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Everything posted by sutler

  1. What absolute proof do you have that the Zimmerman boy only did the street and nothing else and went home?
  2. Does anyone know of any free computer classes offered for senior citizens in the county? What about for young adults?
  3. I know that at least one school in Floyd County has canned goods that the students can pick from before they go home so that they will have something to eat at night. Free of course!
  4. When I drove by this weekend, the basement already had work going on. It seems they "broke ground" a while ago.
  5. I completely agree that the parents get their kids a good lawyer but I also would want my child to learn that this type of behavior is not what we want. I would hope the punishment will be such that they will regret their acts but not destroy their future.
  6. I'm not sure who you are referring to as a''holes but the students broke a law. The "one" you are talking about may have been more involved then you know but he was definitely in the "mob". There are some people who said he was on school grounds.
  7. sutler


    If you remember the original chase, they showed one portion twice. It was when both cars passed a Volkswagon. They did the same in the "Alcatraz" sequence.
  8. sutler


    Did anyone see the most recent episode of "Alcatraz"? If so, what did you think of the car chase through the hills of San Francisco which was a copy of the car chase in an old movie called "Bullitt" with Steve McQueen?
  9. What started as a simple, traditional, senior prank turned into major vandalism. It's a shame that good students may have fallen into the mob mentality that did this but it has already happened. It cannot be changed. Now they should face the consequences of committing a felony. The public, government school and its administrators have the responsibility to file the charges and the students as well as the parents will need to accept the results. It is unfortunate but that is what goes on when other acts of criminal offenses go on. Should we discriminate based on class rank or should all the s
  10. I've eaten there several times but never saw steak on their menu.
  11. Stay away from the parents. If you get no help from the principal or police by Monday, call the board office or a board member.
  12. I thought the school was required by law to contact the police. Maybe that is what you should do.
  13. I didn't read all the comments but I can tell you , from my experiences, expect the worst in the future. You may want to find out who she is with when she is skipping school. If she is with an adult or older teenager, you may be able to turn it over to the police. Some kids used to grow out of this but now, they seem to get worse.
  14. East dominated county academics from the late 90's until the football team picked up in 2007. Then NPHS opened and started excelling. This may have something to do with the clientele attending the schools.
  15. If Denver wins, Tebow will be a fleeting memory.
  16. sutler


    A friend told me the EP teachers were told that the students were expelled for the remainder of the year and would not walk. The BOE said they would back up the principal and let kids know they can't do this and get away with it. They followed policy. It wasn't just what we saw on the news. They used profanity on the walls about the principal and assistant principal and broke windows , etc.
  17. sutler


    They have a set policy and need to stick to it. If not, I guess there could be lawsuits. I am surprised they followed through on this.
  18. sutler


    Have any students been suspended or kicked out at this point?
  19. We ate at Po Folks. Veggies were nothing great but the fried chicken was good. Our service was bad. We had to ask for the table to be cleaned and it took eight minutes to be waited on. Then they brought the wrong drinks. I would eat their chicken again.
  20. What is a good restaurant , locally for veggies, that is open on Saturdays?
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