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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I wonder if she'll have his kid? that's assuming they'll get a conjugal visit. That's all the world needs is a little Charlie Manson running around.
  2. My grandmother donated her body to medical research at Emory. Just another option to consider...
  3. Put me down for one of each of the first three. And the ear earrings.
  4. feelings of being offended by such things is a choice. No?
  5. I've never been real big on sweets, I will have an occasional Hershey's with almonds or Nutrageous. I mostly prefer salty snacks.
  6. Please, take your time. This is important.
  7. Southern California. For the weather, freedoms and insurance coverage for my son.
  8. I have always heard that you should never leave your house with your washer or dryer running, but I'm guilty of it. Lesson learned. Glad you were home.
  9. Haha. Actually yes. Also born and raised in upstate New York. I call him a left leaner because people here would consider him that, in real life he's just a person without an agenda who uses common sense.
  10. Just because a person is wary of people who open carry doesn't mean they aren't carrying themselves, that's ridiculous. I will never deny the right of someone to carry a gun, I was raised with a dad who is a Marine, a left-leaning Marine who loves and owns guns. I personally don't feel comfortable around them, I never have, I don't know why. I'm certainly not going to apologize for it. A person has the right to open carry and I have the right to stay away from them. I don't see how that makes me scary.
  11. I think most of us share that concern.
  12. I agree. Call me a chicken Shiit if you will but when I'm in walmart with my 4 year old and a guy with a gun on his hip walks by I can't just assume he's a good guy with a gun. I tend to think he's a guy looking for attention and frankly, I don't trust attention seekers, I find them annoying. It does make me uncomfortable. I don't live in fear but I also don't go around with a naive sense of trust for strangers with guns.
  13. same here, my thyroid test came back normal last month yet I have every symptom of a person with a low functioning thyroid and a very strong family history.
  14. Maybe I'm just crazy (shut up) but I really like it here in East Paulding. This news makes me feel unsettled, of course. But my kids both love their schools and we have never had any issues other than unnecessary fireworks and nosy neighbors. Bad stuff happens everywhere. But this does explain why I'm always seeing PCSD at the Dollar General. YEESH.
  15. I am also in that boat, and I'm "patiently" waiting for my super reliable oven to die as well.
  16. Glad you're okay TP! Enjoy your trip to Florida.
  17. Why do you hate it? That's the kind I considered if and when we do get a new fridge. My whole life I have only had the "regular" style. I always wanted a side-by-side for the ice maker and water feature. Although I do worry about having enough space in the freezer with that style. I think we're the only people on the face of the earth that still use ice cube trays.
  18. That is McAwesome!! Thanks so much for sharing.
  19. The doctor told me I should watch my cholesterol. Too many McRibs.
  20. Is this the dinner thread? We had meatless nachos. I thought about adding ground turkey but I figured, they would be just as good without. And they were.
  21. Oh, um, well... This is awkward. Yes, yes I did. Kinda.
  22. I used all my "likes" on this thread. I think I have a McProblem.
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