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Everything posted by east9166

  1. From what i saw seems like there is a lot left to be uncovered... guess only time will tell
  2. I know that suttles has commited to go to Air Force. Just curious how many other local kids have signed today to go play at the next level. i like to see all of the kids no matter what school do well at the next level. good luck to all that have signed or are going to!!!
  3. i hate that the S.O.B is going to be all over the news and the papers now... the Williams family has suffered enough and now thwy have to deal with this!!! hope this case is appealed quickly and the "jack leg" gets his!!! i wouldn't doubt that this was in his plans all along... man our system is horriable in the way it protects death row inmates... sorry to rant and rave so much but this BS makes my skin crawl!!!
  4. if they have a decent job and are responciable is a HUGE factor... if they move out too soon it will end up costing you in the long run
  5. i will say this about the special needs programs that the county offers... i have had nothing but a wonderful experiance with them... when our child went to middle school we made the decision to have them put into some regular ed classes that they could handle and the school have been more than helpful at meeting their needs... it has made our child feel more involved and is progressing very well in several classes... doing things we thought were not going to happen...
  6. I will say this about Tebow... He seems to live his life in the right way and win or loose he is a good person... As far as the hype, that is something that the MEDIA has done... like Roethlisberger (sorry prob spelled wrong) sais, Tebow cant help what the media does. Its not like he calls ESPN and tells them to air everything about him... Im not a bronco fan or a florida fan, but i do know one thing... Tebow is a proven winner on the field and more so off the field... seems to be a very positive person and having seen all the negative that people throw at him he works his butt off to do bett
  7. 27-21 East.... load the cannon!!!!!! BOOM!!! great game, on to the qtr. finals
  8. come on guys u got this!!!
  9. I got a title for him...DRAGGED & BEAT; THE FINAL CHAPTER... this man is a sick person, and no telling how many other children have been torchered by this sick person...i feel for all the victims in this case...
  10. Just wanted to take a second to say thank you to all the vetrans and their families... without the vets the US would not be what it is today...
  11. just curious how many folks were going to attent the meeting tonight even tho they say it is "squashed"
  12. dream team = nightmare... couldnt have happened to a better team... vick is a punk that puts on a front since prison... he paid his debt for his crimes, and im good with that. but when he left the game pointing at the scoreboard talking trash, he really looked like and IDIOT when he looked at the same scoreboard... i hate it for chaz as well... would have been nice to have him punt for the falcons, but i guess not everything works out...it is going to funny to see vick sitting at home during the playoffs!!! the eagles now are really behind the 8 ball. they have lost the tiebreaker to the falc
  13. Great kid and family... if there is an athelete out there that is deserving of this award it is suttles...i feel he is what the award should be looking for: leader on the field, hits the books hard as well... after one game he came over and spoke to my younger children when he didnt have a clue who they were... he still spoke to them both for a second and that speaks volumes to me!!! GOOD LUCK TO SUTTLES AND GO RAIDERS!!! :clapping:
  14. same here... the last couple of times i had surgery i said some things that were off the wall and even turned my family red faced...lol... guess im glad to see im not the only one this happens too
  15. good luck to everyone running... i have nothing but respect for anyone that decides to run for public office and conducts themself in a professional manner...
  16. oh i dont know... good jobs and a little change in my pocket....
  17. i understand that... i am talking about the families that have to move and completely change thier everyday life.... some of whom are elderly and starting over would be tough...this is what i was commenting about... not the funding of the road... my concern is the people...
  18. man this sucks!!! Cancer claims another one... man do we need to find a cure... RIP Smokin' Joe
  19. i guess what bothers me about the whole thing is that the elderly is going to suffer the most!!! being born and raised in the burt hickory area and knowing several of the families out there, including my own, it will be hard for them to have to loose EVERYTHING they have worked for...my folks are retired now and all they have is their home and what property is around it...we all know that the govt wont make it right by these people... as far as starting over!!! it is hard to do when people are in their 60's and 70's with little income... i do remember several years back this same thing came up
  20. log rain delay caused game to run into x-factor time... not happy about it either...
  21. east9166


    wow ididnt see the italian government letting her out...did look as if there were a lot of questions with the prosecution's case...
  22. i wish that would happen... i mean rockmart has their games on the radio up there...hope east looks into that soon...GO RAIDERS!!! :clapping:
  23. i have seen him before in a smaller setting and it is a great live show...should be a funny and entertaining show
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