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Everything posted by menopausal

  1. Welcome. There is a rumor that a Chic Fil A will be going up next to the new Walgreens on the other side of 278. While I am glad there is more business coming this way I am not looking forward to the extra traffic.
  2. Are you watching Law and Order? I turned it on late but the case they are discussing seems very similar to the Jon Benet Ramsey case. Does anyone else see the similarity?
  3. If this is Creekside Sub. it was reported on here that there was a loud party and gun-fire. According to what I read on PCOM, no one was hurt.
  4. :clapping: :clapping: AGREED!!!!!!!!!!!! It scares me at the dumbing down our county is experiencing. All of the concerned ,sympathetic people have been ran off and replaced by immature ,pathetic people. God help us. Edited to say: I saw another post on here about the McD's there being robbed at gunpoint....THAT might be what he was referring to.
  5. I clean up after myself. When I have a waitress I even clean everything and stack it in one pile. EXCEPT at Briarpatch...I have been told several times to just leave it on the table and they will get it.
  6. Two different incidents according to the Pcom topics.
  7. THIS would make a little sense. There seems to be a lot of "explosions" in that area. Now I wonder if he is licensed to perform these tests in a populated area. If I were going to do something like that I think I would warn the neighbors.
  8. Any updates? My son is at a party on Davis Mill North and I would just like to know.......thanks.
  9. Darn.....ignore the IM I sent you then.
  10. It's about time. I hope they are opened for lunch.
  11. Thanks. Is it possible you could send me some pics of the bags via email? I will message you the address. Interested in UGA/Tech/Alabama...thanks.
  12. Sadly I doubt it. But I am impressed with most of the ideas.
  13. This brought tears to my eyes. God Bless you and your husband. Thank you Sam for making a devestating accident more bearable for this family.
  14. I have seen several of your posts with nice items. Do you have a "store" I could visit? I remember a while back you had a jersey type computer bag and I have a friend looking for one. Also, do the sock monkeys come with Penn State? TIA
  15. This is a good idea. I know Cartersville seems to have a lot of plants so maybe we could get one this way.
  16. Near the airport. There is a lot of undeveloped land in that area and then you could fly people in and out easily. I think the hospital/apartments could be incorporated into one building so there is less overhead and families could be close together. Maybe each hospital room could be a studio apartment type setting to ease the families burdens.
  17. True, this does not hold merit in every case, but does in a lot. I know several people have put their information out on here looking for employment and based on their posts and topics alone I would not hire them for anything.
  18. Many of them ask the simple question......."Would you re-hire this person?" And then they get all the info. they need from the simple "No' response.
  19. Great question. On the logical side of me that is thinking what we "need" I would lean toward a great childrens hospital. I have spent some time at Scottish Rite lately and am very impressed with what I see there. We need something like that on this side of town. On the "fun" side of me I think we need a place where people could come and relax. Maybe something along the lines of Dolly World or an all inclusive resort. I know you do not think of Paulding as a vacation paradise but if it were all inclusive like Dolly World or the nice hotel in Sevierville with the water park that would w
  20. Another thing employers look at is Social Networking, I know this for a fact. If they pull up your name and see your undesirable pictures or posts on your FB or myspace you are written off.
  21. Thanks, I guess it will be a long night.
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