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Everything posted by ca2ga

  1. ca2ga


    Kinda reminds of this look...
  2. I know... eerie, it just stopped.
  3. Fire and brimstone over here by EPHS. I wanted it to rain but its getting a little ridiculous now.
  4. I hope so. Just got my water bill and it hit an all time high of $122 because of the new lawn I worked so hard on.
  5. I think i understand what happen, but can I ask a dumb question? What/who is BOC?
  6. I agree, total hogwash. From the same site markdavd referenced: http://wattsupwithth...ate-fail-files/ The Claim: 50 million climate refugees will be produced by climate change by the year 2010. Especially hard hit will be river delta areas, and low lying islands in the Caribbean and Pacific. The UN 62nd General assembly in July 2008 said: …it had been estimated that there would be between 50 million and 200 million environmental migrants by 2010. The Test: Did population go down in these areas during that period, indicating climate refugees were on the move? The answer, no. The P
  7. Nope, dry over near east Paulding.
  8. Bravo! Alas hope is not lost on the younger generation!
  9. My wife is from Sweden and the health care system there has its pitfalls. Generally everything is paid for although because of increased costs, more of the care is being privatized. If you are in critical care you will be taken care of right away at no cost to you. If you need hip replacement or other non critical care, the waiting times can be anywhere from 8 to 12 months. They have their own fair share of horror stories.
  10. Same here, Hotel Del was one of the most memorable places I ever stayed out. Loved it!
  11. Wow looks like we missed a doozzee of a storm. We are on vacation out of the country. Anyone know of any house that got hit by lightning or tree down north of EPHS?
  12. I'm lost, where is this happening? I'm near east Paulding high school.
  13. Nope, its about 1/4 mile from Macland rd.But yeah i notice them all around the soccer field as well.
  14. I got a chuckle out of this. Google street view captured the exact position where they popped me. http://maps.google.c...2,1.62,,0,13.68
  15. I want to do that! Can i do that ahead of time or at the time of court date?
  16. You are correct. I checked online today and that's exactly what it is. Now to see if i can get the points dropped or take the 6 hour class.
  17. Thats exactly what happen to me. I thought he was waving at me because of a hazard up ahead and to avoid that lane of traffic. Bizarro i must say.
  18. Microcenter in marrietta sells them. Go to microcenter.com and select that store in the top menu and lookup what they have that will fit.
  19. Oh yeah, they was getting people just as they came over the ridge about 1/4 mile away. Just like in the picture. There were a couple of other cars pulled over to the side behind them and the LEO stepped into my lane of traffic waving his arms. I thought he was warning me that there was a hazard in that lane so i moved over to the left hand lane to pass him and keep going. Only I saw in my side view him gesturing me to stop. It was really bizarre. I kept looking to see if there was an accident or hazard up ahead and had no idea that this was some kind of a speed enforcement. I almost think
  20. I did a quick search on Google Street maps for the location I got popped for speeding. And guess what it shows on the street view? A Cobb LEO with a radar gun out. Doh! http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ernest+barret+pky&aq=&sll=33.903672,-84.627535&sspn=0.005654,0.013282&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ernest+W.+Barrett+Pkwy,+Georgia&layer=c&cbll=33.903562,-84.627539&panoid=2kesQlZvmsBSWsCWww5hcQ&cbp=12,339.43,,0,8.63&ll=33.903761,-84.627535&spn=0.011238,0.026565&z=16
  21. Aint that the truth! I was just saying to my wife a few weeks ago that I always see plenty of police around, but never see them pulling people over for the way they drive. So then what happens? I get popped for speeding myself! Never gonna live that one down.
  22. Thanks for the info! If that is the case then it may not be too bad then! I have to call tomorrow and get the exact fine. Will let everyone know.
  23. ca2ga


    Not to long after we moved here, lightning struck the base of our tree out front. Loudest explosion I ever heard. I think our poor dog is still traumatized over it. It also hit the the tracer wire next to the gas line and popped the end cap off the t-connector at the street. Didn't notice it until the next day when there was a string odor of gas outside. Gas company came and we could hear the gas gurgling through the soggy dirt. Poor guys were out there from 1pm to 4am in the morning in the pouring rain repairing the line.
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