun rights battlegroundMore than 20,000 people have signed a petition to allow the open carry of firearms at the Republican National Convention this July. http://news.yahoo.com/byo-handgun-gop-convention-could-next-gun-rights-184333255.html
  14. Sounds like something Donald Trump and Ted Cruz would approve of .
  15. Shot by her four year old son. Jamie Gilt, 31, was at the wheel of her car when her son shot her with a loaded .45 calibre weapon - only a day after she had boasted of her shooting skills. She reportedly wrote on Facebook: ‘‘Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22 . ‘She felt something strike her in the back, then noticed the windshield of her truck was broken.’ The bullet exited through the woman’s chest and went through the windshield. The child was uninjured. http://news.yahoo.com/pro-gun-mum-could-face-charges-after-being-shot-by-144925042.html
  16. Southern fried chicken made from an old family recipe with seven herbs and spices. Creamy mashed potatoes, slow cooked green beans, cole slaw and hot buttered homemade biscuits. Ummm, umm, its finger lick'n good.
  17. As usual you are half right. A Supreme Court nominee hasn't been denied a hearing since 1875 http://theweek.com/speedreads/613111/supreme-court-nominee-hasnt-been-denied-hearing-since-1875
  18. Tasty beef stroganoff lovingly prepared with hamburger, tender egg noodles in a delicious sour cream sauce .
  19. Oh it absolutely is true I know this for a fact because I sold over a hundred rifles that belonged to my deceased father at the Great Southern Gun and Knife Show and was assured by the owner as a private seller all I needed was a rented table and something to put the cash in.
  20. That might be a valid point if that was a ten year average but since the 14% approval rating was taken in February of this year your point holds about as much water as my ageing prostate gland.
  21. And thus the stellar congressional approval ratings of 14% and Obama's dismal rating of 49%.
  22. Well if doing nothing is what we are looking for Republicans have a sound seven year record to stand on. If only they had this notion during the Bush years .
  23. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Our species, Homo sapiens, has a more adventurous sexual history than previously realized, and all that bed-hopping long ago has left an indelible mark on the human genome. Scientists said on Friday an analysis of genetic information on about 1,500 people from locations around the world indicated at least four interbreeding episodes tens of thousands of years ago, three with our close cousins the Neanderthals and one with the mysterious extinct human species known as Denisovans. http://news.yahoo.com/homo-sapiens-sex-extinct-species-no-one-night-012711275.html
  24. It doesn't take balls to own an arsenal of guns in America in fact at your local gun show it doesn't even require a valid ID just a hand full of cash and your own your way.
  25. Maybe the caption should be learn how to photoshop a picture to amuse your friends. Look at the two gable windows on the roof see anything that looks out of place ?
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