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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Wondering how the GSP is going to like their location?
  2. Because that's how lawyers and their staff make money, they're banking on "average Joe" not being able to understand contracts and legalese. Those contracts with Silver Comet are pretty clear cut and after review by other "legal experts", there are some flaws.
  3. The MIT and Georgia DOT studies say there is not likely to be a successful commercial airport in close proximity to Atlanta. If it could, don't you think the City of Atlanta would have moved forward with another commercial airport on one of the two 10,000 parcels of land they purchased in the 70s? The Georgia DOT updates those studies every 10 years, the last one was in 2011. Can you please provide me copies of your "research" that supports those claims of economic development based on commercial service? Or at least direct me to where I can view them.
  4. Remember the infamous Chamber's Myth vs Facts that is published on the Paulding Airport site? Well here's more "facts" to counter the misinformation included in that letter: Myth: Silver Comet Terminal Partners approached the Paulding County Airport Authority regarding the prospect of bringing commercial and other business to Silver Comet Field. Fact: The Paulding County Airport director approached Silver Comet Terminal Partners after Gwinnett County rejected his proposal for Briscoe Field. Myth: All meetings regarding the Silver Comet Field proposal were held in compliance wi
  5. I'm still waiting on the Data that supports all these jobs and the economic benefit. I've heard it over and over again, but have yet to see any reliable data when in fact the studies and data I've seen are the complete opposite of what the "rulers" are claiming. Remember when they built this airport, data was provided that said it would bring 2000 jobs, the movie studio's claim was to bring 2-3000 jobs........sorry, I'm done "believing" manipulated data from people that have nothing to lose and everything to gain from commercialization of this airport. The old cliche comes to mind:
  6. I read contracts every day, no I don't have a legal background. Saying an attorney is the only one that can interpret the language of a contract is a bit bizarre. Now I can understand a paralegal or a legal secretary being told not to discuss their interpretation of contracts. It's sort of like a nurse making a diagnosis, they are in the medical field and are considered more knowledgeable about medical conditions than I am. She/he may know what's wrong and be capable of doing just that, she will also be liable for any complications that come from that diagnosis. Yes, most nurses are pe
  7. You know I'm in. See my avatar. NO 139!! NEVER, EVER!!
  8. Sure people are angry, but I don't think anyone that handed out flyers last year, knocked on doors, or organized informational meetings were angry about delivering their message. Most of them are logical, well spoken and well received. The impression was given that a mob of angry people were running all over downtown Dallas acting like maniacs. That's not what happened at all.
  9. Well, it's not even a drive in, it's a sit in, on the concrete. lol I went by there, maybe there were 75 people at 7:30. There was still plenty of room in the parking lot. Much better use for this space than an airport, though. I think they'd make a lot more $$$$ with a drive in. lol
  10. Do what the Docs say LPPT, Godspeed your recovery. Will be praying for you and your family.
  11. No one was angry with any citizen, in fact they were received very well.
  12. Well ummm, we started our business with our own money, not taxpayer money. And yes I researched the business, he had actually been working for someone else for the prior 8 years. I knew nothing about stucco, but I made sure I went to every training and even helped start a stucco association in Georgia. I just want to see the data, there was data that existed that assured me there was success in our field.
  13. I do know crossroads, and yes she is a great person that contributes a lot to the community. Most people here have no idea how their neighbors outside their circle live, especially those with kids.
  14. Like the Movie Studio? Wishful thinking, indeed. No one should have to prove a negative, but I have offered up more evidence than the supporters.........where is the business plan, where is the data and studies to show the return on investment (ROI)? Gambling with your money is one thing, gambling with taxpayer money is another.
  15. Surely you jest? You cannot provide the data that supports the commercialization of the airport can you? Is it the Government's responsibility to put taxpayer dollars at risk based on what they perceive as a "good idea"? Without studies, data and documentation to support their position?
  16. Why are are people saying I don't think you should voice your opinion. I don't recall saying you can't have an opinion, I still want to know what evidence you have to support your opinion. I've not seen a thing that indicates what the airport director, Propeller Investments or the BOC has said that can't be done with only General Aviation. Why the push for commercial service.? Ball is in your court supporters, I've given you two links here including an MIT study, I see nothing from any of the supporters to back up what they are saying. Just because someone you like told you so, or
  17. LOL If they don't "like" your page, they don't get to follow it............hahahahaha No you can't bend their arm behind thier backs but if you want to see what's going on and subscribe to the news feed, you have to like it. Whatever RM, you're always right and go out of your way to chastise those you don't like. Bless your heart!!!
  18. What do you think "boosting" does? Really do you have admin abilities on any FB pages? "Boosting" allows more people to like your page, through advertising. That's the whole idea behind boosting posts, duh!! BTW I wonder who's paying for those posts to be "boosted"? Surely it couldn't be outside money, like from Propeller?
  19. Really RM, you are not naive enough to believe FB doesn't own the right to buy those likes on their pages. Really that "rule" means only FB allows you to "promote" aka "buy likes" on your pages. You pay to boost your posts, you pay FB for them. No outside company has that ability. Why do you think FB offers that option? Again, the voters spoke in May, those are the votes that matter and our BOC and the PCAA has circumvented those voters. Did you vote? There were options for support of the airport in every race.
  20. How about you just check on where many of those likes live. Hint, it's not Paulding County. Better yet, ask each site how often they boost their posts. Yes FB allows you to buy likes. Again, the only votes that matter are the ones at the voting booth.
  21. I'll say again, NOTHING they are proposing needs commercial service. In fact it can all be achieved with a successful General Aviation airport. Not even Gulf Stream requires a passenger airport. What we need is an airport director that knows what he's doing. Guess what, the PCAA named a new "Interim Airport Director" starting October 20, 2014.............it's Blake Swafford. Isn't that just peachy!! Not mine, I didn't say that. I knocked on hundreds of doors. North, South, East, and West. Fear mongering was not written in my script.
  22. And you know this was said? How do you know? Pray tell, please.
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