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miracle mom

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Everything posted by miracle mom

  1. they put someone in the helicopter. ok maybe the gurney was empty.
  2. oh boy! I have missed the gunshots.
  3. While I was out for my walk yesterday I saw 2 police cars together checking out 12 Oaks subdivision. I would like to know what is going on in the New Hope area also. I would love to walk on the Silver Comet but that isn't safe now, the park isn't safe, now I am not even sure about my neighborhood being safe! It is getting scary!!!
  4. I live in 12 Oaks and I had someone knock on my door about 8:30 one night. I called the sheriffs dept. and they sent someone out to check on things. Your right, it is a little scarry!
  5. I also live in a subdivision off of East Paulding Dr. and have put several thousand dollars in extensions and infiltrators and bypasses. The ground does not perk here. I don't think the county did their job in testing in 1985 but if something goes wrong with your system, you get a nasty gram from the county saying to fix it now. When I bought the house I trusted that the county did their job. Try driving by Mt. Tabor park at the stop light with your windows down on a hot summer night after a couple of days of good rain... you will understand what we are talking about. Does anybody kno
  6. If I remember right, P B Ritch was built on a lot of rock. Back in those times they didn't seem to worry about if the ground perked or not. (I know, I have the same problem at my house.) The county let people build but now it is the owners problem if the sewage doesn't work. If the school was built on rock, there is no way it is going to handle sewage.
  7. Hi.. I am having the same problem. I had a french drain put around my house and it helped for about a year. This last rain flooded my crawl space and seeped out into my garage again. I am interested to hear the responses too. Thanks for posting.
  8. I have had left side pain ant that is what the dr's always tell me too. Sure does hurt sometimes thought!
  9. What is the HUGE building going up beside Walmart on 120?
  10. Sugail, My Mom passed away 4 years ago Sat. I was having trouble sleeping tonight as she was on my mind. Touched by an Angel was one of her favorite shows. I now have major goosebumps after reading your post.
  11. I have done a family tree on my Mom's side of the family and am currently working on one on my Dad's. It is kinda like detective work and I get really excited when I find someone that I have been looking for. Something you might be interested in seeing is a TV show called "Who Do You Think You Are?" It airs on Friday night at 8:00 but I don't remember the channel. I have not found anyone famous yet but it gives you a sence of who you are and why you do some of the things you do. Happy Hunting!
  12. I planted a Better Boy in a pot last summer and it did ok. Make sure you throw a handful of lime in the hole to stop blossom end rot. Better Boy's are fairly big tomatoes and are somewhat acidic. Great on BLT's!
  13. great replies! I like the homework is family time.... what a great concept! Anyway with all this snow seem like we have had plenty of family time!
  14. Hope your mom gets better. I too have had many experiences with a lot of hospitals. I like Paulding and it has the best food of any that I have been in.
  15. Thank you newspaper deliverers, mail carriers, and all those other services that fight to make our lives more comfortable. With weather like this... you need to take care of yourselves and not get out in this mess!
  16. Don't worry about ice. If the power goes out throw all of your stuff from the fridge out on the back porch. There will be plenty of ice there!
  17. Let's see.... We are going to have teachers sign a contract that they have to honor, but the government is going to make you take furlough days and cut your pay. Then we are still going to treat you like .... by making you follow rules that we never told you about (ie. posting a picture of yourself with a drink on your personal facebook page). Then we are going to tell you that you have to teach the children that the government gives you, but if you want to get paid what your contract says, all of these students are going to have to learn or... once again we will fire for that. Who would wa
  18. I went down mine this morning. I thought it had warmed up enough to melt the ice and down I went. Glad I have a lot of padding! Be careful everyone!
  19. It helps a little. The only side effect is if you are allergic to shellfish. One of those ingredients has shellfish in it. Try it and see if it works for you. It won't hurt to try. Good luck!
  20. Thank you for asking this question. I have the same problem and just chicken to go to the doctor.
  21. I know what you mean. I lost my mom 3 years back and have a piece of furniture from her. Every now and then I have to open the drawers and just snifffffff.
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