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Everything posted by BubbaDoo

  1. Cool! I've been wanting to try this. It takes a pressure washer and air compressor, plus the nozzels you have to assemble, right? I'm not sure my air compressor is big enough. What are you using? I've seen nozzels at Tractor Supply, would those work, and what size?
  2. That wasn't a typo error. They have even more expensive cables on the website! Your links are excellent. They further point out the truth about HDMI.
  3. It usually only takes a few days. If I order on a Monday, I'll probably get the shipment by Thursday but that depends on who they use to ship. UPS, even using their cheapest rates, usually arrives that quickly, but I've had USPS (God bless the government) take up to two weeks to get to me. On most of these sites you can find an HDMI switch box that lets you switch between the sources that go to your one input on your TV for pretty low prices also. A splitter will not work for HDMI, you'll have to have a switch with push buttons to select the source between cable or DVD. For the antenna connec
  4. Why not lead? It's right next to gold on the table and has many of the same properties.
  5. Is Santa bringing you a new HD TV this Christmas? If so, you're going to need a HDMI cable to connect it to your cable or satellite box or to your BluRay player to get true High Definition. On BestBuy's website you can get a 6.6-foot HDMI cable for only $695.99! The cheapest one they have is $36.99 for a 2-footer. I just found out that a very good friend of mine who is now paralyzed from an accident, who has a beautiful 50" TV that she watches from her bed, has never had real HighDef because Comcast told her that she would have to buy a HDMI cable that was around $100.00 to make it work. Plea
  6. I just finished watching the opening with Rihanna and I'm wondering what this had to do with MUSIC?!!!! She can't carry a tune and it just looked like soft porn to me! Much rather have my soaps on Sunday night.
  7. I just sent a email to Today@NBC.com Gentlemen: I can't believe you are going to let that conceited, inconsiderate, double talking Kanye West appear on the Plaza the day after Thanksgiving! I've been disgusted with him ever since the MTV event and the Bush comment, and then this morning after seeing Matt's interview with him, I'm just furious! This slime-bag needs to disappear from public view and be allowed to crawl back under whatever rock he first slithered out from. Please don't glorify this man by allowing him to perform on your show. I don't want to see him, and I especially
  8. Don't know if they have laptop batteries or not but check out Batteries Plus in Marietta. They have batteries for just about everything and their prices are great.
  9. I've been getting phone calls and slick glossy fliers in the mail asking me to vote for the SPLOST. Where does the money come from for these materials? The last flier was from the "Committee Promoting Paulding SPLOST". Is our tax money being used to try to get us to agree to more taxes, and if so can I get an equal amount of money to mount a campaign against the SPLOST? I'm really undecided on this thing, but I know that I'd quickly vote for a tax to create a special department just to investigate and control wasteful spending by our county. At some new intersections being built, why ar
  10. Thoughts, are you new to this board? I mean if you have been on here long. you'd see that some of the people here are some of the most heartless, judgemental people you could never hope to meet in your life.
  11. I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK!!!! I'm starting to see that there really are a lot of people on here that use their heads. But, Sonny said he would never let it come to a vote! That's what rubs me so raw.
  12. I read what you said and see that you totally understand what this issue is about; could you please explain more thouroughly how it's not a church-state issue then?
  13. Yes, I can buy a beer at some restaurants for the one drink price I could almost have bought a whole six-pack of beer for yesterday!
  14. It seems to me that I remember a few years ago that our illustrious governor made public a statement that at long as he was in office the issue of alcoholic beverage sales on Sunday would never come to a vote while he was in office. Isn't this a blatant disregard of "seperation of church and state" as promised by our constitution? (It's Sunday night and I wish I had some beer!)
  15. No, they're not a problem at all. I love to see them - so tiny and delicate.
  16. That's definitely it!! Thanks! Now I can die happy! Wonder what was dirty about that back in the 50s?
  17. No, it's not thrift. This grows as little individual flowers on bare stems with no leaves visible to speak of. Thrift grows in sort of a mound with prickly little needle-like leaves.
  18. Does anybody know what this little flower is that grows all over pastures around here? I've seen them all my life but never knew what they were. When I was in grade school I asked Ms. Hulsey once (anybody old enough to remember that precious lady?) but she just laughed and told me that she knew what they called them, but she wouldn't tell me because it was apparently a "dirty" word. I'm 63 now and still wondering! Please tell me if you know. I don't want to die of old age never knowing what the dirty named little flower was.
  19. Just posting to bring this topic back to the top of the list. Of the very few things on this lame little forum worthy of your attention, this is one! Caleb was, and his family are, some of the finest people that this county has been fortunate enough to have as residents. Please honor them in their time of ultimate sorrow.
  20. I truly hope that I am reading this the wrong way, but are you saying that you are going to make your son suffer and be a laughing stock of all his peers because it makes you feel uncomfortable? Why not just chain him up in a closet and then maybe you could get off of the pills you're taking altogether?
  21. Oh whoa! Wait, I didn't mean that I like the idea of a chicken being our state bird. Good God no! I was just commenting on the country's image in the world today.
  22. Yeah, isn't it great that our national emblem is a bird of prey that subsists by killing, and that our National Anthem is a song that glorifies war? I'm not really anti-american, but why don't we have something as peaceful as a Maple leaf on our flag?
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