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Everything posted by Jranger

  1. White horse fell in the mud...
  2. Pics always turn out cool. I've got one somewhere of me when I was about 5 petting a deer that wandered up to me on the beach in Gulf Shores.
  3. I wasn't trying to be overly descriptive, but hate to hear something cool turn into something bad. Post up some pics if you can!
  4. Be careful with wild animals, especially males. They are very close to the rut here in Paulding and can quickly become aggressive. Especially towards women if they are nearing their cycle. FWIW...
  5. Call Ranger Boats Flippen, Arkansas... All their carpet pieces are pre-cut. Then you can have someone come and replace the carpet over a few days without anyone noticing. No matter who you use. It will not be cheap. If it sounds to good to be true, walk away. It will cost you more in the end making it look right.
  6. Another vote for Carrot cake with cream cheese icing!
  7. I hate those water boarders... They make it nearly impossible to fish when I'm up at Allatoona... On a more serious note... I think a lot of folks here are confusing racism with prejudice. Singling out an Arabic looking man who is acting suspicious isn't racism...
  8. I have always been interested in researching my family. I didn't want to spend the $$$ for the website though. Not to mention when I started asking my grandmother about it, she wouldn't give me any info on names above hers...lol Who knows what that's all about Now she has passed on and I don't have the family names of my great grand parents on her side. I might be willing to pay for some help with my tree though if anyone is interested in helping.
  9. I'm ready for fall as well... I'm sure mid-Jan. I'm going to be growling for warm weather again, but I'm sick of it for this year already. At least give me a week of clouds with showers now and then.
  10. Check your local unemployment office for any newly posted jobs that may fit their qualities. That is one way companies have found to create visa's in a rush for potential employees.
  11. Gotta be a "B" list movie...
  12. I don't like all Swiss cheese either. Some of it is way to mild or soft tasting. My favorite is the Gold Label Boars Head. Little bit dryer texture and more flavor IMO. Other than that I can lay waste to a block of Cracker Barrel extra sharp cheddar with pickles or saltines.
  13. I'm with ya there... One of my all time favorite Xmas presents from my grandma was a big tin of home made chex mix. She had an awesome recipe, to bad I didn't get it before she passed. Now days I enjoy roasted salted peanuts just about anytime or beef jerky. Both help keep my blood sugar in check so it's a bonus. Another snack I love that I've heard a lot of laughs about is taking a small dill pickle and rolling it up in a piece of good Swiss cheese. The contrast of flavors is awesome. I sometimes end up turning those snacks into meals.
  14. Decline the search stating you have given no reason to be searched. Require them to obtain a warrant or have their dogs inspect the vehicle externally. Of course once the dogs are out, you're going to get searched. I have no problems with being asked to be searched, but if I'm not breaking any laws why should I forfeit my rights for anyone. IMO... I know the police are just doing their jobs and they probably catch a lot of bad folks this way, but I'm not going to willingly participate in the violation of my right to privacy on a whim.
  15. Better shoot to kill if you're going to be using a .22...
  16. Beginning to see a pattern in your posts or do you just cut and paste the same drivel into every thread...
  17. Yeah I've been thinking that as well... I would start one up if I knew anything about cooking Mexican food.
  18. I haven't tried that one... They may have been having an off night, you never know. It was very chaotic in there, our dinners took forever, and they didn't serve them together. Server was very apologetic about the experience. I wish that little place down in the hole where Fat-Backs resides was still around. They had the best salsa in Paulding IMO...
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