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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. If you want to see hateful check out the comment section on any Facebook post about Michelle Obama or the Obamas in general. An example https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155792355215695&id=10505090694 Sorry but no one party is more hateful than the other.
  2. Yes, we all saw it. What a great guy. I just wish it was a magical hat that somehow made our commander in chief more Presidential. PS, I think it's hilarious that the right has latched on to this as some sort of evidence that Trump isn't a moron.
  3. I get that medical accidents happen, but to pretend all is well and then try to withhold records...sorry, that's shady AF.
  4. I could give 2 craps who appointed her. I know what happened to my loved one and it resulted in 2 infant lives lost. But by all means politics over people...
  5. Let's just say I have someone very close to me who received very poor care from her resulting in infertility and miscarriage. She then tried to cover it up. Not a very good choice if you ask me.
  6. I'm pretty sure most people find the enslaving of humans "offensive". At least I hope so. Nobody is trying to rewrite the history. They're just trying to put it where it belongs, which is in a museum.
  7. I agree but dang. #1. don't mess with a pregnant woman. #2 don't take stuff that isn't yours.
  8. Crossroads Kroger has had a sushi station for a while. It's not the best but it'll do when your craving sushi.
  9. I completely agree. I was very anti commercialization but now I see I was on the wrong side of that debate, and it was some of the anti folks who helped me open my eyes. #charactermatters
  10. A quick Facebook search on the story brings up all the results and how long ago they were posted. Just sayin.
  11. Several news sources are still reporting about it? Especially the left leaning ones. It didn't suddenly stop. Nice try though.
  12. Senseless. There's not a whole lot of outrage or discussion about this. I wonder why? Hopefully Trump will denounce it soon.
  13. I mean why was he in North Korea to begin with.
  14. I can only imagine what those sickos did to him. So sad. I've read a few stories about him since he returned but none of them say why he was there to begin with. Anyone know?
  15. Great idea! Start World War 3. That'll really show those liberals.
  16. The left has more unstable folks? A tiny fraction of racists? Loyal opposition? I don't doubt that you didn't see all the hate spiel directed toward Obama but this post is missing the reality over the past eight years
  17. Statement from Bernie Sanders. "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values. "My hopes and prayers are that Representative Scalise, congressional staff and the Capitol Police Off
  18. The Obama hate was relentless and nasty. Even right here on this very board. How many times was Michelle body shamed and called Moochelle here? How many times did you or anyone else on the right call out someone for it? You are only seeing what you want to see.
  19. Today's shooting is just another example of why we need to address the homegrown terrorist problem we have. Unfortunately though, as you can already see, it will do nothing but divide us even more. Nobody of sound mind is rejoicing over this so we should all put away our broad brushes and think of those affected by this nonsense.
  20. I guess now you know how some of us felt for the past 8 years.
  21. And I'm sure if it were Democrats who were shot at there would be some crazies on the right having the same reaction.
  22. Nope. I'm just glad I was smart enough not to vote for the man currently making a laughing stock of our nation. Every day when he does something stupid I can at least say to myself that I had no part in it. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for him and deflecting because I find that quite comical and entertaining.
  23. Embarrassing headline after embarrassing headline I go to bed every night proud to be on the right side of history knowing I didn't vote for the moron in office.
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