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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. In a letter signed by 35+ veterans- "Far from an anomaly, athletes leading on social change has been the norm in America. The right for those athletes, and all Americans, to protest is one we all pledged to defend with our lives if necessary. Far from disrespecting our troops, there is no finer form of appreciation for our sacrifice than for Americans to enthusiastically exercise their freedom of speech." https://theundefeated.com/features/an-open-letter-from-american-military-veterans-in-support-of-colin-kaepernick/ https://medium.com/@VetsForKaep/an-open-letter-of-support-for-colin
  2. Ahhhhh, I love the smell of freedom on this beautiful Sunday morning.
  3. I think the Dylann Roof shooting and the picture of him standing in front of the Confederate flag reopened some old wounds. It was shortly after that that the flag debate came up again and overtime people have become a little more woke about history and the true meaning behind some of these symbols. It's not new that most black folks are offended by Confederate symbols. It's just that more people care now. Progression in attitudes toward past wrongs is and should be a natural thing. When you know better, you do better. I guess it just baffles me that some people care more about statues than th
  4. This is tragic. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/21/552527929/oklahoma-city-police-fatally-shoot-deaf-man-despite-yells-of-he-cant-hear-you?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20170921
  5. Yeah, there's more to the story. Timeline- https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/timeline-in-murder-case-against-ex-st-louis-police-officer/2017/09/17/97c4ccea-9bbc-11e7-b2a7-bc70b6f98089_story.html Tensions have been running high between police and residents of St.Louis for quite a long time. And not for no reason.
  6. There is no way to disprove systemic racism because it's literally been going on for a century. It's a fact. Minorities have been singled out and given harsher penalties for as long as we've both been alive. This isn't part of some new race war or George soros-funded initiative. People are fed up. This is simply a preview of a very good documentary that I recommend you watch. https://youtu.be/V66F3WU2CKk Here is a list of books that will better help people understand. https://www.bustle.com/p/17-books-on-race-every-white-person-needs-to-read-76401?utm_content=bufferde95b&u
  7. My post is about accountability and systematic racism that exists whether you want to believe so or not. Not about crime stats, but I would still be interested where you get your sources.
  8. Apparently the cop had never had training in crisis management. I think that's one of the problems with law enforcement. Not enough training. I'm not speaking of this incident in particular, just in general. Too many mentally ill people have been killed because of lack of training in dealing with the mentality I'll.
  9. 4 days of protesters sick and tired of police not being held accountable for killing black folks and decades of systemic racism.
  10. Maybe you should tell the whole story. Protests have been mostly peaceful with those looking to start trouble mostly coming out at night. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/18/551755459/protests-in-st-louis-continue-after-a-weekend-that-saw-dozens-of-arrests
  11. If I had to choose between living in a society that cares about animals and whether or not they are being abused, or a society selfish enough to not care. I would choose the one that cares. If I had to choose between being friends with a person who could care less about a tiger being illegally owned and killed or a person who is sad about it, I'll choose the person who is sad about it. The lives of animals may not be more important, but I will choose an animal over an uncaring human any day.
  12. I was able to look at the original pictures by clicking on them.
  13. Good men don't fight for the right of others to enslave good men.
  14. "It was this intellectually dishonest, totalitarian milieu that motivated Rectenwald to abandon the Left entirely."
  15. Nice right wing opinion piece. Has anyone here come out in defense of antifa?I'm sure there are some on the left who approve of their tactics but I assure you most don't. Legitimate protesters wish they would go away because they give everyone else a bad name.
  16. I'll be happy to condemn any act of violence. As far as being misled, many on the left say the same about right. And Trump gives much ammunition to that belief.
  17. It's so interesting to me that Trump supporters can't condemn the KKK or Nazis without using the word but. As far as BLM being as bad as KKK and Nazis, that's simply not true. BLM has white members and they were one of the first groups to speak out after that white Australian woman was killed by a cop. They are not a hate group. They don't Lynch people, they don't go around burning crosses in white people's yards, they don't cover their face, they don't beat and kill people for the color of their skin. https://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2017/08/economist-explains-15
  18. Not really. The far left is very active in the United States, but it hasn't been particularly violent for some time," says Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. He says the numbers between the groups don't compare. "In the past 10 years when you look at murders committed by domestic extremists in the United States of all types, right-wing extremists are responsible for about 74 percent of those murders," Pitcavage says. http://www.npr.org/2017/06/16/533255619/fact-check-is-left-wing-violence-rising Not that many sides.
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