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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Check on the Fair at Jim R. Miller park--they usually have all sorts of things going on the week 9or weekend ) before the fair. And most are held in the exhibit halls.
  2. I usually go the back roads from Hiram and hit Powder Springs Road, but after this yesterday--I was very tempted to fight the traffic on 278 just to see her!!!
  3. If she is doing this in Powder Springs--I would definately give them a call. I can't believe that they haven't caought her already. They could have several cars waiting on her and really make her day!!!
  4. Yep--I can tell that she is one of those "special entitled folks". You know--the ones that the rules don't apply and she is wayyyy tooo goood to sit in traffic like everybody else. Burns my butt to see folks like that. Where does she go from there??? All the way down 278--or does she turn off somewhere???
  5. I know a lot of folks laugh at moving to PCB, but I have a friend that lives way on the west end (right where Front Beach and Back Beach come together) and it is a very quiet, safe neighborhood. Everybody knows each other and watches out for each other. They did have some renters that were very loud for a short while, but after a lot of complaints to the cops--they moved out. I would move there in a minute--if I could. You have the peace and quiet, but for just a short drive in either direction--you can find pretty much anything you want.
  6. GLW---I meant to tell you that the lady had the nerve to pull up in our driveway a few weeks ago and ask my 2 boys for money!! It was a couple of Fridays ago when they had that wreck up your way and traffic was really backed up. It was around 5:00 and my oldest was waiting on my mother to get home because his son was with her. They were sitting on my mom's front porch and here she come. She give them a sob story that she hadn't eat in days and wanted some money for food. One told her that he didn't have any money that it was all he could do to feed his family and pay his bills and the other to
  7. Off subject, but we used to use tomato juice on our hair after we got a new perm. Really tones down that "new perm" smell!!! And that's a tough one to get rid of!!
  8. I did find out that it was a middle aged/older lady that pulled out on front of a young guy. They took her to Paulding and then she was air lifted out. Not sure if she will make it or not---so sad. The guy seemed to be Ok, but very shook up.
  9. Does anybody know anything else about this accident??? And no--I am not asking what kind of vehicles it was--I don't care about that (I think it is rather morbid to get on here and start asking what kind of cars). When it first went out on the scanner this morning--there was a Cobb County Fireman on the scene and he said that there was at least one critical patient. Said he could not get a pulse--but then they started moving. I heard them put life flight on standby, and then heard them call for a second ambulance. At that point, my morning coffee time was up and I had to go get ready for work,
  10. Oh yes--it all goes back to that entitlement thing. You know--they think they are too good to sit in a line of traffic. Just burns me up!! And the sad thing is--they are not all young drivers--middle aged women are the worst (and I am one of them!!). I guess I am just way to cautious--I have never done that, just feel too bad to even try. I will make myself late by sitting in traffic and not trying to get around everybody. And I just can't wait til Monday!! Glad my boss is a great guy and understanding. He realizes what I drive in and doesn't have a problem. He drives up 75 from Woodstock
  11. I changed jobs back in June. After 6 yrs of driving to the Marietta Square (and not going in until 9:30-10:00), I am now driving to the Cumberland/Vinings area and have to be there at 8:30. I take the back roads from Hiram, hit Powder Springs Road and go all the way down the East West Connector to Cumberland Blvd (third light from that intersection 3330 the City View building). Traffic has not been too bad so far, but I know it will probably get worse next week when Cobb County schools start back. My main problem is the folks that are constantly riding their brakes in front of you, wea
  12. Yep--and that is their problem. Used them for years and when they got so big--went downhill. I was a member when they were nothing but Lockheed. I got tired of going into the main office and NEVER seeing the same teller. Then when they ran some of the older folks off---it really went downhill.
  13. Somebody posted on here a few weeks ago about a place in Powder Springs doing this. I think they are doing it again in October????
  14. It has always been a pain to buy anything at their stores in the mall. Even if you wait and go to the loading dock (or whatever it is)--it's a pain. I love going to the one in Hiram and at The Avenues--so much better, and they are always packed also. But I do like Home Goods better than Kirklands!!
  15. It has always been a pain to buy anything at their stores in the mall. Even if you wait and go to the loading dock (or whatever it is)--it's a pain. I love going to the one in Hiram and at The Avenues--so much better, and they are always packed also. But I do like Home Goods better than Kirklands!!
  16. But I am sure that there will be some way to get around paying $149 for a computer!!!
  17. Yep--was in there Saturday. They still have LOTS of stuff.
  18. I can just see quite a few of the folks on here applying for it. Never amazes me that when folks are about to lose their house, car or can't buy groceries or pay their light bill--they always have internet????? Internet and cable should probably be the first to go.
  19. That's really cheap. I would be worried!!!
  20. What ya want to bet that there will still be numerous folks on here wanting to know why the news van is at their school???
  21. Yep--that's what I said--usually a pretty big difference. We usually use an average of those two.
  22. I drive the same route now, but I go all the way to the end and then 3 lights over on Cumberland Blvd. The drive is not near as bad as I thought it would be. I see alot of young folks in their BMW's and Lexus' that want to wait til the very last minute to get over to turn at Atlanta Road, South Cobb Drive and Paces Ferry--but I just consider the source. I am sure that they are much more important people than I am!!! And besides--their lease payments on those cars are probably more than most house payments around here!! Most of them can't afford to buy the stupid cars and they have to lease
  23. Try eppraisal.com. We use this for our BK cases. It used to give you 3 different values from different sites, but now it only gives you 2 and sometimes there can be huge differances. There is also a Chase site, but I can't remember it now--might do some searching???
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