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Everything posted by juliesmom

  1. Depends on what YOU would consider Ignorant. I know I'm not, but, if you think I am because I believe in Freedom, so be it! Also, I don't like illegal immigrants or anyone else who comes to this country.
  2. I think Whip Cream is the one with air and cool whip is the one in the round tub. I like the one in the squirt bottle like goes on the top of an ice cream sunday. The other one is gross!
  3. Because this is AMERICA and we can stare IF we want too and there are too many foriegners in this town now. We cann't wait to move to another town!This town has been took over! I stare at people like that though because I don't want to be mugged. Its so ugly too. I like to laugh at them because they deserve it!
  4. Well, thats good to know. You just never know when you see a man laying out in the road like that. I couldn't see his face only his feet so I didn't know what the heck was going on. Still haven't heard though what happened or if he got ran over or fell or what.
  5. sorry to hear about your cousin Mom of senior. I can't imagine how horrible that must of been. still waiting to hear what happened and if he's ok?
  6. Yes, I saw the black truck at the angle and the man coming from his truck. It IS really sad. Just yesterday I had posted about two teenagers on Garmon road who were pushing each other out in front of cars. At least my car. It gives me chills if this man was hit, but, if true, my heart goes out to whoever hit him too. Thats not a good road to be walking on and I'm sure it was an awful accident. God bless all involved. Especially the guy hit and the people and family involved. Seeing him laying there like that just upsets me so much to think he may of been dead. I hope he lived.
  7. I'm surprised someone hasn't posted about this already. This guy looked um......dead. I hope not but me and my child both thought he was. If anyone knows, still waiting to hear.
  8. Funny but do they really have it good? There are some areas that still may have it good but what about the fact that kids today can't go outside by themselves? I mean, I know this is getting a bit to the point but its true. I think we had it much better. Children today, can't talk or socialize in school anymore because the teachers won't let them. They can't talk to boys or girls because if they are a 5th or 6th grader or older, it will be considered harassement to ask a girl to go with them. They can't take PE, because they are forced to take classes that aren't required but that they did
  9. I was taking my daughter to school and we see this man, head down toward the ditch, feet sticking up toward the road and the traffic was backed up, ambulance was standing at mans feet and the cops and sherrifs were there. I took my daughter on to school, then, came that way back home and they had him in ambulance, feet showing through back of ambulance but ambulance was just sitting there. Was in no hurry and cops were showing up. Did someone get hit, shot, or was there a wreck? I didn't see any wrecked cars or motorcycles. Just curious and hope the guy is allright.
  10. We have been hearing these booms too. Didn't hear one today near our house but have heard them on and off now for a few weeks. When we hear them, us and all our neighbors always go out on the porch to see what it is but never see or hear anything. I am thinking that transformers are blowing around this area.
  11. We have been hearing these "booms" now on and off for about 3 to 4 weeks. The last one was a few days ago as you posted. I think transformers are blowing. ? I know that they make a loud noise when that happens.
  12. A friend called and said she saw bus 99 from Dobbins in an accident. Does anyone know anything about what happened? Thanks
  13. I have seen several people almost get hit there because they don't put up a redlight. Why does this city put Walk/don't walk pole lights up in areas where noone will ever walk (like bill carruth and nebo intersection) and not put up redlights in areas where peoples lives are in danger? makes no sense to spend money on those kind of lights.
  14. We got an automated call from Dobbins but I didn't make it to the phone in time. I wonder if they were saying they are closed, or they are open. They've called before to say school will not be closed, but, to say its open too. I would think with the temps dropping and the roads wet, it would be closed.
  15. at least some of the counties care about their students and parents
  16. I wish I knew. Some of us have jobs and can't just sit home all day waiting to see if schools are closed. WE have to make arrangements for our children or else we will be FIRED if we can't get to work, unless the roads are just undrivable. I think they will close them based on the weather. Unless they miss it again like they've done EVERY time before. The sad thing, noone in this area really gets excited when they are predicting snow. Takes the fun out of it for the kids! So, what if little johnny gets a little excited if they predict some snow and may bet to be out? This isn't they Nor
  17. haha, I am STILL nodding my head at some people we saw in the walmart parking lot. They were standing around BRAGGIN how they WOULD NOT BE getting the h1n1 vaccine for their teens. They did not trust it, et. All the while, their teens stand there PUFFING CIGERETTS! PRETTY SAD!
  18. Please someone? We want to go but can't find the times.
  19. May I ask why is it so expensive? We just got back from some of the Alabama haunted houses and they are around $7.00 per visit. I mean, 15.00 for adults! WOW! That pricey. I don't see who could afford to go once you pay for 2 adults and 2 children. I'm glad to see hiram has something like this FINALLY but I don't think we can afford it.
  20. It happens all the time, doesn't it men? ; )
  21. why do you say comcast does not care? just wondering,
  22. Come on, David Letterman is just like any other man. Men do this sort of thing all the time. Why should he be any different? I didn't think it was funny but it was good he got caught. Maybe it taught him a lesson.
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