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Everything posted by Jughaid

  1. Who's fault is it that Hollywood has more influence than the religious community? Who is doing a better job of getting their message out? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the religious community at one time condemn rock and roll, Elvis, TV, women wearing pants, make up, dancing, drinking any alcohol at all and a slew of other things? Just keeping it real.
  2. Bull sheeze. The fact is data on global warming was not manipulated. You're taking a few select emails out of context to force a conclusion that fits your political view. That is called creating a straw man and frankly I thought you were better than that. Guess you've proven me wrong again.
  3. Oh, you didn't! God how I wanna kiss you right on the mouth.
  4. Not more time out of class. The students are on a serious time table for graduation as it is and I've got material to cover. Mr. Jughaid
  5. My wife (Jughaid) goes here and loves them. I won't say who she because she wants to remain anonymous but she does like them. Mr. Jughaid
  6. Jasper County? No way. I just talked to an adjunct friend of mine and she said she can't get down here for a conference. Surely ex will be reasonable.
  7. All the time. SAWB (I'm such a smart ass today.)
  8. Or maybe your view is so warped and so extreme that you can't recognize it for what it is ... After all, believing that the date was manipulated is quite outside the mainstream of science. Don't let the facts hit you too hard. I'm done. Blast away like you all always do.
  9. Oh, good God! Is that Pubby? I thought he would look more like the Wizard of Oz or something.
  10. That ignores the human element that has certainly contributed to the rise in temperature and has caused serious damage to the earth's protective shield. Dismissing the damage humans are doing doesn't change the fact we are harming the environment and causing the problem to ge worse. Why am I even bothering???
  11. Let me ask you a serious question. I'm dead serious. Why do you waste your time trying to explain things to these extremists who cling to conspiracy theories?
  12. One more thing while I'm thinking of it. There used to be a lot of people on here that would have some really good discussions a few years ago. I would read their stuff while a lurker and got a lot out of it. They disagreed with each other on many things but were really nice to each other. These people don't post anymore. I sent PMs to a few and got answers to why they don't post anymore that ranged from "don't have time" to all sorts of stuff. But every one of them said the same thing as the main reason and that was they felt the forum was taken over. Maybe the original poster is just saying
  13. Maybe we need to establish a political forum support group? BTW, does anyone else find this thread really, really amusing, especially when some people view it as a personal attack? I'm going to go back to watching football with my husband before I spew hot chocolate all over the keyboard with my laughter.
  14. OMG. You view that as a personal attack?
  15. I think a lot of members who used to contribute to some good discussion have left because of that little group. I know some of my friends did. They just don't go over there any more and I have to say I can't blame them, knowing what happened to some of them.
  16. It will be with the furnace. So will the filters, usually.
  17. Check filters. Call repairman. Ragsdale Heating & Air. Rainwater Heating & Air. Or your own. Goodluck.
  18. Day One was fun. We laughed and talked and got a few things done. It was good. Day Two was not so much fun. We didn't argue but he was doing whatever it is he does in his study and I cleaned house. Today is Day Three and, as I predicted, I'm gonna kill the Slug of a Husband who is sitting in front of the TV playing with the kids video games. He's been there for 3 hours and counting. We've been married 16 years, counting today, but today is not looking too good for his general well-being. Can they lift finger prints from a blunt object if I wash it down really good?
  19. My Sweetie pie of a husband is all mine for the next 10 days. He has no papers to grade, no faculty meetings, nothing to read or prepare for the next semester and he's not going on any research trips either. No projects. No nothing. All mine. We haven't had this much time in several years, not since he finished grad school. All that means I will be wanting to kill him in about 3 days.
  20. We're just one step away from that same thing at any given moment. The people in Nazi Germany didn't believe it would happen there, either. That was only 75 years ago. It can happen again. Anywhere. Anytime. Any ideology.
  21. They would if they could. Read what some of those people in the political forum have been saying, lately?
  22. I've heard the Extremists on the Right say the same thing in America but they are blaming all that on the democrats. I remember the same thing said about taking prayer out schools, TV, rock and roll, and even no more paddling in schools. There is no difference between the totalitarianism of Communism and the Extremists here in America.
  23. It was so-so. Not as good as I was expecting but good enough to make me sit through the whole thing. No way in hell I'd watch Alvin over this one, but I won't be buying it when it comes out on DVD either. 1 to 10, a 6. You opinion is going to be different I'm sure. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4K3aM5H5KM&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" va
  24. Since when is christmas holiday mean you have to be celebrate the religious connotations? Christmas is a secular day too where even non-religious people still celebrate christmas.
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