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Everything posted by kwood

  1. We were hearing things like that in our house about a year ago right after the neighbors across the street moved out of their house, we then noticed mice in our garage. We think that they were living in the neighbors house, and when they moved out and there was no more food they came to us (unknown to us there was a bag of bird food that wasn't sealed in our garage). Anyway, we put out traps and poison, killed about 6 or 7 and within about 3 weeks we never heard another noise. And never had the stench of dead mice
  2. What is the problem? When I was in school I rode a bus up until high school, and I don't remember the bus ever being more than 5 minutes off one way or another.
  3. I must have missed where you stated that you had a degree in meteorology.
  4. Lots of burb cloths, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, changing table, bassinet, boppy, that'ts pretty much what I used the first few days.
  5. Blah blah blah.....and vaccines cause Autism, keep up the lies of the liberal agenda. Global Warming Myths
  6. Can't remember the name, but you're talking about the one behind McDonalds in the Subway strip mall?
  7. Then once you get the unscrewed you have to unscrew the battery compartment. I'm all for safety, but it's a pain in the ass.
  8. Seems like a racket, Georgia has a similar law about super speeders, but the times I've been in the car when I or someone else was pulled over the cop always knocked it down so it didn't fall under the super speeder rule. Requiring you to go to court, or hiring a local attorney seems a little unethical in order to line the pockets of select attorneys
  9. I blame it on lack of sleep We live about 30 minutes north/northeast of Dothan. I haven't been to Dobbs yet, with 2 kids 2 and under and living out in the sticks, working from home, I don't get out much.
  10. You're just jealous because your team is my teams bitch...Roll Tide.
  11. ...this weekend, and realized that after spending 6 months living out in the country of South Alabama, that Hiram looked like a mega metropolis. I enjoyed being within a 5 minute drive of anything I would need. But amazingly enough, I was not needlessly pulled over by any police officers, and I was not a victim of the massive crime sprees that have been posted about before.
  12. Since when is the answer to being picked on an bullied shooting? Back in my day, which wasn't that long ago, you just took it until you graduated and then you went to college and your bully went to work at Burger King or Walmart.
  13. So basically my kids are screwed? I let them cry it out within reason, I also vaccinate them and give them formula. However, the only things I have ever heard about my 2 year old so far is that she is so smart for her age, she has an amazing vocabulary, she is well behaved, interacts with both adults and children, has little to no separation anxiety, and is in general a well rounded very happy, very outgoing, very chatty girl. So I don't think I've broken her yet. Jury is still out on the 9 month old. She's not walking or talking yet, but she poops like a champ.
  14. During the recent airing of the PBS Frontline piece entitled, “The Vaccine War,” one parent defended her anti-vaccine views by questioning why her newborn child would need a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease. This comment, as well as many other misconceptions I have read and heard recently, explains the need for public education regarding the risks of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Once parents understand the unique risks that this virus poses to their infant child, I hope they will vaccinate them at birth to protect their children from a disease that can have chronic effects later
  15. What about the millions of children that got the same vaccine that it didn't effect? Maybe there is an underlying condition in the children that are affected that isn't known. But to say it was the vaccine, only the vaccine, and nothing but the vaccine would mean that there would be MANY MANY more children having the same reaction.
  16. There are posts above insinuating that anything from vaccinations, to ultrasounds, to bacterial infections, what have you cause autism. Some people will run with this information without actually doing any research and will tell their friends and family, and that's how we get people thinking that vaccines cause autism. They don't, it's been medically proven that the doctor that said they do made it up, and then it was perpetuated by people in Hollywood so much that there are STILL people out there that think Jenny McCarthy knows more than medical science. Speculating on what causes something a
  17. ATT has a feature called Family Map, and as long as the phone is on you can track it, it's fairly accurate, but sometimes if you're in a rural area or area with low coverage it will give you a wide range of area. You can use the find my iphone on the icloud, but the phone has to be set up on the cloud, and then it also has to be on to give you a location. It does give the option to email you when it does turn on, it will email you the location when the phone turned on. You can also in an emergency sometimes get the phone company to ping the phone to tell you where it is. They don't lik
  18. Well based on what has been posted here my oldest daughter should be autistic. When I was pregnant with her I was high risk and I would estimate I had at least 20 ultrasounds. She has also been fully vaccinated. I was also induced with pitocin for over 24 hours. She is a happy healthy 2 year old. There is scientific proof that vaccines do not cause autism, but lets just ignore fact and run with speculation. It is far more dangerous to have once almost fully eradicated diseases to come back because people refuse to vaccinate their kids out of unfounded fears.
  19. Helpful hint when you have a newborn, pack and extra shirt for yourself. I learned that the hard way when we had an explosive diaper, my daughter had a clean change of clothes, I on the other hand had to wear the poop shirt home.
  20. I will also agree about the great staff. I've spent about a total of 2 weeks in there in the last 2 years and everyone was professional and attentive. It was kind of funny to go back for my second birth in 17 months and see some of the same nursing staff helping me out that had been there 17 months earlier. And the NICU nurses were absolutely the best, luckily my daughter wasn't facing anything life threatening, but it was very stressful just the same and they were great.
  21. Normal? No. The first one I was there being induced for 3 days before they did an emergency c-section, and then we were there for an additional 3 days for recovery. The second one I went in for a scheduled c-section on Tuesday morning and my daughter was in the NICU from the time she was born until Saturday morning, and they released us Saturday evening. But they are normal kids now
  22. Speaking of things you need, and mentioning burp cloths. There is one and only one burp cloth that I trust Gerber Flannel Burp Cloths My second daughter was a spitter upper, and these were the only kind that we had that would actually stop it from getting on my clothes. All the others leaked through. Maybe you'll be lucky and have one like my first that rarely spit up, but my youngest made Linda Blair blush.
  23. I've birthed two babies in a Wellstar hospital the bill was for over 100,000 for the last one and 80,000 for the first one.
  24. Ok, I have two, two and under. They each have their own bag during the week because they go to differnt rooms in daycare. The older one has diapers, wipes, change of clothes and a sippy in her bag at all times. When I take them both out on the weekends I just put her diapers, sippy, and change of clothes in the younger ones bag so as to condense. The younger one has diapers, wipes, burp cloths, bibs, bottles, formula separator (gah! I'm one of those nasty formula feeding moms). If she took a paci she would have one of those. I usually keep some sort of teething toy (she's 9 months) a
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