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Everything posted by Danaerys

  1. The US should do this as a precaution...while I highly doubt that few would make it out it is a possibility.
  2. The only reason this hasn't been nipped in the bud yet is that the governments are far too ineffective and far to versed in cultural norms. They need to put their foot down. I am sorry but you need to stop kissing on your dead relatives, hugging them and what not. It is sad it needs to be that way but this is not a virus to be triffled with. One of my pet hobbies is virology in particular lvl 4 viruses such as ebola and lassa fever.
  4. There should never be an empty pickle jar. It should always be full of pickles. Maybe that is just the pregnant hormones in me
  5. This first sentence scares the living crap out of me given what I do know about you.
  6. My husband and I are...hoping the walking and the booms send me into labor.
  7. Good husbands are hard to find and you seem like a good one. However, if you are still worried...walk into whatever room she is in and just say I love you. She will keep you around a little longer
  8. Now pray there are fireworks in my home tonight, pray these booms send me into labor...the squish needs to get here.
  9. I did not tune into the broadcast until well after they had described what happened to this little boy. My poor heart would not have been able to take it. I still say make both parents fry. Anyone that harms a child should fry.
  10. Thank you for the apology, I accept. Have a wonderful 4th of July.
  11. On the side note...chocolate? Where?
  12. I call my child a baby, because that is what she is, especially at this point in the game. The odds of me not bringing home a baby at this point are so slim to none. What others call a child in the womb...is none of my concern. What a woman wants to do with their reproductive system is none of my business. If they want terminate a pregnancy, more power to them. If they want to carry a pregnancy to term, more power to them. However, it is not up to the Government or a Business to tell you what you can and cannot do or what you can take or not take. That is between a woman and her physic
  13. She will be. I just pray she never wants a princess party for her birthday or I may let her nana spearhead that one . I'll message you again.
  14. We are hoping she turns into a tomboy...but then again her nursery is purple . I am a tomboy and like purple and pink. Just give me GI Joes instead of barbies
  15. If you are on the clock and must communicate with your co-workers that speak English you should speak English. If you are not on the clock and on lunch or break...feel free to speak your language.
  16. Once again, your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired as you are putting words into my mouth that I never said. The people who adopted me, my mom and dad, are not my maternal grandparents. They were a random couple that wanted a child and thank god they did. I never said giving a child up for adoption is bad for the child...I said there will be ramifications in how they perceive themselves, perceive the world, and they will feel unwanted in the aspect that their own family did not want them. No one gets over that, and yes I have been to counseling for it. At this point, 37
  17. To those trying to justify what my birth mother did...don't. She was a stupid, irresponsible, piece of crap and I will never forgive her for being that. The only thing I will ever thank this woman for is that she did give me up. Don't pretend that she gave me up to give me a better life...I have met this woman and asked her the question of why. Her response was...I didn't want child interfering with my lifestyle. GoGators, I said I was happy that my parents (adoptive) adopted me. So saying that I am being ungrateful to my adoptive parents for having those feelings...you know nothing.
  18. Do not tout that they are not unwanted...I can fricking guarantee you that every single mother that gives up her baby will say this was an utter surprise, I don't want this child. That is what unwanted is called...and it does have damaging results to those children who are adopted and know it. Yes, while I was damn lucky to get adopted and wanted by my adoptive parents, I still know that I was not wanted by my biological family, that I was a burden, something that could be discarded on a single whim. Don't even go there, you have no idea. BTW, Would you like to explain to the other childr
  19. I did not say black newborns don't get adopted...the odds are less that they will be. We don't need anymore unwanted babies...we need to adopt out those that are already in the system.
  20. Here is the problem with that...unless you are a white newborn with no issues and no baggage (aka the mother or immediate birth family), the odds of you being adopted are slim to none. Not to mention Adoption costs 25k and up...and you aren't even guaranteed a child, and sometimes the adoption agency will keep 10k even if the adoption falls through by no fault of your own. (I have a friend going through this right now). So now you are out 10k, no child, no prospects, and hope dwindles more and they are less willing to keep trying to get a child. Oh ya, at any given time, there are 100k chil
  21. No, but I am praying she comes soon. Due this month.
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