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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Give me a break. Cane is absolutely right. If you think that doesn't speak well for me I could honestly care less. Trump is terrible and everyone knows it. In my opinion, it doesn't speak well for those who still support him.
  2. Well that's silly, he obviously tried to click on the link. As did I. The first time I tried it simply wouldn't load, the second time I tried it gave me a warning.
  3. What the hell happened in Niger? https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/niger-isis-us-soldiers-attack/543531/
  4. I know it won't happen. I just wanted to present Something that would actually be helpful as opposed to EZ's plan to "jail them all".
  5. Maybe it could be used as a rehabilitation center for addicts. Or a homeless shelter.
  6. The pond at Mt. Tabor Park has huge fish in it. I didn't realize until a month ago when my son and I were feeding the geese and these giant fish started swimming up. I think they're koi fish but I know nothing about fish. Now we go to the park just to feed and watch the huge fish. And hide rocks...
  7. The president says dumb things on almost a daily basis. It's not that hard to believe that he would say something that stupid.
  8. Exactly. Like the freedom to take a knee. You can do what you want but expect to have repercussions.
  9. Imagine if every Business owner that refused to serve gays was required to hang a sign in the window of their business disclosing the fact that they are bigoted towards homosexuals and refused to serve them? I'm personally all for it. It's really no different than those who refused to serve black people. Of course that's illegal now. But by all means, show us the bigots and let their business die along with their humanity. The right to discriminate doesn't come without the right to suffer repercussions.
  10. No, I care about my friends and my community. I care about how my black friends feel, I care about justice and America. In case you hadn't noticed it's a pretty major news story so everyone who isn't sleeping is aware of it. Thanks to our race-baiting moron in chief. The fact that I have conversations with black people every single day about how they feel about these types of things makes me quite aware of what's going on. Nice try though. One mustn't be a football fan to be aware of what's going on in our country.
  11. It was a veteran who sat down and had a talk with Kaepernick who suggested he take a knee instead of sitting on the bench. Again, some of you really need to step out of your bubble. http://www.snopes.com/veteran-kaepernick-take-a-knee-anthem/
  12. I can't speak to that because I don't watch or care about football.
  13. From September 7th- https://www.sbnation.com/2017/9/7/16251532/nfl-anthem-protest-colin-kaepernick
  14. Well I guess when you get all of your news from blogs and only sources that you agree with you miss out on a whole bunch of other stuff.
  15. You are correct. The boycott started at the beginning of the season over Kaepernick not being signed. I guess it depends on who you know but most people I know boycotting are doing so for that reason.
  16. Ha. Here's the link to an alternative baseball organization. https://m.facebook.com/alternativebaseball/
  17. Those freezer Pillsbury biscuits are pretty good.
  18. All of these questionable charts, figures and "facts". Present them to the families who are in mourning over the loss of their loved one killed in yet another mass shooting. See how that goes...
  19. I was being sarcasticly sanctimonious followed by a laughing face. Lighten up. Believe me, I know that only certain people here are allowed to be hateful and not be called out on it by the right.
  20. And y'all accuse others of being hateful and divisive. The hypocrisy is strong in this post. Of course, it has been ever since the election, just as I predicted.
  21. I'm sure all the loved ones of those who have been killed by unnecessary gun violence will find comfort in these statistics. (Sarcasm of course) Bonjour
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