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Everything posted by janko9

  1. http://www.wlwt.com/r/30405806/detail.html Heres the interview with parents.
  2. The Cincy news stations are ALL over this. One is interviewing fam tonight. Thats better treatment than the ATL news gave them.
  3. SORRY. Didn't know I was stepping on toes. Take me out behind the barn.
  4. Kind of my feelings exactly. When we lived in NC we had to go through Cincy to go home to Indiana. Not the best place in the world.
  5. Her car was found abandoned this morning in Cincinatti, OH. http://www.facebook.com/MissingMeg
  6. We moved here in 09. Just curious what the joke is about these tunnels? Have seen old topics with others also wondering the joke behind it. No funds for them, not believing they exist????? Purdue University/West Lafayette, IN has them b/c of the reactor under the university. They are actually used on a daily basis and are a VERY good asset.
  7. Sure I'll be the only dad on here to post, but oh well. My wife has been calling around since the phone calls for jobs for me have FIANALLY been coming in. Pretty much everywhere she has called in Dallas is going to cost us almost a grand+ a month for daycare and that is with only one being full time. Its hard enough for me to trust a daycare let alone just a plain ole babysitter I don't know.
  8. FB says he's studying a GA Highlands. I've been trying to get her name and photo out there for the fam, but after reading what the father posted I believe maybe people better just step back or a lot of people are going to look VERY stupid as others have posted on the FB page before their post is deleted. Call me an a-hole or whatever, but he posted a little while ago that they were headed to Jacksonville State U for some quality family time. My butt would be pounding the pavement if my daughter was really missing.Instead of recruiting many others to do my job and responsibility as a parent
  9. From the FB page it looks like everone is starting to get very frustrated. At who? I really can't tell if it with the parents or police. Evidently they are saying the police say you can't file a missing person case for an adult. ?????? Since when?? I'm no cop, but from what I have read and talked to a buddy who is LE in FL, a child is considered missing after 2 hrs and an adult 24-48 hrs. They give more time for an adult since they can think on their own. The night she went missing her bedroom room window was wide open the next day. IDK what to think anymore.What kind of gets me is the dad
  10. Though I don't need ALL the details. With an adult I would like to know a little bit, just so I know what i might be getting into especially if involved in a ground search or confronting them. There are reports of extreme irratic behavior.
  11. He can keep dreaming. This will be the real portrayer.
  12. Now it has gotten weird now that GBI is involved **UPDATE** Our daughter, Megan Montgomery is missing. Megan left sometime after midnight on Friday--irratic circumstances...she had commitments on Saturday and has not returned, shut down facebook account, no response from any calls/texts. Last contact was with a friend/DECA advisor from Ohio. He said around 3 on Saturday afternoon she text him saying, "Surprise! I'm coming to visit and I'm al...most in Columbus." He wasn't at home and wouldn't be returning until late Sunday and told her it wouldn't be a good idea to visit be
  13. This is just going on and on. The FB page (which the fam has posted on) now says this "She has not been found. A friend said she texted them saying she was headed to Ohio but she still has not been seen."
  14. Good news. Sorry though, and I know she is almost 23, but she lives w/ her parents and she didn't say high bye or gth to them or let them know she was going all the way to Ohio. My first thought now is what is she running from. Especially w/ the reports of people seeing her with irratic behavior Saturday. Looks like there is alot more to it that they aren't telling people helping to find her.Then again was it really her? Hopefully it is.
  15. Hope it isn't an update, but on the FB page there is an emergency bulletin looking for an Eric Wells to call Tony Montgomery(Megans Dad) b/c of a family emergency.
  16. Just saw a report saying an arsonist started the fire.
  17. Saw the FB link. Unfortnately it won't last long with the dark. Need to start daylight tomorrow. With the reports of relapsing and erratic behavior by her friends on the FB page and them asking her to call P.U.S.H. I hope good things come about.
  18. Actually looked at it last night which is when we thought about trying to bring in Windstream and go back. We have talked to a few people outside of P.com as well as some folks on here that have it and have been told that its not much better than Comcast is, but others absolutely love it.Also we have great credit and they still want a $600-800 deposit b/c of the area. Not prepared to pay that.
  19. We had Windstream when we lived in NC and absolutely loved it. 10times better than Comcast and way cheaper for better service. They service everyone around Paulding, but not us. Just called them to see how to get them this way and was told we had to talk local legislation b/c they don't even show we exist in the grid. Would be awesome to get them here. Anyone have ideas. I have spread the word to a few people about them. These people did check their websit and were very impressed. Better cable, internet and phone for under $100 a month compared to almost $180 w/ Comcast. Plus they don't
  20. http://www.facebook.com/MissingMeg?sk=wall One of the posts from a friend of hers says they saw her Friday at a Pawn Shop in Rome. VERY odd
  21. Also curious who you are switching to. We have Comcast and tell you their cable is worse than satellite reception half the time. Have been told of Uverse and Direct TV, but have been told they are no better in our neck of the woods. Wish we could get Charter like Polk Cnty. Very awesome rewards system for paying bill on time and for being a customer.
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