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Everything posted by tbird

  1. She needs to change the daycare papers immediately. If he ever takes the child and does not return on time--he will have a couple sheriff deputies knocking on his door. They will get the child while the mother stands outside waiting. And there is absolutely nothing that he can do without going to Court and having the child legitimized--which will cost him several thousand dollars.
  2. You are kidding--right??? Walking the line and graduating is something you earn. If you can't pass all of the qualifications (class grades and graduation test), then you have not earned it. Why should the rules change now??? Heck--if you don't have to pass everything to graduate--I know a lot of kids that got screwed over and just give up and dropped out. Maybe they should have went public and told everybody how unfair it was--maybe then they could have gotten a diploma instead of a GED???
  3. I think some of the kids get too sure of themselves. It just seems odd to me that they can pass all of their classes and have good grades and not pass the test. And I don't buy the "he/she doesn't test well". They have tests in class and they can't keep their grades up if they don't pass them--unless some teachers are just giving out grades???? Something really odd about all of this.
  4. So I guess you haven't seen the other thread about this??? It is a requirement--period. I had a son that passed the graduation test with no problem and failed his last math class by 2 points. He did not get to walk or graduate with his class. He survived. I did not go to the Board--it was not their fault that he failed. He took the class in summmer school and got his diploma in July. Just remember--when she goes looking for a job--they aren't going to ask her if she walked the line at graduation--they only want to know that she recieved a diploma. I never wanted to walk--my mot
  5. My DIL has her nose pierced and she has not had any problems. It took me a while to get used to it--but now I barely notice it. She keeps a very tiny diamond in it--with the spiral stud. She had the drilled in things done several years ago on her breast bones (or whatever they are). They were GROSS. They finally kept giving her so much trouble that she had them taken out. My son also hated them, but he doesn't mind the nose thing. Now the tatoos are another story--she has several and he has none--he is not real fond of hers either.
  6. tbird

    Humming birds

    I never see any until the Mimosa trees in the woods start blooming. Once they are blooming--I always have plenty of hummingbirds.
  7. If they are loud or using foul language and you can hear them--call 911 again. After a few calls in 1 day--they will lock somebody up. Number 1 reason why I will NEVER live in a subdivision!!!
  8. I certainly hope you dialed 911, snapped a pic with yourr cellphone and had him arrested???? If not, it will continue.
  9. There are acouple of gyms on Whitlock right across the street from each other and they are always having price wars. Last I saw, one of them had $15 a month.
  10. I have stargazers that grow over 6 feet tall and are so full of blooms they fall to the ground. Got to find something else to tie them up with--bought the tallest one Walmart had a few years ago. Lost all my Gerber Daisies last year--they never come back. And neither did my Angel Trumphet.
  11. So, you are saying that these kids don't have to have a certain grade average to be an honors student???? I always thought that you had to have like a 90 or above average to be an honor student. From what I am reading--a student can take honors classes, barely pass with a 70--and still be an honor graduate??????? If that is the case--then ALL of my kids could have been honor graduates!!! And if this is the case--if I were the honor graduate that busted my a$$ to have a 90 or above average--I would be pissed as hell!!!
  12. There ya go again!!! We think soooo much alike!!!
  13. OK--I stopped on my way in yesterday morning and picked up a brand new bottle of creamer because I knew that I was running low. I did not have to open it yesterday. Come in to work this morning and it is open and about 1/3 of it is gone. Needless to say--I am pissed!!! So--I just went online and ordered my fridge locker. I figure that it will make it's money back in 6-12 months--since I won't be furnished creamer and drinks for other folks. I just want to see his face when he opens the fridge and there it is!!!
  14. Sorry, but the test is a requirement of graduation--so if they can't pass the test--then they don't walk or graduate--period. All about rules. You can't do that when there are probably 100 other kids that sweated their butts off just to pass that test--wouldn't be fair to them either!!!
  15. Rules are rules. Maybe Mama should have been worrying about this a little bit earlier. My son graduated in 1999 and he passed those tests without a problem. He did find out 2 days before graduation that he had failed a math class by 2 points and he was not allowed to walk or graduate (this after I was talking to the teacher almost every day to make sure he was gonna make it). He was not allowed to walk because he technically did not graduate. He did take that class in summer schoool and got his diploma at the end of July. My thing was--when you go looking for a job or something, they w
  16. Good going--you just cancelled out one of Jacob's votes!!! I actually voted for her also. I figure she is kind of the underdog and I just want her to get more votes than Jacob. I know that the other 3 will get plenty of votes.
  17. Both of the girls are very pretty!!!
  18. I agree with the Judges--that was DAMN GOOD from Haley!!! And I think everybody else showed Jacob up BIG TIME!!
  19. JACOB HAS GOT TO GO!!!! We need to all vote for everybody except him tonight. I can't imagine him making it another week, and I wonder if he will be all "attitude" when he does get kicked off--condidering his remark several weeks ago. I am pulling for James, He is the most versitale of all of them. I think it will be #1 James, #2 Lauren and #3 Scotty. But I think all 3 of them will do just fine after AI.
  20. He just got engaged!!! That would be so funny!!! Kind of like--wonder if SHE knows???
  21. OK--ya'll are killing me!! You forget that I work for a bunch of LAWYERS!!! I have raised so much hell about him that, I would be the first one to suspect!!! But--if I see one of these lockers in a store--I will probably buy it just to take it in there and piss him off!!!!
  22. He is a "little bitty boy", if you know what I mean. He has hands smaller than my 11 yr old grandaughter!!! And he is eat up with the little big man syndrome. Believe me, if I thought I could get away with it--I would find something to put in it that would make him spend some quality time in the men's room!!! When he first come to work here--he was scared of me. But now, he is so arrogant that he could care less.
  23. I LOVE IT!!! And I would probably buy one for the office. We have an "entitled" young attorney here that thinks everything is his. He drinks all of my coffee creamer and then when I pitch a fit--he will finally bring some in (but not the same kind that I use). I have even told him not to use mine--that I spit in it and he said he didn't care????? I brought several bottles of flavored water from home a couple of months ago and he got one of those. I hit the roof!! I told one of the partners that I could not and would not afford to keep him up--the partner told him to leave stuff alone. It w
  24. One of my former bosses has been doing that and he has lost way too much weight. He looks almost sick in the face from all the weight loss. One of the girls in the office is doing it to get ready for a marathon. She does not need to lose weight, she is just doing it to get in shape.
  25. Supposedly the wife slit his throat and killed him. this was around the time when he found out where the grandchild was living and he killed the adoptive parents.
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