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Everything posted by justme2

  1. depends on if the employee is considered "exempt", even if they are salaried http://www.dol.gov/compliance/guide/minwage.htm
  2. more like 55 pesos per day. which works out to less than $5 per day
  3. ok,,,maybe just don't get sunburn that easily
  4. not quite sure i understand this post, but it would not be the first time
  5. best tablet. or best "bang for the buck" if i had to have a tablet, i would probably go with one of the archos tablets running android http://www.newegg.co...CED&Pagesize=20 on the other hand if i was just looking for something portable the acer netbook that is in this weeks ad look like a steal at 249 with a $50 dollar gift card, making your final cost 199 all depends on what you need\want
  6. justme2


    i did too, but then found out i had confused her with someone else
  7. ok...must have had you confused with some one else.......which may not have been a bad thing
  8. didn't mention my user name here at the time.......but i am pretty sure we have talked at both hiram station and spotlight
  9. http://www.clarionle...|text|FRONTPAGE is a better link to the story. this was an 8 month old puppy, tugging on the shirt tail of a 7 year old.....since i wasn't there i can't say if the dog was playing or serious on the other hand, if you are going to own a gun you should have some common sense. from the angle she fired at she didn't have a clean shot, and any miss was likely to hit her her husband she should have moved to a better position
  10. this is why gun control is important.......if you are going to fire a gun you should be able to control it like the guy in this video http://www.wsbtv.com...133/detail.html 30 shot fired at a snake, only hit it once and frankly if you can pick up an allegedly pissed off pit bull i have to question how much of a threat it really was....this may have been a convenient way to execute her husband and make it look like an accident
  11. we have a winner......and the funk brothers were the studio band for motown. between the 2 they had more number one hits in the sixties than elvis, the Beatles and the beach boys combined yet most people don;t recognize their name, but do know who britney spears is
  12. i admire lady gaga for being to manipulate the media, and writing her own songs (even if i don't care for her music) a performer that actually writes and performs their own material is rare these days, and has been for a quite a while. look at elvis......great entertainer\performer, but by most accounts never wrote anything on the other hand look at holland\dozier\holland and the funk brothers.........they wrote some of the best music of all time, and i bet most of the people on this board can't name one song they wrote without using google (even though they know the songs by
  13. has been for years...we no longer try to teach children how to think\learn, only how to pass tests so that the school system gets more money
  14. the scopes trail was over 70 years ago....the cobb county sticker issue was within the last 10. some idiots never learn
  15. it is not the first time a georgia school district was the laughingstock of america. remember a couple of years ago when cobb county had their evolution stickers.
  16. what hours will they be open on sunday?
  17. justme2

    Crab Legs

    best thing i can do....the room are comped between wynn, mgm, and harrahs properties for the entire 2 months, and rumor has it that mgm is going to due away with express comps.......currently my balance on mlife is a little over 12k in comps so i might as well enjoy them while i can
  18. justme2

    Crab Legs

    yeah i enjoy the 3+ acres i am currently renting, but there is also something to be said about not having to drive for miles to get to any sort of store, descent restaurants that are not part of a chain, bars\clubs that have music that isn't country, and being able to at least look at (if not take home) a majority of women that are not grossly overweight. plane tickets and hotel rooms are already paid for for a 2 month break in vegas before i go back to work.
  19. justme2

    Crab Legs

    about 6 months after i started a 3 yr contract here...BIG MISTAKE.....luckily i have less than 2 months to go
  20. justme2

    Crab Legs

    less than $10 per person seem quite reasonable to me for a good restaurant. if you can't afford to take your kid's either don't take them, or don't have them. the last very good meal i had at a resturaunt was in las vegas last month. i was solo, and the tab with drinks was a little over $180........granted it was comped, but still, complaining over less than $10 per person tells me that you maybe should stay at home and eat beans and rice
  21. justme2

    Crab Legs

    less than $10 per person even for lunch is barely above what it would cost at mcdonalds,,,,,,,and the opinion that this is too much may be why there are no good restaurants in paulding.
  22. nope not refering to you....as i said "edited to reflect that this goes back to the original post, not the response that said "From each what they can. To each what they need"
  23. justme2

    Crab Legs

    are they king crab or snow crab?
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