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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. In other news, shopping at Target is a lot more pleasant these days.
  2. Lol. I don't care who you are or what side of the aisle you're on, that's funny.
  3. No. I just thought it was funny. I knew it was satire.
  4. Some people will only believe what they want to believe. I think this sums it up nicely. http://babylonbee.com/news/breaking-comey-hearing-confirms-whatever-already-wanted-believe/
  5. The source is questionable, but it's not wrong.
  6. As I said before I'm not real big on the whole climate change debate and I've always maintained that it shouldn't be political.
  7. Why would you ask that? I know as much as anyone else who's commented in this thread. I know how to read and comprehend.
  8. A different kind of perspective. http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2017/05/america_doesn_t_deserve_the_paris_agreement.html
  9. Considering you actually believe the crap you posted in post 11, I'll save my time. I'll just say that there's a good reason almost nobody thinks this is a good idea other than the trumpsters. I've never been real big on the climate change debate but I'm also not stupid. Clean air= good.
  10. Blind Trump supporters never cease to amaze me. #partyovercountry
  11. This is all that matters.that people at least TRY to understand. You've done well and I thank you again
  12. I can tell you that with my son being autistic, if he were to get a most likely to flap his hands award I would be livid. I would talk to the administrator one-on-one and then I would talk to everybody and anybody I could, to raise awareness so that this type of thing doesn't keep happening. Parents of kids with disabilities are programmed early on to advocate for our children because we have to. It never stops. We want our children to be treated with the respect they deserve and we want society to understand our kids and the discrimination often shown to people with disabilities. We want acce
  13. I won Audioslave tickets to a private concert in the early 2000's. By far one of the best performances I've ever seen live. Chris Cornell singing The Working Man was everything. Once again, a true talent gone too soon.
  14. I'm so very sad and sorry to hear this. As a fellow foodie, I have always enjoyed his posts and recipes. My heart hurts for Melissa and his family.
  15. The morality of our nation has been compromised! How dare these liberals destroy the sanctity of marriage! Says the Donald Trump voter who voted for a guy that's been married three times, has a few different baby mamas and brags about grabbing women by the pussy.
  16. It's been like that for the past eight years. Why should it be any different now?
  17. Can you imagine if this mess was going on while Obama was in office? Conservatives would be fainting left and right. If even half of the nonsense that has come out since Trump became president happened under Obama the right would have lost their mind by now.
  18. Patience, we're just getting to that. Just don't bury your head too deep because sand is hard to swallow. Time to wake up.
  19. He was totally competent when he reopened the investigation to Hillary's emails and was praised by Trump. Now suddenly he's incompetent. Gosh. How convenient. What a shiit show.
  20. Nooooooooooooo!!! I hope not. I don't think she will.
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