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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Three little words will make all of this go away, forever..............NO COMMERCIAL SERVICE. No more lawsuits, no more citizens divided, no more name calling, no more criticizing, no more friends deleting friends.............families can come back together.....three little words that were promised.
  2. ^^^^^ This is why no one really knows how much this stuff costs. They reported last year was a "break even" without these expenses surepip mentioned.
  3. Bottom line, the air show was never planned. In November of 2013 they said they wanted to make it independent of the airport. It's in Pubby's video from November. To come back now and say the EA is the reason the air show is being cancelled is a bit misleading. Trying to insinuate the "opposition" has prevented it from happening. Remember, for months they were saying another EA didn't have to be done.The 2005 EA for a General Aviation airport wasn't going to work for commercial service. Why didn't the PCAA know this? Only after the settlement with the FAA, realizing a more thorough
  4. They want to be a separate entity!!
  5. I remember them discussing this earlier this year.............hmmm. The EA is not preventing the air show, wonder if they ever incorporated that so it can be separate? They discussed that in November of 2013 and here's a FB post from March 3..............
  6. Yea and they all said Ft. McPhearson wouldn't be shut down either. Lockheed isn't making many aircraft at the Marietta location anymore.
  7. Soundguy here's what Joe had to say in the video, I might have left out a few uhs and ahs:
  8. The FBO director, Joe Sarber announced the refueling of C130s at the August PCAA meeting. There is a video on youtube where he says that, or you can go to the Stop Paulding Airport Expansion Facebook page and see it there. Not hearsay, just repeating what was said at the Airport Authority meeting. Here is the link to the video, Joe starts talking about 5:40, at about 6:10 he says they are in the process of becoming a registered DOD vendor, fueling C130s and maybe C17s.
  9. I pay property taxes on not two BUT THREE properties in Paulding...........so what? Most of the people that support the airport aren't even Paulding residents, starting with our very own George Clooney aka the airport director.
  10. "Two flights a week" will require how many $11-14 employees? Do you realize those MRO businesses can move in tomorrow if they wanted to? Did you know they could have done that since 2008? Why is no one interested? Again, (broken record style), we can do everything the PCAA says without commercial service. Yes we can!! I don't play the lottery, sorry.
  11. Yea TSA is going to make a huge difference, so everyone is going to have to pass a Federal background check to work there. So, please share with us how much TSA agents make. I'll be waiting for the great wages you report.
  12. Reality, you can't name one good paying job a commercial airport would create, can you? Keep in mind this will not be a "home" for any airliner. NOTHING associated with commercial flights cannot be accomplished that a General Aviation airport can't. That technology park, the one with the fiber optics we paid for................well it's still a hole in the ground that will require massive amounts of back fill. That's where the money will come from, not MRO or commercial landings and take offs.
  13. Ok here goes, can you tell me WHAT good paying jobs will come? Just give me some insight, 'cause I'm not seeing it. I see more and more drain on the taxpayers. The FAA paid for a general aviation airport, not a commercial one.
  14. Did you not hear about the C130s that will be stopping there for fuel? 737s are a piece of cake compared to them.
  15. You only care about (possible) jobs, you have never stopped to consider what 737s flying over 10,000 houses will do. You've never stopped to think how much we taxpayers have already spent on this money pit. You don't care about anything but what you want. Now that's rich.
  16. A drive in movie, up on top of that hill is a great idea. That terminal building would make an awesome concession stand and that huge hanger, the coolest ever, indoor playground for between shows. Heck they could even put jumpy things in there. Yes!!
  17. I think I'll bow out of this thread, folks that have no vested interest in this airport really have no idea how this will effect the property owners in Paulding County. Heck, most of the property owners don't realize it. I would love to be wrong and see 2-3000 high paying jobs, but based on past history it's all pipe dreams. Can't wait til I can just leave this place, or it gets better. A nice place on the beach or in the mountains is what I need as long as I don't have to worry about 737s landing 1/2 mile from a school and three others being in the crash zone. I will say again, t
  18. The FAA did not pay for the terminal, does not pay the maintenance or the salaries of the two county employees. You still refuse to see this has indeed cost the taxpayers over 13 million dollars, that we can account for...........there is stuff spread out over many departments for costs associated with this airport. Yes, we're still paying bonds acquired to build this money pit. The 30 or so David Austin supporters are the folks misrepresenting the facts........like no one ever said the airport wouldn't go commercial. Never, ever. And it will create 2-3000 jobs but only 200-300 ca
  19. The same people have been running it since it's beginning. The PCAA has had a few changes due to elections but the airport director and the chairman are the same people, they haven't changed. We have now given complete control to a group that has had 10 years (yes construction began in 2004) to bring in business and create jobs. That sports complex up in Emmerson, they didn't wait for completion to market the available spaces. They're building them right along with the rest of the complex. I understand the bottom fell out in 2009, but what about the 5 years prior to that? What about
  20. You are the one making assumptions, talk to the people and ask them if they only voted no to the funding, most will tell you point blank they didn't want an airport, period!! You see, without living here, without knowing what the citizens say, you have no basis for your argument. I have talked to many, many, many of them. Long time Paulding residents, not just people that move in and out of Paulding. If they wanted an airport, a 5M bond was a drop in the bucket compared to what they have spent out there. We knew it then, we know it now. It's the same airport crammed down our throats,
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