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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Only 10:30 in the morning and I'm already out of likes.
  2. Ha! My sides are hurting...........I hate to break the news to you but more that 20 folks voted your pro-airport guys out. E.V.E.R.Y. S. I. N. G. L. E. O.N.E. O.F. T. H.E.M. The commercial airport lost, and they lost every single post.
  3. Where would they ride? It's tough to find an area that you can do a hayride unless you have several acres of pasture to ride through. Pulling a trailer full of people on the road is not practical.
  4. Did you do all the updates? The updates are for security. You should set them to automatic for windows.
  5. Well, yes why yes. All of the county votes for the Commission chair, each post only votes for their commissioner. Of course David had more votes. It was also a presidential election year so more people trudged to the polling places.
  6. Hope that bomb shelter is almost ready..........better stock it with about a years worth of food. Gonna be tough not to see sunshine. lol
  7. Not knowing about things? Like when you don't hear a motion made twice? Or a letter from the City of Atlanta? Or a contract signed almost a year before being announced? Are those the things not known? Yea there are many things "unknown", all around Paulding County these days. Let's vote on it, let's let the voters decide if they want an airport............oh snap, we already have, twice, with a third shut down for supporters just this past May. They can deny it all they want, they can brush it off as low turn out, but bottom line the anti-commercialization group WON EVERY SING
  8. The simplest solution of all? Put it on the ballot..............let the citizens decide, not some elected official that may or may not be in the same chair 2, 4 or 10 years from now.
  9. It was actually 3 posts out of 4, 3/4 of the county. Each post has approximately 18,000 +/- people living in them. Only post 1 did not vote. Tony Crowe received 58.7% of the votes in Post 4 Todd Pownall received 100% of the votes in post 2 (no republican challenger and the airport is in Post 2) Vernon Collett received 61.57% of the vote in post 3 Now going back to 2012's primary David Austin only received 52% of the vote in that election..........so every one of these folks beat the commercial airport supporters and David Austin's percentage in 2012. . Heck Vernon Collett e
  10. There is an easy solution, No Commercial Airport. We can have industry, jobs and many benefits to Paulding County without commercial service. Yes we can!
  11. Why would they settle? for healing, for showing citizens (voters) they matter, for families and life long friends to begin to regain trust in one another. I dunno, sounds like good reasons to me.
  12. Litigation keeps lawyers bills paid, that is all. Three little words, No Commercial Airport and it all goes away.
  13. Been trying to figure out what to say, I am still in shock. RIP Kittycat. You will be missed by many.
  14. Maybe Just thinkin' hard will chime in. Pretty sure her troop does this.
  15. If it gets turned down we make it the best General Aviation airport in the Southeast. Isn't that what we were promised, why was it never marketed as such. Paulding County is probably the best there is at building stuff, they just don't know what to do with it after it's built. Three little words, NO COMMERCIAL AIRPORT. It all goes away. Put it on the ballot.
  16. Not to mention 3/4 of Paulding County voted in May. The anti-airport candidates won. Does anyone really believe one post would have changed the outcome of Posts 2, 3 & 4? The residents of Post 1 can't vote in those other posts. Based on my boots on the ground experience, indeed the folks in Post 1 are also opposed to commercialization 2-1. Put it on the ballot.
  17. Three little words - NO COMMERCIAL AIRPORT. It all goes away, the legal fees. the public out cry. Every time a law suit is filed, the firm sees dollar signs. Of course they don't want this to go away. Since the housing crash, they have become dependent on the County for income. It's Cable's job to guarantee the income of the firm. Just think how much money we taxpayers could save with an in house legal team that didn't depend on court cases to keep them in business.
  18. Really now, are you saying Delta is who hacked my son's private bank accounts? Or maybe it was the airport supporters, the airport director in particular to see if there were some "goods" to be found or perhaps some unusual deposits............... You can't really be serious, or are you????????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  19. Yes mei lan, this is an old story that happened a month or so ago. It's just another way for Pete Combs to dog those opposed to David Austin's scheme. They are buds and since they gave away the farm, they've got to take the heat off themselves. Seriously, no one has stolen anything other than those responsible for the rash of break ins all over Paulding County. MrsH is right, accusing the "other" side of leaving Calvin Thompson's door opened is ludicrous. I'm still amazed after the numerous mis-truths spread and how this deal was kept from the citizens of Paulding County that anyon
  20. RIP Jay, you will be missed by many. Prayers for the family, such a loss.
  21. Ok, now I understand. Does a C130 have the ability to dump fuel? I really don't know, I'm asking because that's what the FBO director said they are working on at the last PCAA meeting. They want to be a refueling station for C130s. Okay, I trust you sealed that tarmac well, so that means it just runs off into Bluffy Creek and the rest of the ground water around the airport.
  22. Again I say, if you have proof Delta is funding anything, please show me. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth? I don't think so.
  23. Not sure how you get Delta spent $200,000. I guess if you say something enough times, just because you say it, it becomes truth? Seriously, no one has any proof who's paying for what except the taxpayers. All this will go away, every single bit of it with three little words. No Commercial Airport. The divide in this county, in families, in long time friends, is frightening. It's the same thing that's happening in DC.............government telling the citizens what's best for them. It begins at the local level.
  24. What about the jet fuel that is dumped on the tarmack when they test it. The FBO operator showed how it was tested then promptly dumped the vial. Yea, it's on video. Bottom line, there are times a plane will dump fuel to save the lives of passengers. Just because it "evaporates" doesn't mean it's gone. Just as detergents don't go away when they are dumped into lakes, rivers and streams.
  25. For months commercial airport supporters have been telling the opposition they were crazy, planes don't dump fuel anymore, it's too expensive. Now I understand it evaporated in mid-air, but it's not gone. Just thankful they had a safe landing, all 300+ people on that plane, no matter what airline it was.
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