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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Yep--right there with ya!!! Snakes, rat, mice--dead or alive--doesn't matter. I hate them and am terrifed of them.
  2. They were transporting a female prisoner to the hospital and when they called rescue on the scanner---they said that the prisoner was complaining of severe neck and back pain. Heard it all on the scanner. I hope everybody is OK, but just from the way that the call come over--it sounded like somebody was seeing dollar signs.
  3. I am just pissed that Jacob is still there. I am so tired of him. I like everybody left except for him. Although, I know that a lot of folks won't agree--I think that James has a decent chance of winning. I do not like his screaming (we had enough of that last year!!), but last night he proved that he can do pretty much anything. I really don't have a favorite right now--they are all good in my book--in their own way.
  4. I have a friend that went on a 3.5 week cruise over there. They fly over and then bring back a new ship to the U. S. --so it is a lot cheaper. It was only a little over $1000 for the cruise and her flight, some sort of a special deal. She has another friend that has done this type of trip several times. SHE LOVED IT. And she was able to bring back olive oil and several other things.
  5. My son got a quote from Don Brown and it was reasonable. He has a landscaping company and needs it for commercial jobs (and the residential ones too).
  6. Thanks for the explanation!! But I got one question. Does Dallas not book their folks thru the county like Hiram does??? For some reason, I always thought they did. Anyways--I agree with what you have said 100%. I think there will probably be a civil suit to follow and I hate that for both families. It will not be easy on either.
  7. Did I say one word about him being guilty????? NO I just made a comment that it was odd that it took it this long to come out. Any other thing would have made front page and been on the news immediately. Remember---they only tell the bad things about Paulding County???? My Dad was a business man here in Paulding County and did a lot of work with Mr. White and he thought very highly of him. I don't know him oersonally, so that is all I have to go on. So maybe you need to re-read what I said. All I did was make a statement and it was not against Mr. White at all. Just seems unusual t
  8. Somebody did a pretty good job of covering this up. Arrested 3 weeks ago and just now hitting the news????? Interesting.
  9. Years ago I had a kid calling my home number and he was threatening my son. He was so stupid that he would say stuff to me when I answered the phone. We knew who it was, but the phone company would not do anything until I made a police report. Once I had a case number, when the kid called--I had to do some *xx and it traced the call to the phone company. After 3 calls--they sent a letter to the home address with a warning that if they didn't stop--their service would be disconnected and charges would be filed. Funny--after a couple weeks the calls stopped. I guess Mamma and Daddy got the m
  10. They don't have any debt--they filed BK and got rid of it!!!
  11. If there have been nasty emails sent--you need to report them to Pubby. If nothing else--copy and paste and send them to him. There is no excuse for that!!! And if they continue--well, you know who to call. Speaking out on a public board is one thing--personal email is another, in my opinion.
  12. LOVE IT!!! Or the folks that sit at home a draw SSI when they can get out and work side jobs, keep kids in their homes, etc. I have seen way too many folks drawing SSI that are no more disabled than I am. Then you have folks that really have medical issues and they are turned down time after time--go figure. I have had to make myself not go to the Walmart in Marietta. I used to run over there on my lunch to pick up a few things, but I just get mad every time I go. You stand in line behind a HUGE family of mexicans paying with food stamps and WIC and then you follow them out to the
  13. I dropped my AT&T phone over a year ago and went with TMobile home phone--$10 a month and I love it. Had to keep the AT&T internet. I bet when AT&T takes over TMobile , I will loose that deal and at that time I will cancel my home phone all together. I will NEVER pay regular price for home phone again. It is bad enough that my cell phone bill will go up with AT&T and I will not give them anymore of my money. I have unlimited talk on my cell for $49 a month and I think the same service with AT&T is about $70???? Which is crazy. If one company can offer it at tha
  14. Hey--at least you have insurance and retirement. A lot of jobs (including mine) don't even offer it anymore. We have just last month started a 401K, but no insurance. I would gladly take less than $200 a month cut to have my insurance paid for. And I know that you pay something for family coverage--but I am sure that it is way less than the $600 a month that I pay for just myself--with a $3500 deductable. And no--don't send me your address. I live paycheck to paycheck just like most folks around here, but you learn to cut corners and do without to survive. And emergency personnel--I un
  15. OK----some folks are not gonna like this, but here is how I see it. If you make 45K a year--then 1 day is about $173.00, then you would take out the taxes. If $173.00 per month is gonna force you into bankruptcy or make you loose your house or car---news flash--you were already there. I don't know what the average income is for a county employee, but I would guess that unless you have been there many, many years--it is at that level or below (my guess being more would be below). I know that you don't want to loose the money, I wouldn't either, but loosing that 1 day is batter than not
  16. Could've been a C-5???? They have a whining sound when they fly. Years ago when Lockheed was doing the mod work, I had them fly so low over my house that I could read the letters and numbers on the belly of the plane--and my house is down in a hole!!
  17. Could care less about all stars. He has played them, my son played them every year that he played--and they are a JOKE. All you got is a bunch of coach's kids and their suck ups (which most of them should not even be on an all star team in the first place). Been that way for over 20 years that I have been involved in BB--some things never change. And yes--he has been on all stars in the past, but that is not the most important thing to us at all.
  18. Not a rumor--I know this for a fact. And my nephew-in-law was hired by the police dept. back last July. Went thru the training and now is in his car.
  19. Funny thing that I know of an EX employee that just got hired back at the first of the year. And rumor was that they had been terminated before--but hired again????? Fishy story from the get go.
  20. Can't play practice games here in the county if you can't find any teams to play you????
  21. There are quite a few jobs in the county that could go part time--in my opinion. If the higher ups would just visit some of the offices and see how much work is actually being done???? I have had secretaries tell me that they are so bored that they sit and watch movies on their computer????? Maybe they should be watching movies at home instead????
  22. My grandson's team is not a travel team, but they have been playing in some tournaments just to get practice. If there are weekends that there are no games--his coach will find a tournament just so the boys can play--more of getting them the playing time and practice--when otherwise they would not have had any. They do travel all the time--thank god!!
  23. Ask them for their mailing address and send them a certified letter??? Or ask for a supervisor and talk to them. Depending on what company it is--you might not have much luck. Collectors are evil!!!
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