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Everything posted by CaptainObvious

  1. I wonder if the secret service would let me give W a hug? Cause Ide like nothing more.
  2. I stand corrected. Either way he did his time.
  3. After reading the article I put the following fun facts together: Child was conceived during conjugal visit. Father killed a man in a fight, though not intentionally. Mom was a crack whore. Boyfriend was a psychotic drug dealer. I feel sorry for three people in this story: The child The Childs father The childs sibling The mom and the boyfriend can both burn in hell.
  4. And theyre going to know where I am buried how?
  5. How is robbing the soil of the valuable nutrients your corpse would provide it with for future generations to use more selfless? Before you croak find a corn field and build a cheap box out of particle board. Thats what Im gonna do.
  6. I put flowers on my fathers grave whenever I am in that neck of the woods, but I dont feel guilty about it. He's dead, I doubt he needs any flowers. The flowers are for me.
  7. He isnt married to his kids mom. Somehow he is dillusional enough to think that this will keep his kids from feeling psychological trauma? If anything he is making it worse. He needs to stop.
  8. Apparently NOT discussing it makes it go away and something we will never have to do. HOORAY FOR IMMORTALITY!!!!
  9. We arrest people. Merry f****** Christmas!
  10. Oh I want to be buried, make no mistake, but do it right. None of this fancy shallackered wood with metal rails crap. A simple pine box. Something bio degradable. Eventually ide like to be dirt. Everyone is happy as my grave will eventually be usable real estate again.
  11. I think standing in the cold waiting for the buss builds character...or at least motivates them to want to be in a nice warm classroom.
  12. I know plenty of veterans who have been to other countries, maybe you would like to speak to them?
  13. Ive done business with Aetna, Cigna, and United over the years. Ive been the most pleased with United and have no complaints.
  14. werent you the one who just said google shouldnt be used to answer things? make up your mind please.
  15. yes the same restrictions as cars and guns. Except lye...anyone can have that.
  16. zoo i am quite educated and im arguing it. Further more. We carry deadly chemicals in public all the time. Cigarettes. Gasoline. Naptha. Lye. No law against it. Not a red herring. Your arguement is flawed.
  17. Not just used in public, but that almost everyone has, and everyone can easily obtain, and everyone could easily kill another human being with. Here let's make a MAD LIBS out of it: I dont think ______(weapon) should be permitted in public en masse because the more of them that there are, the more people will get hurt. I also do not wish to be where so many people have _____(same weapon as before) as I do not know if the person who has _____(same weapon) has low blood suger or mental problems or is homicidal. It's simp[le math, really. The more _______(same weapon of choice) there are, the
  18. They have everything to do with your arguement. A car is a deadly weapon, you do not know the circumstances of a person operating a car, yet everyday you go out where there are thousands of cars on the road operated by someone whose circumstances you are not familiar...as you so succintly put it someone whose blo0od sugar may be low, someone whose frame of mind isnt stable. you clearly stated you have a problem with people like that haviong firearms which you beleive is reason enough to dictate to others why they may not have guns. So why not do this with cars. you said you wish to avoid bein
  19. You have already made your arguement that you think more guns will increase peoples chances of being hurt. You have only offered speculation as your support of that arguement. Somewhat more firm evidence has been given to the contrary (though be it far from conclusive) I then told you i do not wish for people telling me whether or not i may carry one or not to which your replied that you arent comfortable with being in a place where you do not know the circumstances of the others who are carrying. I then asked you why you use public roads. I am still awaiting your answer.
  20. Did I mention that children are all universally stupid?
  21. actually it does. I invite you to read about the gestalt theorem sometime. If you have an armed assailant someone might jnot be posting about it to begin with. You still havent told me why you use public roads.
  22. Hurt is subjective. Being a victim and unable to defend yourself is traumatizing.
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