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Everything posted by menopausal

  1. Smoke, Sorry you had trouble but I have a small hi-jack. What time does the main fight start? My son is up the road watching it with a friend and I hope it ends soon so I can get to bed. TIA
  2. I think I am going to give it a try tomorrow. Yes, the canned filling is what it calls for, thanks.
  3. You are welcome. I am going to take the other persons advise and try them both, yumm.
  4. Now that is a good, "Logical" idea. Thanks.
  5. I am not a cook but I just found a recipe for brownies that not even I can mess up. All you do is take a can of pumpkin and a box of devils food cake mix, mix together (add nothing else) and bake on 400 for 20 minutes...........easy. NOW, my question is that I really like sweet potato more than pumpkin so do you think that would work just as well? TIA
  6. Very true. I know a repo man. He has lots of people who play games with him. Sorry this woman had a hard time and am glad someon was able to help her but sometimes the repo man is not the bad guy.
  7. I have gotten it 3 times this morning from here. I just installed my free AVG 2 days ago so I was thinking it was just me, glad it is not. I think I will leave here for a while and let Pubby get to work protecting us.
  8. Put laxatives in the next purchase and sit back and watch. You will find out fast who it is.
  9. I bet it cost more than .04 to print that sign.
  10. I love this commercial and thought I would share a laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdfeW2h8Qo4
  11. He will be working soon so I have to get it taken care of. Thanks Lowrider.
  12. I have lost my sons SS card and do not want to go to Marietta. Does anyone know what day of the month the SS Dept. is at the Senior Citizen Center? TIA
  13. Glad all ended well. Grown Men in the middle of the day and did not run but laughed when confronted? Strange and scary.
  14. Thanks, still not working. I give up but thanks for offering your help.
  15. In Pcom. My computer settings are correct but Pcom is not. For instance, you just sent this message but in my post it shows it was sent at 9:03.
  16. Funny. It is checked and I rebooted the system but it is still not right.
  17. How do I change the time format on here to show the correct time? I went to my settings and adjusted them to show Eastern and chose the app to automatically set the correct time. I then restarted the forum and it is still showing postings and hour behind.. TIA
  18. Dumb question. If these "expire" 2011 we can still file for them in January when filing this years taxes...correct?
  19. Geek help needed. I am attempting to download the free version of Malwarebytes to my computer but it keeps telling me the page is broken. Is Malware no longer available free?
  20. Rumors have been floating for over a year that it will be either a Taco Bell or Chic-Fil-A. Either would be fine with me. I would rather have a Boston Market or Starbucks tho.
  21. Yes, it is titled........MVA with injuries. I am unable to attach it. Sadly, the outcome of the accident was not good.
  22. I know I recommend this restaurant alot but I PROMISE I am in no way affiliated with it or anyone who works there. BUT, JRods has awesome chicken breasts.
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