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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. thats my point. Here he is with this nice shiny new second chance and he goes and blows it by acting a fool. Not too bright IMO. anyone hitting anyone is unacceptable.
  2. Bright a$$ pink for me in the summer, black, burgundy or red in the winter. Mrs B., I can't believe that happened to you at walmart. I probably would have caused a scene. I also can't believe that you don't care if your toenails don't match your fingernails. I lol-ed when I read that. That don't fly with me. they gotta match unless a french manicure is involved. ETA: NOBODY is ever allowed to touch my feet.
  3. me too. dimples put me up to a 9.5. I started as a nice dainty size 7 before the kids ruined me.
  4. sheesh, I pay $30 a month for regular beds.
  5. ugh, I already have a headache.
  6. I'm so happy to hear that!!! I love nice people.
  7. Pole dancing to christian music is creepy.
  8. Where is the soon to be golf range? This is the first i've heard of it. I'll never see my husband again.
  9. I didn't realize she was only 79. I thought she was older. I guess because of all her health problems. RIP
  10. I doubt it too. I don't think we will ever see fast food in New Hope.
  11. well hopefully they wouldn't smash windows. Especially with a new album coming out and prior assualt convictions. IMO he should consider himself lucky that the public is even willing to give him a second chance to begin with.
  12. My link Wow! Is this guy dumb or what? Apparently the anger management isn't working. What a tool.
  13. My ideal would be fall all year!! I'm sorry your a/c is broke. Are you sure you need a new one? Have you had it looked at? maybe it's something simple & somebody here can help you out. idk, just throwing out suggestions. Take a cool shower. I do it all the time in the summer. I'm also known to stand topless in front of the freezer.
  14. Very true! I dealt with that when I was having fertility issues. What's considered normal by some dr.'s isn't always normal.
  15. I saw it. I love the view. I don't understand why or how that guy is getting out of jail.
  16. Poor thing!! I love pregnant Mrs.B. she's so sassy. sorry I have no advice on the drinks either. I've never made a margarita. I do have one suggestion for everyone, don't ever ask for "the biggest margarita they have" at La Parilla, it's just a little pricey.
  17. I bet! Welcome! In my dreams I live in southern California.
  18. YUM! I love DQ burgers. did ya get a Blizzard?
  19. ok, maybe 4. My MIL met sister schuberts sister at the grocery store. It's her favorite story to tell at family gatherings. All about how she met sister's sister. I think it was probably some psycho woman wandering the frozen food section claiming to be sisters sister.
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