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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. hmmm, If I were the grandma trying to make a profit by "selling" my grandchild to my daughter that I gave up for adoption, I would say that I deserved to be thrown in jail and I should be ashamed. I would even go as far to say that I deserve a good kick in the arse, or a punch in the throat.
  2. I noticed that too. I was just watching CNN, apparently, the defenses bug guy is a former student of the bug guy the prosecution has. funny how he disagreed with the guy who taught him everything he knows. I take back that I felt sorry for him. I don't.
  3. I felt bad for the bug guy. It's not his fault the defense is seriously lacking. how embarrassing.
  4. I don't want to read it. I fear for our children. too much sick in the world.
  5. I think my husband may feel that way too. I can't say for sure yet, our son is only 8 months old. I think it's sweet your sons text I love you. I hope my son will one day. Thats one reason I was so happy to have a boy this time, boys sure do love their mommas!
  6. Yay for sleep. Mine is sleeping too. Even if he dosen't know now, he will soon. with Brady, I point to myself and say "I", then I make a heart with my hands and say "love", then I point at him and say "you". He melts, you can just see the love! it's so sweet, I just had to share. I'm a cheeseball. I was uncomfortable saying I love you when I was a kid too. My daughter says it back to me most times. I'm glad she's more comfortable with it than I was.
  7. Ever since I can remember i've always heard "I love you" from my parents. My mom said she made it a point to tell us kids because her mom and dad rarely ever told her they loved her. Not because they didn't, I just think those words come easier to some than others. I don't really know. I always tell my kids I love them, every night before bed and sometimes just randomly. My husbands parents are like my grandparents were, they rarely say I love you to my husband or his brother, and like I said, of course they do, I guess they just don't feel a need to say it. My husband says it on rare occ
  8. Yes, yes I do. I showed my husband the underoos link Mariposa posted and he's game. and you spelled it wrong, it's jenilyn.
  9. Thanks! There's a reason I didn't know what those were. I don't floss.
  10. yea, i'm a little tired of the whole "different pot of money" excuse. Poor animals indeed.
  11. I don't stress either. I hate milk unless it has chocolate in it. I haven't drank a glass of white milk in 25 years and I can probably count on 2 hands the number of times i've drank chocolate milk, and I feel fine. and the fact that we aren't milk drinkers saves us lots of money. That stuff is expensive! My sister won't let her autistic son have cows milk. She thinks it makes him act out. same with sugar.
  12. Well i'll be...small world! Congrats! It feels good to have your hard work acknowledged.
  13. Interesting. I've only caught bits & poeces of this whole thing but I can't stop thinking that there might just be some reasonable doubt. Not that I think she's not guilty, because I do. I'm just not sure they have enough hard evidence to convict her.
  14. I don't know what whale tail is.
  15. Same here, my daughter is an emo kid. She could care less what's popular or cool. She likes what she likes and I couldn't be happier about it. she wants to wear jeans in 95 degree weather, ok by me. Other than the fact I worry about a heat stroke.
  16. Sweet! Can someone loan me $35?
  17. Do they make underoos in adult sizes? I miss my Wonder Woman underoos.
  18. Crazy is a daily thing for me. I wake up that way.
  19. My sisters step daughter has worn a padded bra since she was about 9. Same for her bathing suits. Her mom also spends thousands of dollars a year for competition cheerleading when she can't afford her bills. like I said, some moms will do ANYTHING to make their daughters popular.
  20. I had nothing chocolately, so I made a cheesecake. I'm eating it now and all I can think is how it needs chocolate, and to cool a little longer. It's kinda warm but I couldn't wait!
  21. I thought an arrest record was a necessity for the NFL? He's just thinking ahead is all.
  22. My comment wasn't meant for everyone, only the moms who allow their daughters to dress like that. I've seen it countless times. Some mom's get so wrapped up in the social lives of their dd's, they get just as sad as their daughters do when Johnny dosen't call. It's pathetic. It seems like so many moms just want their kids to be popular and will do or allow whatever it takes.
  23. The woman on stand now looks annoyed. Caseys lawyer is a moron. I can only imagine what Casey is thinking watching his performance.
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