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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Shake n bake pork chops, sauteed asparagus with garlic, rice and rolls.
  2. I've never been. Probably never will. ETA-I drink huge amounts of coffee lately, not because I love it though. It's a necessity.
  3. same here. I've tried antidepressants, no luck. I think behavioral therapy is the only way to go, from what I know there is no cure.
  4. jennilyn77


    Nope, I nominate either myself or Sugail as the sweetest, to heck with the rest of ya... you know I love ya! after all, you helped me with my bladder.
  5. jennilyn77


    Sugail is the sweetest pcommer, i'm convinced.
  6. yea, i've heard of that. Thankfully it's not that bad for me. It does suck though. It's a weird problem to have. I can't remember having a nice full head of hair. Like SS said I learn to "mess with" the less noticeable areas. I would have never admitted I have it if she didn't first. And yes, finding the course thick hairs are like winning the jackpot. so weird. Thanks everyone for sharing, I feel a little more normal now.
  7. have you had your thyroid checked? My mom has had some loss of smell and taste with her hashimotos disease.
  8. Google is evil. Don't do it. I learned my lesson last week with dimples when I was convinced he had Spina bifida, thanks to google. I'm sending good thoughts. I'm sure everything will be fine.
  9. ok, well just let me know. If it's afternoon I might can get my momma to watch dimples. If it's evening hubs can watch him. The sooner I know, the better. no pressure though. oh wait, lunch is definate. Maybe I can do both! so I guess i'll let ya'll know...i'm even more confused now. Don't mind me. I've had Bud light and i'm on little sleep. I is dumb.
  10. Racist. I'll try to join in. Are we talking lunch time or evening? I'm confused.
  11. I was wondering about her too! She was due right after me. I was hoping our babies could be friends.
  12. I think I went to school with him. Very sad:(
  13. I'm a moron when it comes to directions. You mean the Kroger across from chattahoochee tech?
  14. I've had 4 since their return. I need more.
  15. Same here. Exactly. I never knew other people did it too until I saw a story about it on 20/20 about 10 years ago. I about fell out of my chair when I found out I wasn't alone. It sucks getting my hair cut because I always hve to explain why my hair is so jacked up. Thats why i'm asking, I need someone to cut my hair that is familiar with the "condition" so I don't feel like a complete wacko. I'm slightly wacko but not completely wacko
  16. Poor Tom has some crazy eyes!! I swear they're gonna pop right out of his head one day.
  17. Its a form of OCD or anxiety disorder where a person feels the urge to pull out their hair. Anyone know about or have experience with this? Just curious.
  18. I think so too! I wish my name was January. Perhaps i'll change it.
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