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Everything posted by kwood

  1. I believe he was told that he didn't have to do that, in regards to following Martin. He was not told NOT to do it, just that we don't need you to do that. Very different from Do Not Do That.
  2. I worked as a marketing manager in a factory in Birmingham, AL. Most of our workers were from south of the border. They did not flush used toilet paper. They would wipe and then throw it in the garbage can. The 1/3 of the workers that were black used to complain that the others were leaving poo covered toilet paper in the garbage can. We finally figure out that where they come from there is little to no plumbing, and if they have it it's unreliable, so they didn't flush paper.
  3. I blame the guy that decided the best thing to do want smash someones head into the sidewalk. There was no violence perpetrated until that happened. Everyone could have gone home alive and safe had Martin kept walking, or addressed Zimmerman in a calm manor.
  4. I'd suggest getting a shot gun and sitting on the front step in the dark until they show up again.
  5. So everyone is ready to believe that Zimmerman is a molester, but not ready to believe the Martin may have been beating Zimmerman to death?
  6. Were they actually out of order? I normally stop at the bigger chains gas stations, or fast food places, but in an emergency I had to stop at a smaller gas station in Douglasville. I walked in and asked if they had a bathroom, he pointed to a door beside the counter which had an out of order sign. I asked if it was actually out of order or could I use it, and he said it worked fine. So my guess is they just want to control who has access to the restroom.
  7. I don't care if Zimmerman had a Nazi symbol on his forehead. He was attacked with deadly force and had the right to defend himself.
  8. I will not be threatened into voting myself a tax hike. If they want to turn around and raise taxes after we vote no then we have an option at the next election to take those jobs away from them. It is about time that all elected officials start to understand that they work for us. They are there because we put them there, and we are sick and tired of them not using the funds WE give them efficiently.
  9. What a cute idea. I would love to do this when my kids get older.
  10. Did you read my post, I said I DON'T doubt that you are telling the truth. I believe what you are saying is true. HOWEVER, I don't not agree with a self imposed tax to give the government or it's entities more of my money. Looking at the list of projects for this region I don not believe that they have put enough thought into what does and does not need work. My prime example is widening 278 when we are currently building a by-pass. So if I don't like the way they have handled the proposal of the tsplost then I do not trust them to handle the 25% that is not already allocated. I believe that t
  11. For the record, I don't doubt that you are telling the truth, I doubt the people who are handling the money, and making the decisions about what projects are to be done.
  12. But here's my issues. The only project on that list that would affect me, and it's really not that much of an effect since I take back roads to avoid 278, is the widening of 278. BUT, that problem is already being dealt with by by-passing 278 through the extension of Bill Carruth. So they have a project planned that will not be needed. The reason that 278 backs up is because of people trying to get through that area that are not shopping, the by-pass and existing back roads or side roads, which I use EXTENSIVELY, will clear that up. The other reason that 278 backs up is poorly timed lights. Is
  13. I was told when asking local Hiram City officials about adding a light at 92 and Main Street that they would not be able to do that because there are already plans in the works to widen 92 so they cannot add a light there. So to me that means that they are in fact going to widen 92 through historic Hiram. But why does 278 need to be widened when we are building a by-pass around 278 as we speak?
  14. Also at the new hospital. The 6 lanes ends at 120. So it will further back up the intersection at 278 and 120, but allow you to easily get past all the businesses on 278. I really think that the by-pass currently under construction will alleviate a lot of the traffic on 278.
  15. I'm curious I read somewhere (don't have a link) that Georgia has one of the lowest gas taxes of any other state, and that we don't keep all of our gas tax money on the federal tax level because that money is re-appropriated to other states. Some of you know more about all this than I do. If that is the case then why don't we just raise the gas tax to where it is similar to other states? And if ours is lower than other states why are our gas prices not lower?
  16. I don't have a good paying job, I have to commute 20 miles to work in Smyrna. I have an interest in a small business in Paulding that probably won't really be affected one way or the other by the road improvements mentioned in the projects list. I am still voting no. I won't vote for a tax that MAY help, when I KNOW that I can do better with my sales tax money in my pocket. I agree with the posters above. The elected and appoint officials need to work within the budgets they have, make the hard cuts. They should have to do what many of us working stiffs have to do. Prioritize spending, and sav
  17. But we are building new roads are we not? Isn't adding to 278 building a new road? Also, what happens to these roads after the 10 years? Do they just ask to extend the tax to maintain the new roads that have been built? The 25% is allocated to each county based on population and total miles of road in the county correct?
  18. I'm confused by a couple things on that project list. Will it be necessary to widen 278 after the bypass is finished that they are currently working on that takes you from 278 and connects into Bill Carruth? Seems like that will alleviate quite a bit of traffic from 278 as is. Wasn't Macland set to be widened already prior to this vote, or was that just the Cobb County section of Macland? Is 92 left completely off the list because there are already plans in the works to widen it from Douglasville? And last, I almost never travel 61, I know some other people in the county do, but what are thos
  19. There may be 20,000 lots approved for building, but we have no idea when or if those will ever actually result in houses. The boom days of Paulding are behind us. I don't believe you will see an influx of people like you did in the early 2000's until the economy drastically improves. And even then with gas prices being high people won't readily buy homes in one of the far out burbs.
  20. I will be voting no because I am selfish. I would like to keep my pennies. The roads I commute on will not be improved so I see no benefit to Ms
  21. First, my daughter comes first. I have 2 girls, 20 months and 3 months. Between them they probably have 12 shoes. How many shoes does mom have? 2. I would gladly wear rags to make them happy. But I think that comes from being a person that is more concerned about the happiness and well being of my kids over my own. Seeing my daughter happy gives me all the happiness I need. Isn't that what being a mom is about? Second, while my husband is free to make comments on what I buy I would find it odd and of putting for him to have to babysit me shoe shopping. I'm a grown woman who can live within he
  22. kwood

    Did anyone

    This would make me want to vote for Carruth. What a stupid call.
  23. I don't have anything to back my statement, but I would stay away from whole life insurance. Buy term and invest the rest elsewhere.
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