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Everything posted by menopausal

  1. I say these adult criminals pay for their own crimes. They are probably broke so I have an idea: Let's put them to work immediately by making them cut grass and clean yards for every elderly or disabled person in the county. Then when they are done they can clean the roadways. After that let them clean every public toilet in town. Do not give them access to phones, cable, gyms or cigarettes. It is time we start treating criminals like criminals and demanding they pay for their crimes.
  2. I also saw him a few weeks ago with a walker but this week there was no walker and he was looking good. I know it was him because my son talked to him. Strange.
  3. I really hope he makes the parade.
  4. While I agree he can seem odd he is the nicest old man around. If you befriend him once you are friends for life and he will always sing happy birthday to anyone for only a quarter.
  5. Be nice. He is a nice old man who walks around Dallas. He is famous for singing Happy Birthday to people. The photo studio in Dallas takes pictures of him occassionally and puts them in the Dallas New Era. He is just a strange old man who some of us love. Kinda like Mrs.Jessie, some hate her some love her. I won't tell you my thoughts. But Jay Roberts is along the same line, love him or hate him. I choose to love him and am just wondering what made the sudden change in his health and look.
  6. I met Jay Roberts 15 years ago and fell in love with him. We all know how rough and unhealthy he normally looks.....BUT the last few weeks he looks great. Healthy and happy. What changed?
  7. It seems there are some good comments being made lately and I am running out of my voting credits............Please give me extra credits to bump people up......and down. Thanks
  8. Bitter sweet news. Glad they are helping, sorry it took so long. Still praying for a great outcome.
  9. Best of luck to you, sounds like a great idea. I would start by going to a few of the local schools and asking for advice. There is one on Hwy.61 with very similar hours and it seems to work for them.
  10. Had it about 10 years ago. Was told surgery would take care of it but I had no insurance or money so passed on the surgery. The next week I received a free chiropractic adjustment and my pain went away. The chiro. said everything was associated with the spinal system. Never had anymore pain...........true story. There is a commerce member on here that is a chiro.. Ask him what he thinks.
  11. Thanks. He is being prayed for and thank you for the updates.
  12. Has anyone questioned the police about the picture? I do not remember reading about a family other than the parents. Is there a wife/girlfriend or child in his family?
  13. That would be great. I really am interested in seeing if what I think is true. Just study it for a minute.
  14. I am no detective but to me it appears there is someone in the passenger seat turned side-ways. Pull up the three pics of the truck. The first appears to be what someone said was a jacket or something but in the next two pics it appears the object is further away from the window. Almost like someone was looking at him and moving closer. Take another look at the pics and see what I am talking about.
  15. THANK YOU. Next time I will not use the word vent.
  16. Thank you. What criteria is used in moving these topics? I did not mention the business name in my topic title and they are not commerce members. The recent topics is full of people venting about schools, principals, businesses etc. even mentioning them by name. So, what is the guideline for moving posts?
  17. I had a topic about a restaurant disappear. Where did it go?
  18. Thanks for sharing. My sister just found out she has celiacs disease. I will pass these on to her.
  19. Thanks everyone. I guess I am off to the mall this week to start sampling. Bella.....the one I am currently using is a body spray by Victoria Secrets, it is a plum something.
  20. Thank you. I only use body sprays right now and mostly just the berry scents. I love the way they smell but would prefer a nice perfume for now and thought I would treat myself to one for Christmas. I do not care for the objections I listed at all. I need a clean, light scent.
  21. I agree completely. I guess that is why I despise musk-flower-powder. It takes your breath away. Just a dab will do.
  22. Thanks for clearing that up. I pray he is found safe.
  23. I am on a mission to find a new perfume for myself. I do not like musky-flower-woods-powder or flower odors. My favorite scents are all Berries and citrus. What are some of your suggestions? Thanks.
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